" its been 3 weeks nie, im flying out this week"
"Nah, we got it handled... beside my father has been at her side everyday" i could hear him being hesitant.
Its been nearly a month and i thought she would have been awake and home already, i may have been left behind by her, it wasnt gonna stop me.
"Alright, well i planned on going on vacation in two weeks to see her, i bought the ticket months ago. Ill be coming out then" i had to tell nie, yet he paused and that was disconcerting , why was he keeping me away from her?
"Sure thing, ill have the guest room waiting for u"
Hanging up the phone i had to make sure i let Paps now what was happening.
Taking my camero i drove the hour to my parents. While sitting there listening to Elle mai i was thinking of her sitting there next to me; she played the entire music list when she was with me it was nostalgic i couldn't help myself.
Looking over as i shifted gears, i remember her smile, her hair wildly dancing with the window open, her sweet smell as she talked about some stupid and random events...;like the time she kept laughing at the fact i could sound like a lion when i roared; I chuckled at her calling me kitty the whole drive.
With whats happening with her i had to ask myself how her family is doing.
I really did like her alot, to where i could say i think i loved her.
Pulling into the yard i see my uncle come out of the house waving hello at me.
waving in return to him as i got out of my car and walked over to hug him.
"My boi! how u doin!? " pausing and returning to a serious face i hear him say"... is she still in the hospital?"
He asked me with his eye brows forrowed and the wrinkle on his forhead had shown.
"Yeah, they moved her out of the ICU four days ago...her dads been there everyday" i tell him as he stood there with his overbearing stature.
"As he should, im sorry sky i didnt think she'd be this much of a nuisance ..." he didnt say anything more and trailed off walking away from me ... i knew he would be this way, distracted and blaming everyone to make himself feel better.
"Paps!" I exclamed getting his attention as he turned around to face me
"...this is on me, i took the initiative, all u did was lead a thirsty horse. Besides shes not dead it can still be dealt with"
"Not if she doesnt wake up, u understand sky? What weve done we cant just stop mid way, u have to finish"
"I got it, im late i know but i got it. Ill be there next week, paps we still got time dont worry, she doesnt even know about her own self"
"That doesnt mean she doesnt know now, u should have finished when she was still here" paps said with a look of impatience and anger.
"I know, i know! My assumption got the better of me, i didnt think she would be.."getting cut off, uncle immediately told me!
"Sky! Ur immature you could have gotten us all caught!" As he said that he grabbed one of the long railroad tie next to him and threw it behind the house out of frustration.
"Paps i get it, i know! it wont happen again.... but what if she..." as i starting thinking for myself i saw his face turn to me instantly
" stop ogling over her or i will continue the mission myself"
Feeling the cold goosebumps run down my back i took a step back, hes getting anxiously impatient now.
"Yeah paps, ill stop. Ill be leaving first, i have to prepare"
"Alright son, keep me updated" as i headed to my car i see him yet again throw another railroad tie behind the house like twigs from an oak tree. The intimidation behind his strength i was not ready to match, id hope someday i could, just to keep her safe. I dont know what to do!?
she hasnt woken up.
right now it might be a goodthing.
"Sweety, its okay for now, the doctors still have no idea or what they can do, they think it could have been neurological, so they keep giving her C/T Scans and checking every bit of information"
i heard my mom say over the phone as im sitting in her apt to see if i could find anything that could help her.... she a stoner but thats all medicinal, she drinks but thats not it , shes not an alcoholic...
As hours and days go on i just sift her apartment everyday. Paints and aresols, i couldn't find anything that had the same type of chemical compound as whats on this stupid paper from the tests!
Its the only unknown, with Small traces of chromium and formaldehyde.
'I wish i was smart, i dont know what these r even when i look it up, why do they have to use scientific words'
As i was cleaning up i hear the click of the lock at the front door, i ran over and held it shut..
"Hello? Whos there!?" The whole time id been coming here nobody has ever come in or checked on her
"Dhayle?? Dhayle is that u its me lando"
'Ex lando? Wtf? Who brought him back?
"Lando?" I question as i look out the peep whole and see him looking like shit.
"Yeah ur dad gave me the keys so i can take a shower, u can call him if u want... hes at the hospital with b, well he's always there" he said with the worse monotone voice i could hear, how did i miss this? He knows about b
Hes got her keys, he know dads with b?
So many questions...
I open the door and watch him walk in with the most defeated look came across his entire persona.
"Hey, how have u been ? Did you know the whole time?" as i asked that he looked at me and i see his eyes start to turn red and well up in tears before they fall i could almost feel his pain, i took it in and a tear let loose from my eye. I walked over to him and gave him a hug as he started to cry and gasp at the air to control himself.
"Sshhhh, its okay its okay, my sister still alive" i say as i rubbed his back and felt his hand clench onto my sweater
"ssshhh take a shower and u can sleep in her room, i still have to clean up, ill make dinner" without a word from him i feel him knod his head past his whimper and he headed to the shower.
As i headed to the living room and started to pull out some food i could hear the shower turn on, in a moment i could hear hard thumping on the wall, it bothered me but when i hear a shatter i went running towards the bathroom.
"Lando! Lando! R u okay"
"Sorry dhayle, i hit the wall and tiles broke, im sorry ill take care of it." Hearing the shower turn off i could hear the things being picked up past the door.
I wonder when he started seeing her again, hes obviously hurt, i remember dad saying that he was here when she got hurt, i wanna help him but i dont know how. I want my sister too, shes hella strong this cant beat her. Id better tell dad about what happen to her when we went home for nie.
"U okay?" I ask him as i heard the door open, turning around i see his hands are bruised and he still looking like shit. His only answer was his nod. i got into b's pot drawer and take out a couple carts and batteries so we can just sit and stop feeling like shes been taken away.
"Have a smoke with me? We dont even have to talk, i just miss talking with her in her own place" in our sorrow we sat there and smoked, mid way he looked concerned and looked up at me with the first alert look ive seen
"Dhayle, were did these come from?"
"What,? B always stocks up"
"No where did these come from?"
In my thought process, last time she loaded up was when sky bought everything back home, im sure these r still the leftovers from those
"Back home, she filled her supply " he went running out the door and i sat there .
'Hmm? I guess I'm smoking alone again?'