WebNovelShe Is88.89%

32—-scientific words?


"Its been awhile now? What r they saying about her waking up?" I asked her dad while he camped out in her room on his laptop.

"U know the doctors, if they dont know they cant estimate, right now she's breathing so i have hope" he responded looking at me past his glasses that were sitting on the bridge of his nose .

"Sir, u think i can head over to b's apt to clean up,? I feel the need to ask your permission before i go to your daughters residence" looking at myself, i was in a desheveled state, if b wakes up today she'd see me in my most miserable self.

"Lando, your more than welcome, heres her keys" he smiled, the intent and look in his eyes made it obvious that i was pitiful right now.

Staying at the hospital...i haven't gone to work, and with my parents calling and covering for me i feel this guilt deep down. Ive stopped myself from living normally for the first time.

'Talon? Cant u hear her yet?'

-no lando, shes been gone since that day, my wind is gone-

His 'puppy whimper' is to harsh for me to take. If he doesn't have wind i have to leave her behind and move forward, this path is not mine alone.


Its 9pm and the phone rang in her apt. I thought it would be good news...

"Hello? This is miss ...." being cut off by the person who called i stopped talking immediately

"Why r u at b's apartment!!!" A loud voice with an aggressive undertone of another guy on the other end made me pause longer than necessary.

"Shes a friend, would you like to leave a message, as b is not available at the moment" i said monotoned with the phone to my ear.

He settles down his tone and continues to say, "She still in the hospital? Is there any change?"

As i hear him ask... im perplexed at who this is... nie would call his dad and dhayle would just show up... ann is back in the southwest and she doesnt sound like a guy...

I then reply, " Who r u? And why havent u called her father instead of her apartment if you know whats going on?"

I hear silence for a minute and he says

"My name is sky, im a friend of b's, im flying out next week to see her, are u her boyfriend or something?"

...Or something was he serious ? I remember his name and that night. He wasnt on the best term with her so why is he coming out?

"Good to meet you, im lando a friend of the family, ive heard your name before..." i can feel my anger start to bubble inside me when talking to him over the phone "just so your aware, she's in the hospital and her family is taking care of her so there is no need for u to call, if u want an update ill make sure to text you as soon as anything changes, no need for u to pay a visit "

'Talon!! Stop! Hes her friend ?!'

I can feel him almost take over my emotional state at this moment.

- hes not here just to see how shes doing! Wind told me he wanted her... he cant have her! , she is ours alone!!-

" what did u say!? Nie and i will be in NY please make sure to take care of us; and WE WILL see b at the hospital!"

Talons emotion and mine started make itself known, i couldnt hide my jealousy,

-Stop with the attitude!-

i needed to assert to talon, i hope i'm right by allowing this, if not ill rip him this dude apart.

"Sure sky, just a heads up... I have the trump card mister, 'were not a couple, you have no right' personally!!...yup i heard her that night! If i mention this and the trust her family has with me, u better treat this conversation with the upmost respect!"

I could hear a whimper from someone submissive; wtf; on the other side of the phone, is he also??? (Shifter?)I wasn't sure but this makes sense, if he fell hard its not her problem it his.

"Sorry, its just been so long and i miss her, how is she?" His sincere voice was to cringed i had to get off the phone.

"If your that worried call her father, im sorry but im busy right now, i have to hangup"

Before hearing a response i pressed the end button on my phone.

-so thats sky?-

'I guess so'

-land, hes not worthy of rivalry!-

'No talon, hes already made his move! Be prepared because hes an omega fighting for a place'

- omega! Haha let him try lando!-

"U sure talon?"

The uncertainty plagued me for a couple days, i wasnt ready for her to tell me she had someone...

-there is no one else, she is connected to us, if wind would just ...-


Again i feel the pain talon is feeling, it similar to what i think id feel if the world ended. I have no place, no home. Theres nothing for me to strive too. Its empty and i dont wanna be here, seeing her body in its current state and thinking about what happened?

i made my way back to the hospital, ... love is all that is keeping me sane right now, at least shes not invisible or just a dream, shes here; past this window, in this hospitals hallways, if i wanted i could touch her.

"B hurry and Wake up"

-i miss you wind-



My father is still at the hospital, he wont leave her side.

All of the work at the company he does from her room, its giving me an ominous feeling. Why is he there like he's on guard?

"Shizhé'é**, heres breakfast," i pull out a plate and lay down some chicken fried rice, its the only way to suffice my dads stomach when hes the grinch. (**Navajo word for father pronounced {sh-eh zh e-eh} )

"I got a call from a friend of ours. His name is sky. He's flying out to see her" My dad always has his way, so this news didn't sit well with him, I'm not sure but i think he's holding back on information that's important .

"Son, im letting you know now i have something I've been wanting to speak to you about, now that your sister Is in this condition, i feel it's only right that i tell you about your clan, from your mom side..."

I saw my father's facial expression go from assertive to subjugated in one sentence.

"Close the door and make sure to tell the nurses that we'd like not to be disturbed" he tells me while waving his hand in a 'close the door motion' .

Giving me a folder from the nightstand, and his medicine box that he took inside the tepee meetings at the old ranch.

We (her bio-family- not me) sat down at tables across from her bed and laid out all the items in the box on a soft scarf that covered what was inside his Box.

Lifting the fabric i start to make out the paraphernalia that lie underneath... A single eagle feather that sat a top everything else, was instantly noticable. At its root Quill tip lay a peyote button, followed by a large arrowhead heirloom and next, A beautiful fan with red tail hawk and blue Macau tail feathers that was adorned with a beaded handle and fringe leather strips hanging from the bottom. Underneath those lay some leather pouches covering a clear crystals, smaller ones holding herbs from sweet grass to cedar and sage and Corn pollen.

My father took out two light colored leather bags with large clear crystals cut at the base was an octogenarian Shape that kept balance with the length of the crystal.

Putting away everything else, he handed me one with some medicine powder and told me to eat it with native medicine tea, i did as he said and he started to tell me the story of shapeshifters...my father starts with my native language

ałkʼidą́ą́ʼ nikʼéí ...(along time ago ur family) were used as scouts for ur ability, as sǫʼ naalkaah (astronomers) dinéh and naalzheehí...; the bííh bí toníí's (deerspring clan) had a different skill that ur people (ni k'es); were born with ( nihainíláhígíí ) and it was handed down to the children in the family.

Some where along the path it started to only be given to one child?

When the clans were large and people still living the old life we still had to travel far for food, being shifted and scouting was easier to account for when passing through a terrain of other territories. The path was easy to travel through form season to season. Your k'és (family) maintained guard at night to keep the people safe. Your clan was the gift to the Dinéh people.

These yeʼaniihígíí (their given gift) turned to curses when they started to be taken away during the great wars with the monsters called yee naaldlooshii (navajo skinwalkers), those who turned were siding with the the foreign white devils ( Bilagáana's) that walked onto our land.

Dinéh people were starting to get stolen and it weighted a bad cloud over each village , an effected each members psyche , and the one causing ur people to suppress themselves and runaway , are making another stand NOW! kʼad!!!... to whom, it's a mystery."

As he talked with an accent that had strong glottal stops and nasal accents i started to see images show up inside the crystal, actual story images being told like a television. The images of people in brown long robes, taking children against their will.

Calvary men showing up with bustles around there neck and colored vests from the lower lands...and burning structures around them, shooting at the shifted as they ran to save and protect their own family.

I cry as the slaughter continues in my head, the children waiting for the end holding parent's that have passed ;using their life as a shield to the end.

My people in pain amongst the chaos, gun powder smoke mixed with the rain storm, as if white shell women knew the sadness that would adorn our land.

The pain in my heart, walking past each person feeling their despair, their sacrifice and pain that is left being soaked in nightmares representing the image of a loved one. To see many families torn apart to live in the future of sadness.

Tear being to flow down my face.

"As your family!, we did all we could to save your kind, we failed yet, we need you all safe!"

So now in this era we see the occurrence happen in even lower number every generation, yet overpower the ratio of our species, which means we are going extinct! Yet, blessed with a power, or cursed with an ability.

"I saw the decade's change in the crystals and fewer and fewer family showed up, at the end they showed our family and an image of b' ....

"We are..? "I say while Quickly looking at my dad and nie in respond with eyes wide open ,"One of families.... dad!?"

"Yes, and your sister is now on the target range, I'm sure now that she's losing her guardian not from the suppression but from herbs.."

As he rubbed his chin the Crystal showed people poisoning people, im curious why? We aren't a threat to anyone? As i see this happen, another image flashed brightly and i see doctors removing blood and replacing it in another's,


i yelled to my father! In a shocked he flinches and looked up at me dumbfounded "dad get her out of the hospital!!! " it looked like it clicked in that moment, he let out a growl and made his way to the phone....

I was scared a little, i feel weird, after dad took off i felt the medicine surge stronger through me and start hallucinating things as they happen inside the crystal like a miniature television with no battery. I was in awe a little bit but as soon as my dad let out that roar i feel different, my brain feel really hot. Clear and assured!

In that moment i could feel my body breaking, i saw my dad run to me.

My chest was hurting so bad, i couldnt take in a breath

"Son breathe, look here at my eyes!" dad said while pointing at his eyes and with in a second they started to almost sparkle," good job, now slowly take a deep breath, fill ur lungs son" i listen and did as he said.

Things started to calm down and then in a instant a huge painful one time pulse burned and shook my body, i slowly got up and blinked with a throbbing pain in my body and head.

"Alright son, i need u to close ur eyes and just follow my voice"

i did as he said, i didnt feel the need to disobey cuz my brain wouldnt let me think without a headache, better yet the worse migraine ever!

I was about to scream out of instinct, when i did i hear a simple,


WTF was that?

-me being in charge brother-

An inner voice!!

I opened my eyes abruptly and my dad was slightly taller?? What?? I stepped back to think only i felt extra movement?

Taking a look down i saw paws!!!

'DAD!' i dont even know if i said it i heard a bark,

What am i? O shit dad? The story, am i one?

"NIE! Calm down bud, u and ur sisters have something ive only heard about. So dont get crazy or u might kill me, haha ur tall and scary right now"

My dad looked scared , i felt strong and i wanted to run, the urge made me look outside only to see my reflection on the window and im a huge dog! Better yet wolf,

Im amazed i look awesome!! Im scared of myself but i have to look.

Slowly i walked over to the window taking every bit in with evey step i took to myself, i feel like i should have been hired for G.O.T. I should have been casted as ghost

- no way, im alive u can just call me arrow-

Yes!! I can talk to him! My own personal buddy!

In a instant i thought of myself as a human and then my mirror image was me again?

Why now?

"Dad why havent u told us?"

As he's about to answer, this gut stabbing pain hits me hard, i buckle in pain in front of my dad and howl in a hurtful sorrow pain when i realize

'DAD MY SISTER!!' Thinking and talking to him in the same moment, i feel the tears burn my eyes Nd this break of a deep connection...

i may be animal right now but the departing aura is coming from my sister.

In my shift back i turn to dad, falling forward into his arms i tell him from my wolf vocals evolving into my human vocal

In my loud sob i ask my father in his arms "Whats happening to her. It hurts! "I dont wanna feel it dad!" Sobbing loudly in his ear i black out from the pain with warm fresh tears pouring out of tear ducts.


"Dhayle what do think, is she gonna be okay" i ask her.

"Sky i know ur worried, just know b has always been strong" i smile at him, even thougb it looks sad.

Were silent for minutes on another shot of whiskey. Im sitting so is he and in a moment im warm... it starts to escalate rather quick, im flushed and lando walks over asking me if im alright

" Dee- what up... idk!!" As i say it j feel b and her love for me disappear.

I scream a pleading word once before i see black


Im my darkness i see my sister