I haven't seen my sister since she left at 18- although i was always up to date on her life via first person knowledge, tonight i got a call to come back and my sister is in the hospital.
I had arrived three days ago. I took care of some of her stuff and today finally i could go and see her.
Mom and Dad cant leave her right now. I wanna cry but big sis was always legit.
If i had issues with a job or people she encouraged me and help me too. With her 'u had to understand' speech.
They hadn't figured out what was wrong with her. All we know is it happened quite fast with alot of anonymity.
A loud continuous beep resonated through the hospital halls in the icu.
"Call her parents we need help with the boyfriend he wont leave" a nurse said in the distance of the phone call, as she walked passed the desk in a rish toward the security office.
It had been two months,
In this bustle of the morning...
Nie's wolf woke up at 3:23am and howled and in this moment
, i felt a deep stab shoot up from my toes and the phone rang instantly
"Hows my daughter, is she still alive?" Promptly i i had asked when i picked up the phone
"Mr.... Hello this is NY medical, we have an urgent matter and need u to arrive immediately"
"What happened?" in fright while grabbing my coat and headed to the door.
"Sir, her boyfriend Lando, is extremely distraught, we cant control him!"
In the back ground his voice can hear screaming
And then a loud howl!
"No, no, is my daughter okay?!" I cried to the attendee in the room on the phone.
I cant feel her but i myself am not full bred so if i wanted to connect i cant! Why does it hurt!
I arrive at the hospital and instantly the stress of everyone hits me. I run to her room and stood at the window watching.
In a fright between the nurses and the doctors working on her she says to me, with her decibel changing from calm to aggressive ordering me
"Mister Maitsoh, i need you to remove him," as she directs to a freshly broken lando, her best friend, "and step out side, we cant stabilize her if he continues to interrupt" she says to me.
I grasp his shoulder and he instantly looks up at me with red eyes and a hic in his breathing, i know all to well the look... tears start to stream out my causing sting in my eyes, a harsh pressure in my lung begins.
"Lando son, let them work" in complete sincerity i tell him and begin to hug him in my arm while i support his weak body. Im moving him out the door and we both buckle in a second in the hallway just past her room.
I can feel her leave this present moment,
I should have told her how precious she was!
All i can do i scream from the bottom of my stomach, my body and mind feel like there breaking and it hurts, shes all i can feel now!!
-she's alive, i feel it!, our baby is not dead! -
'Are u sure?'
I ask in complete pain from Wind
'Wind!?' She whimpers in my mind as i compose my self and get up off the ground to head to the hospital
-yes! Shes in trouble though! She fights or she dies!-
'no wind!! We cant let that happen!! Shes must live! HELP HER!!'
-This is her fight, i cannot this is beyond my control-
In defeat i slump and in tears walk to the door and start heading toward the hospital.
Stuck in traffic i call Anne
"Baby, I'm calling cuz ur sisters in the hospital and i think u need to be here with us" i tell her while turning into the complex of NYM. As we enter anne cant make it to the 15th floor, entering the building was intense enough but to see Anne also lose herself to to pain was hard to watch
"Mom i cant go, it hurts" she says whimpering the words in silence with gut wrenching tears following each symbol.
"Anne fight it, this is ur sisters fight no urs! Dont take on her burden!" I scream knowing it will only cause the death of my youngest.
Yanees pass their bad to those of weaker capacity, and draw from the ones with potential. I had hoped i went under the radiar, it hadn't happen, i actually became noticeable and it was uncomfortable.
Power was the only goal from the power beneath her skin. My daughter was not only transforming but dying as well. I couldnt help in her transformation. I knew she was special but had she never meant her 'meant half' shed be thriving in her life.
What we do is not anything that can help her or lando. His power is more than hers and as she goes through this moment lando also will take all of her and her animal.
I can only watch as he watches her go through this moment that may not bring her back to me. Standing by her bed i watch her beinf forced ti live this pain involuntarily
"Baby, fight it. Let me see u tomorrow" i whisper in her ears and cry with anne next to me, lando and my husband are past in the hall.
Lando must feel the most pain, if i could i would help, it hurts and as her family we cant take any if it for her.
"Mrs. Maitsoh, im sorry but we need u to exit the room we have to move her to the emergency room" the doctor said after the the beeping became more frequent.
"Please do everything u can for my daughter" i tell him as the take the bed and roll it out. He nodded and we sat in the waiting room in tears and pain .