
Ethan opened his eyes and looked around him. He was not able to understand where he was. It was completely dark and he could not see anything in front of him. The last thing he remembered was being shot by the target.

He needed to quickly give the information about the skies to the leader of the information services. But he didn't know where he was. Maybe he was held in prison as an enemy spy.

He tried to move his body but it was very difficult for him to even move his neck. His full body ached and slowly he fell into sleep.

In his sleep he was getting memories unfamiliar to him. The memories of the person named Ethan rolfe. These were unfamiliar memories. He was recieving these memories as though they were his own.

Ethan rolfe was the son of a peasant army veteran. He was 8 years old and his mother died when he was 3 from a disease similar to jaundice.

After he turned 5 years old some bandits attacked his town and killed many people and kidnapped his 11 year old sister. He tried to fight the bandits but they kicked him away making him unconscious. His father was killed at the front lines fighting the bandits who were trying to invade the town.

The people who were supposed to protect the civilians had run away seeing the bandits. That's how they were able to kidnap children and escape. The next day those people were hanged in front of the townhall. But this didn't change the suffering the people had to go through.

Ethan had changed a lot after the incident he used to be a cheerful boy who had endless energy and always used to play around. But after that day he became focused on becoming strong. He didn't want to be weak and helpless against the bandits.

He wanted to join the army and gain merits to have a good life. The army would not take anyone younger than 16. They would not take anyone who was weak into their ranks. Ethan used to be weak malnourished child. He started eating and training daily along with the guards of the town.

His father used to work as a guard so all the guards would treat him very well. Some even wasted to adopt him but he wanted to live alone and take care of himself. "If I can't take care of myself how will I be able to save the Kingdom after joining the army" This is what he would tell them.

Ethan knew from the guards that the bandits were blocking the town from getting any goods from the outside. They blocked the roads towards the city and even had people posted on the way towards the villages. This made it hard for the people to get grain and vegetables from the village.

Ethan needed money to buy good weapons and armour so that he could fight well after he reached the army. He knew that on the army they didn't give peasants good weapons as they were mostly used as canon fodder by the commanders.

Ethan took on many missions to earn money for the great and weapons he required. He wanted to have enough money to buy the them before he turned 16.

He went on the mission after he turned 8. He had to go out of town to collect a type of herb. On his return some bandits attacked him while he was returning he started running back because he could not fight with 5 bandits for his age or strength. He attacked one bandit who neared him while running but the remaining 4 covered him and started beating him till death.

Some guards from the town saw the bandits and came after them so the bandits ran off.

When the guards brought him back to the town the Healer said that they would need to use some medicine to heal him but the town didn't have any medicine left as merchants were not visiting the city due to the bandits that were around here.

They kept him in a room in the town hall and used warm water to help his body. The Healer said that unless a miracle happens he will not live again. As the Healer said he died after a day. Now his body was possessed by the reincarnated Ethan.

After going through the memory of the previous owner of the body Ethan woke up again. He didn't understand what was going on. Why would he have memories of a boy he never met and why did the memories seem to be from centuries before his birth. The boy in the memory had the same name as him. As Ethan opened his eyes he saw light. This time he was able to properly see the place he was at. It looked like a room made of wood.

It reminded Ethan of the historical houses he saw when he visited Europe. The architecture was not nearly as good as the ones he saw it looked a bit more primitive.

He tried to wake up. With great effort he was same to sit properly. He took a few minutes to check his body. It looked very small. He tried to look for a mirror but he couldn't find any near him. He examined his body and found many bruises.

He saw a bowl of water on the table beside him. He reached for it and before drinking the water he saw his reflection on it. The bowl fell from his hands. The reflection was the same as that of the person in his memories.

He suddenly understood what happened to him. He entered the body of the young boy. Ethan didn't understand how it happened maybe the boy died after the bandits hit him and he took over the body after the previous owners death.

He heard about ghosts and possessions in his previous life. There were many movies related to them in his previous life. Ofcourse he never believed in such things as it seemed impossible.

But Ethan didn't understand if he became a ghost and possessed other body then how did he come to a different world. If ghosts were true it didn't mean that they will always remain in the same place they died. Maybe his ghost went to another earth and found the body. It was a sloppy explanation but it was the only one Ethan had for now.

Ethan found some juices in the table he drank then add he was very hungry. For the next couple of days Ethan would sleep for more than 15 hours a day as his bday was very weak and he was in pain most of the time. After 2 weeks Ethan was finally able to move. In the past 2 weeks no one had met him while he was awake. He might have woken up too soon or too late because he could see that the chairs were moved which proved that someone had come to visit him.

Over the 2 weeks Ethan had slowly started accepting his fate as the 8 year old boy. He decided that since he was going to live the life of the new Ethan he might as well take advantage of his memories and change the situation of the town.

The bandits had been a persistent problem of the town for many years now. Ethan planned on taking care of them after he regained his movement.

He planned to use the advantage of coming from an advanced earth to make himself strong. He was not able to do much to protect his life before. He didn't plan to do the same this time. He would eradicate the bandits.