The Revenge

Then he got out of bed. Now he was able to walk properly as he regained most of the energy but the bruises had yet to heal completely. He thought that the boy was very impatient to go connect the herbs when he knew that the bandits were present in the forest killing the people from the town.

In this life he needed to be more careful and calculate his moves properly if he wanted to achieve everything he planned to do. Rushing forward aimlessly was only something fools would do.

He knew that his previous world had many problems as well but he didn't have much power to do anything in that world. But he planned to be different in this world. He had the advantage here and of used properly he could become someone notable in the world.

Ethan decided it was time to leave the room as he was now able to walk properly. Wasting time aimlessly just after coming to this world was not something he thought to be useful.

As he left the room he saw the other posts of the building. They were also made of wood. The wood didn't seem to be as finely polished as the ones in Ethan's previous life but they looked strong enough not to be damaged easily.

As Ethan was leaving the building a person came near him

It was baron Jost. He was the baron incharge of the town. Jost said " It is good to see that you have regained your strength. It seems to be a miracle that you survived. Don't take any hard missions from now on you don't need to over exert yourself"

Ethan said " I will not do any missions outside the town till the bandits leave you don't need to worry about me"

Jost knew that Ethan was not the type of person who would lie do he said " Okay take care of yourself. Come to me if you need help with anything"

Ethan remembered the man from his memories. He was Baron Jost he was incharge of the town. He was not a strong person but he was kind to the people in the town. He inherited the title from his father after his death 5 years back. In his time he had tried to make the lives of the poor people easier by increasing jobs.

Ethan liked this person because he helped Ethan get jobs which would give him a decent amount of money.

The money in this era was divided into gold, silver, bronze coins each with 100 denomination which can be said as

100 bronze= 1 silver

100 silver = 1 gold

a peasant family could eat for a year on a silver coin including the other expenses a peasant family would spend about 3 silver coins.

Ethan had collected 250 bronze coins in 2 years because the baron gave him good paying jobs. The previous Ethan wanted to collect 15 silver coins to buy the weapon and armour he needed.

Before leaving the building Ethan overheard Jost talking with the messenger. "They have not replied to any messages till now what happened in the city?"

"Maybe the city lord is not recieving the messages. All the messages I took to the city were recieved by the messenger in the city. maybe someone in the city hall is working with the bandits."

Ethan understood the reason the city had not helped the town deal with the bandits.

The bandits prevented the people to reach the city or to get goods from the villages. The town was currently on its last legs as once the food ran out there would be nothing left for them to survive.

Ethan went back home and decided on what to do next. There were many people in the town who were in similar situation as Ethan so he planned to group them together to fight the bandits. He knew that a bunch of children would not be able to do anything against the bandits but he had an idea on what to do.

He bathed himself and changed his clothes and decided to gather his friends.

He called all his friends to join him near the barn. Within an hour ago 25 children between 8 and 12 were present before him.

John said "Wow so it's true that bandits attacked you. How did you survive the attack."

Ethan said nothing as he had a serious face on he said " we have to remove the bandits near our town or all of us will die after a month."

Everyone was shocked.

Danny asked " Why do you say that?"Everyone was interested to know the answer.

Ethan said" We only have enough rations of food left to last for 2 weeks if we stretch the food it can last us for a week more at most. Then it will be the end for us ."

Everyone started panicking after listening to Ethan.

Danny asked" how do you suggest we fight bandits? We are weaker than them and they out number us by a lot we can't even stand a chance against them. "

everyone nodded with that.

Ethan smiled and said "I have a plan which will make it easy for me to defeat them but I need all your help."

/Forest near Darren town/

York was a bandit who recently joined the group from a nearby town. After finding out that they were successful in isolating a town he knew that he could be very rich when they pillage the town.

"York what are you dreaming about?" a man roared

York jumped up and said "nothing I was just thinking how did you manage to isolate Darren from reaching the hamshire city when we can't attack the messenger?"

Messengers worked for the palace. Every town had a messenger and they got the money directly from the palace. If someone killed a messenger a royal constable would come to investigate the matter. If he found out about the bandits then the royal army would personally take care of the bandits. That's why no one dated to attack the messengers.

"HaHa you have a lot to learn about our leader he is the son of Baron mule. So his father is the first person to recieve the messages in the city. He burns any help requests from Darren." Even the viscounts in hamshire city are not as powerful as baron mule. As long as he hides the fact from the Duke we can do what we want here."

York sweated hearing about it and mentally reminded himself to be in favor of baron mule when he reached the city. A baron having more power than viscounts was unheard of it only means that the baron was a very dangerous man.

He later got prepared to move towards his daily patrol with his teammates. On their patrol they saw a boy walking towards them. The bandits thought he was a crazy person to move on the forest without any protection.

The lead bandit said "Hey lad what are you doing here alone did you want to be killed so much?" All the other bandits started laughing. But York saw the smile on the boy and started to feel something was wrong.