6 months (7)

After returning back to the village Ethan needed to distribute the compound bows. This required a special training course to use. So for the past month Ethan trained all his members who showed some talent for using these bows the technique and ways to successfully use them. He gave the bows to the ones who showed real talent for them.

The people were astonished to see such a magnificent looking bow. The weight of the bow was a bit more than the normal ones but the power of the bow and the speed of the bow was unparalleled.

Many people understood that Ethan was a genius at making weapons as they knew that he made these on his own.

The compound bows were destructively fast and very strong. They could easily kill enemies without any problem. The only problem would be that the arrows were very complicated to make. But considering that aluminium was easily found metal it wasn't that costly.

Ethan took 30 of his men and went back to the city to meet the baron. He came to the mansion to take his part of the money from the deal.

Ethan had made the deal that all the children and people not willing were to be removed from the brothel which was a significant decrease in the money earned by the baron.

In exchange for this he would attack the merchants under the Duke and the other nobles and give those items to the baron to sell. Ethan also promised to help the Baron become a viscount. This world increase the money received from the king and he could also have 12000 soldiers instead of his 8000.

On his way to the mansion he saw 4 people who were looking at him. Ethan knew that these people didn't mean good business so he gave signals to his men from behind him and started moving towards the them. As soon as the four Assassins covered him his men killed them. Ethan shrugged them off and went on his way.

Ethan went to the mansion and talked to the baron. The baron gave him the details about the next shipment of goods being sent by the Duke and the other nobles.

After the meeting ended Ethan took the bag of money and left the mansion. After traveling for a bit he saw a person trailing him then he observed more carefully and found more people following him. He had taught his people stealth attacks because the intelligence agency from where he learned his techniques were all about surprise attacks and frankly they were more effective as the enemy didn't know where he was getting attacked from until the last moment.

One of his men signalled him that there were 15 people in total. Ethan decided to move out of the city to take care of them.

Ethan had brought 30 people with him to the city. 20 were outside the city and 10 came with him. In these times it was easy to carry swords on a person as everyone was expected to defend themselves. But bringing the compound bow would not be possible.

As Ethan was moving towards the city gates he saw the assassins move out of the city gates. They were probably planning to ambush him in the forest.

After Ethan left the city the archers started keeping their eye on the assassins. As soon as they were about to attack Ethan the archers shot and killed all of them leaving one person alive to interrogate.

After they took him to a safe house in the village. Ethan asked him to explain everything. Ethan didn't understand how people were able to find out about him. The assassins were trained to never give out any details no matter how much they were beat up. So the assassin didn't answer any of their questioned.

Then Ethan told his people to leave the house. Then he said " tell me what you people were doing in Hamshire city and you can be free from the pain you are about to get."

The Assassin didn't budge.

Ethan sighed and started his torture. He covered the assassins face with a cloth and spiller water on it. This made the Assassin feel like he was in the middle of the ocean drowning. After one minute Ethan stopped and told him to answer. After 10 seconds he started the torture again. This continued until on the 9th time the Assassin revealed everything. The whole process took less than 12 minutes but it felt like hours for the Assassin.

The Assassin told Ethan everything about the mission about Samuels real identity about the third wife's orders everything. He was scared that if he left any detail out then Ethan would continue the torture.

After Ethan found out everything needed to know he killed the Assassin and left the house. Ethan was shocked with everything he got to know about the royals. He thought the assassins were hired by the Duke. He didn't expect to get this information from the assassin.

The Assassin told him the whereabouts of the remaining assassins who kept Samuel safe till their return. Ethan thought it was fated to go this way because if they had gone to the brothel directly then baron would have declined to buy Samuel and Ethan would get to know about it either way.

Ethan knew that the country was not stable but he didn't expect something like this to be happening in the royal palace. In his previous life royals killed each other for the throne so he knew something like this should not be very uncommon.

Ethan decided to go to the assassins hideout and save Samuel. He would not have cared if Samuel was an adult but he was just a 7-8 year old boy. Ethan knew that he would not be able to forgive himself if he didn't help Samuel.

He took 15 people with him into the city these people brought the crossbows hidden from the city guards. After entering the city they moved to the building beside the one that held under assassins.

Ethan scanned all the rooms and found a few people wearing the assassins mark. Ethan's mission was to save Samuel. So his priority was to keep him safe.

He took 5 people with him to the building and the remaining ones stayed in the building preparing their crossbows. He would use himself as a decoy for the assassins to get a clean shot.

Ethan knocked at the door from outside the room. As soon as a Assassin opened the door the crossbows were launched from outside the window killing 4 of the assassins. Only the one in front of Ethan was alive. Ethan kicked the Assassin to the ground and had his men tie him up.

They found Samuel tied to a table on the corner. They picked him up and brought him out of the city to the village.