6 months (6)

Originally Ethan had not gone over to baron Mules house to make a partnership with him. He was planning to kill him and take over his business. That was the reason why he initially confessed to having killed the baron's son.

He wanted baron Mule to get angry and have his people come to kill him. Then he would have used the opportunity to jump out of the window and his men would have shot and killed the baron.

But contrary to his expectation the baron was calm and didn't seem to care much about his son's death. This proved to Ethan that the baron was a very calculative person.

Ethan didn't like people with that trait but he knew that teaming up with the baron would be more beneficial to his future than doing everything on his own.

He could use the baron as a cover in the future for things he needed to do. So he instantly changed his plan and decided to make the new plan.

But Ethan had a condition to join in a partnership with the Baron. He couldn't work with people who kidnapped and used people to earn money. His mother would hate this kind of people.

In his previous life his mother influenced him to help people but he didn't really have a chance to do that before her death. After her death Ethan too concentrated on getting revenge and over time he was obsessed with making weapons and never got a chance to help people.

In this life Ethan planned to be different. He was not his mother so he didn't plan on stopping wars. But he planned to make sure that he would help the people he could to have a better life.

From the information he learnt from the merchants he had a good idea about this Kingdom. The royal city was present near the shore. So it would take the travel 6 months. The military headquarters was present at the center of the Kingdom.

It was present in the city of hatio. It had the military training facilities and all the soldiers were trained at hatio before they were considered as the soldiers of the Kingdom.

Hamshire was one of the weakest cities in the Kingdom. There were only 3 towns in the area of Hamshire. The average city had 5 towns with the big cities having 7 towns under their control.

There were 3 barons under the Duke and a viscount. Jost, Mule and Tim were the barons. Justin war the name of the viscount. In the city no one knew about Mule running the illegal businesses. He hid the information well. Even Ethan would not have known if York had not informed it to him.

Only the real powerful people in the Kingdom knew about the people behind the underworld. Most of them were run by nobles because only the nobles had the access to information and power required to escape from security of the governor.

The merchants have him the general overview of the continent. There were 3 kingdoms on the continent. Maepis and Amaris were allies. Their common enemy was the Bennet Kingdom.

Amaris was the biggest Kingdom. They had to constantly fight against Bennet Kingdom on the front lines. This helped Maepis ease on the military side for a bit.

Maepis didn't have any recent fights for the past 5 years. This helped Maepis improve economically. Because hamshire was in a corner of the Kingdom it was not affected much by the war. This made the soldiers under the nobility weaker due to lack of experience.

But it also made it easier for them to manage armies here. Ethan also found out that there were no naval ships used in wars. In this era the ships were only used for transportation.

This information gave him an overall idea about the Kingdom. He also understood that the children were considered as adults at the age of 14. After a child turns 14 they were expected to do jobs to support their family. Similarly the children could get married at 14. This was because the average age of the people of Maepis Kingdom was only 45.

Many people died fighting for the Kingdom so it was expected that average age would be low for the Kingdom. In Maepis there was no gender discrimination for joining the army. So many children were left orphaned after wars.

These children were kept in group homes where they were to be taken care of. Many of the people smuggled into the brothels were kidnapped from these homes. The homes were not properly protected so naturally people were easily kidnapped from there.

The nearest group home was present in the city of Zantia. Ethan planned on going there after his army was big enough.