6 months (5)

While he was making these new weapons he was also training his people in the new village. Similar to the people before even the new bandits underestimated the new exercises but they soon understood that these exercises would make their body much stronger than they could have done by any other ways.

Ethan had trained his old people for 3 months and the new people for 2 months by now. His body also became strong after the 3 months of continuous practice and the food he would eat to maintain his nutrients.

Physically Ethan could use all his techniques and properly utilise his power efficiently. He was still a small boy so he had yet to become stronger. But he was confident in taking down any bandit in the area of Hamshire one on one.

Ethan was ready to earn some money. He took all his men for a new mission to hamshire city. He had them enter the city in different groups as either merchant's or peasants. This was the first time Ethan was going to the city. The cities of the era gave the proper idea of the technology that was present in the country or Kingdom.

After entering the city Ethan scouted the city to find out everything he could about the things sold and the businesses that were present in the city. This was also a useful time for Ethan to understand about the world he was living in as he could get the information from the people in the city. Mainly the merchants who travel to different places in the Kingdom.

Ethan visited different merchants and in the excuse of buying items found out as much information as he could. Ethan used to be a former spy. The training he took was useful in making the merchants drop their guard.

Ethan found out as much information as he could in the allotted time before his next phase of plan was to take place.

Later in the evening Ethan regrouped with his men. Ethan took his men and went towards the mansion of baron Mule. He made his men hide nearby not letting the guards of baron Mule find out about their presence. Near the gate he told the guard to inform baron that he had some information about his son.

The guards originally wanted to shoo away Ethan when he came near him but after listening what he had to say the guard thought it was better to inform the baron. One had to know that baron mules son was a bandit and if the Duke found out about this he would imprison baron Mule and have his son killed. Not many people knew about barons soon so it was possible he was telling the truth.

When the guard reached baron he said " lord there is a boy who claims to know about the whereabouts of young lord."

Baron raised his eyes when he heard his guard speak. Usually his son came to meet him once a month but lately he had not seen his son for the past three months.

He was worried about him but couldn't send his people to search for him or his cover would be blown. He had 10 bandit groups working for him and all of them answered to his son. Without including his official 8000 men and unofficial 2000 men he also has 2000 men as bandits. The governor was only allowed to have 25000 men under him.

Baron mule wanted to collaborate with a viscount to take over the city from the Duke. But lately he had no contact with his son so he was not sure what was going on.

He asked the guard to send the boy inside. He needed to find out what the boy knew about his son.

As Ethan entered the room the baron didn't understand what he needed to think. He looked like a regular kid. He was too good-looking to be a bandit. Generally the bandits would sell the good-looking children to his brothel. He didn't look particularly bulky either. He couldn't understand how this kid would know about his son.

Maybe he was the son of a bandit chief. That would explain some things but him coming here without any protection was something baron Mule couldn't get his head around.

Ethan looked at the baron and said " you seem to be interested to know what happened to your son"

Baron had a bad feeling about it. Instead of telling him where he was this boy told him that something happened to his son.

Baron controlled his emotions and asked " where is my son?"

Ethan looked in his eyes and said " I killed him"

The baron looked in Ethan's eyes and knew he was not lying. Over the years the Baron survived because he knew how to read a situation and react in the best way possible. It was because of this trait he was one of the strongest barons in the Kingdom.

He said to Ethan " if that's true why did you come to my mansion and what prevents me from killing you."

Ethan said " I came to your mansion to make a deal with you which will earn both of us money. As for what prevents you from killing me.."

Saying that Ethan raised his hand. After that a bolt flew through the window and entered the room. "If you told your men to come kill me I could simply jump down the window and escape but as you can see the bolts are strong enough to break your window and enter the room. Do you think you can afford to fight against me?"

Baron Mule was angry someone had the guts to enter his own house and threaten him after killing his son. But what made him more scared than angry was the bolt. It easily broke through the window and entered his house. If a hundred of them were thrown into the house he was sure he would die.

He knew that the kid was not joking around. Baron Mule didn't care much about his son as he was just a means to the end for him. He was only worried about him because he could have exposed mule to the Duke. He asked Ethan " What deal do you want to make?"

Ethan said " I will make you much richer than you currently are but in exchange you have to stop forcing people to prostitution against their will and you have to stop harassing towns under hamshire city. "

Originally the king would collect taxes from everyone in the Kingdom and divide the money between the grand Dukes,Dukes, viscounts and barons to maintain their regions and towns.

In Hamshire and many other cities where the Duke was a powerful leader he would take 10% of the money from people to maintain his armies better or for lifestyle. It was behind the backs of the royalty as this was not considered legal. But the nobles didn't dare complaint to the king as the punishment for the Duke might be a slap on the wrist but their life would be hell later.

Baron mule earned money from his illegal businesses which made him the richest person in the city after the Duke. That's why the other viscounts were respectful to him even though his title was lower.

After hearing to Ethan's proposition baron Mule asked him with a smile "how are you planning to accomplish that."

With that started the first partnership of the insurgents.