chapter 2: Celestia

After days on the road we had arrived at last. It was a sight to behold, more beautiful than anyone could imagine. A castle as tall as the cloud's themselves, castle walls stretching all around the kingdom. There were hundreds of people out and about. The children were roaming free, without a care in the world. We had finally made it to the castles doors, when a strange man had appeared. It turned out that he was the king's minister. He then said ( Welcome to our beloved home of Celestia I the minister, would like to personally greet you. We hope that you will happily make this kingdom your home. Now if you excuse me, I have other affairs to attend to. Good day.) Afterwhich Mira had a worried look on her face, I tried to see what troubled her. Then she just smiled, and shook her head. We then made our way to the barracks, to find somewhere for me to stay. Two officers greeted us, and set me up with a job in the kingdoms military. Mira then escorted me to my room, she said.( Well this is were you'll be staying. I hope that your memories return, and I'll be seeing you tommorow. One last thing before I go, this place is great and all, but be careful around the minister. He may seem nice on the outside, but I know he's up to something. Never repeat any of what I've told you, because this can be seen as being a traitor to the kingdom. Now i bid you good night, and farewell. The room was very dingy sad almost, worn down even. But I needed a place to stay. Finally I had fallen asleep, then the light appeared once more. It was Ezra.(Hello my child, Im glad to see that you are doing well. It's also great to see that you have made a freind. But there is something that I need to tell you, you have been given my blessing. This means that you, and you alone will be the one who makes a change. But theres a price that comes with it, only when the time comes for you to bring about a new age, only then will your memory return to you. The time that I speak of is when you will have to take down Oros, He was once a God just like me. But he decided that he was was destined to rule over all, so he started a war, this war shook the very universe it's self. When hope seemed distant, the counsil of God's came together to make one final push to banish him far away. But it appears that even that couldn't stop Oros. This may pain you my child but, remember you have been given a blessing from a Goddess. Now this is good bye for now, I bid you farewell.) A haze surrounding, asleep at last, no time for thoughts, only sleep.

Chapter: 3 Enter Training coming Thursday, May 14