Haruto’s past

"Are you his parents?" Hina asked.

"Come on Hina, you know we both are just friends and you also know I have a daughter and not a son," Kayoko said.

"I am just kidding, Sis! I know you are still dedicated to your dead husband. I think Jackson is a good match for you. Why don't you both give it a go?"

Jackson just coughed and tried to avoid himself from getting into this mess.

"We are here to talk about Haruto and not about my relationship issues. So, tell us what is wrong with Haruto?" Kayoko asked.

"I don't know how to say this, but where did you find this kid? I see he has many injuries, old and new ones on his body. He might also have echolalia. I am still trying to analyze him a little bit more. But after my initial observation of this kid, I am almost sure that because of the repetitive abuse his mental health has been affected a lot. He might need several therapies to bring him back to normal or sometimes he might just stay as it is! We cannot say anything for sure until we start his therapy."

"I am sorry but what is Echolalia? I am not quite familiar with that term, can you explain a little more? Is it some sort of disease or what?" Jackson asked.

"Let us just say when a child grows from being an infant to toddler, they would repeat the words they hear. If you ask them, do you want a cookie? They would just repeat the word 'cookie' instead of giving us a definite answer which would be a yes or a no. But normally most of the toddlers would grow up and would come out of that phase within thirty months. There are some cases where they never come out for quite a long time. Basically kids with echolalia would repeat noises or phrases that they hear. They would not be able to communicate effectively because they struggle to express their own thoughts. If we try speech therapy for him, he may show some improvements. But are you sure you want to take this responsibility to a child of unknown origin?"

"I will try to find his parents first. I noticed that he can paint really very well… His talent for painting is amazing for such a young boy." Jackson said with beaming eyes.

"What if you cannot find his parents? What are you planning to do?" Kayoko asked. She can already feel his over-enthusiasm towards the kid.

"I don't know. Maybe adopt him…Hastin will have a younger brother!" Jackson replied coolly.

"Are you sure? Don't you have to discuss with Hastin first before you make such a huge decision? And I really don't like you leaving the kid all alone in that huge haunted mansion of yours. Isn't it against the law in your country?" Kayoko asked.

"He is already old enough to take care of himself. It's almost time for him to go out and start living on his own."

"I am not sure about that. But I think you should leave Haruto in my care for now and go back to your country to take care of your kid. He needs to have some outside experience instead of just cooped up inside that large house."

"Listening to Kayoko, I feel like your kid might be in need of a season with a psychiatrist. Now, if you both are done then leave. I have my other patients waiting outside. And do let me know if you need any help with Haruto, I am always here for your guys." Hina said and pushed them out.

"Haruto, come on! Let us go" Jackson held his hand and brought him outside.

"You are really getting too attached to this kid. Careful, separation brings anxiety." Kayoko said.

Haruto stared at her but did not say anything. Instead, he looked around and when he noticed a crow, he ran towards it. He took a paper from his pocket and started to draw. When Jackson noticed the painting, he saw the crow eating some raw flesh stuck on the bone of a dead animal.

Kayoko saw the picture and felt disturbed, as the crow was just sitting in a corner without any meat in front of it. She could not understand why Haruto would draw such a painting in the first place. She could tell that something was definitely wrong with this kid.

They all went to Kayoko's place. Haruto did not enter the house and instead chased the dog which barked at him. Jackson called him back but he would just not come in. He just stood outside after he finished chasing the dog away.

"It looks like he won't enter the house. I think it is better to…"

Before Kayoko could even finish, Jackson shouted, "No! He will stay with me for the time being…"

Kayoko just shook her head. She knows about his stubbornness but she also knows that his stubbornness has made him successful in his business.

"Fine! But just make sure to discuss with Hastin before you decide on anything abrupt."

Jackson did not stay for long and left within a few minutes. When they reached the hotel room, Haruto saw the laptop placed on the table. He immediately opened it and started to explore as it was not password protected.

Jackson was stunned. As he did not expect him to know how to operate a laptop. He thought Haruto was a poor kid with no parents. But then he suddenly started to notice the brand of the dirty shirt he was wearing. Even when there was no label, he knew that brand. He buys them for his son Hastin all the time.

They only make custom made clothes for selected people. He realized that even though Haruto was wearing such a big brand shirt, still his family let him suffer. So he decided to keep this child with him.

"Do you like this laptop?" Jackson asked while stroking his head.

"Laptop...Laptop...Laptop…" Haruto replied.

"If you like it then you can keep it. This is yours from now on."


"Yes, yours."

In a few days' time, Haruto got even more attached to Jackson. Jackson talked to Kayoko and asked her to lend the factory which was left abandoned after her husband's death to Haruto.

Even though Kayoko was not much interested, she did not want to spoil her friendship with Jackson. So she agreed frivolously. When Jackson learned about his interest in developing an app, he helped him with purchasing the necessary equipment.

So the factory was converted into a base for his creation. Jackson made sure that even when he was not around, food and other necessities would reach him every day. He altered the factory a little bit and made a large bedroom with an attached bathroom for Haruto to live there.

He completely forgot that Haruto was also a kid and whatever Kayoko told him did not enter his ears. Haruto just glared at Kayoko whenever she spoke with Jackson.

Jackson got a call from one of his friends in Spain that there was a little problem with his investment. So he had to fly over there immediately.

"Listen to me, Haru! I will be back in a few months. I had to take care of my business in Spain and also visit your elder brother in the US. Once I inform him about my decision to adopt you, I will come back and take you home. Till then, can you stay safe, and if you need anything just give me a call. Ok?" Jackson asked.

"Ok…" Haruto shook his head but his heart was beating fast. His mind was bombarded with questions, will Jackson abandon him? won't he come back to see him again?

But he did not show any expression on his face except for a sad smile. He hung his head low and ran towards the desk. He brought him a painting that had his face and Jackson's.

"Thank you! This looks so lovely. Do you really don't want to be a painter?" Jackson asked.

"No...Painter...App...I want to build an app…" Haruto said with confidence.

"Ok. Take care! I will be back soon." Jackson said and caressed his head before leaving.

At that time he did not know that it would be the last time he would see Haruto. He needs to find Haruto soon. And to find him, he needs to get out of this prison first. He got up from the floor and once again knocked on the door heavily.

"Why are you not letting me out? You cannot hold me in like this without a warrant. Let me out right this instance. You don't know who I am!"