Officers visits Hastin’s mansion in search of Simon

Jackson lost his hope after knowing that no one would even respond to him. He walked towards the book slowly in the dark. By now his eyes got used to the darkness around him. When he picked it up, the light switched on once again. The sudden brightness blinded his eyes, so he covered his eyes with one hand while holding the book in another.

He glared at the camera. He knows that someone is monitoring him. He sighed and sat in one corner. The officer who was monitoring him through the camera feed noticed that there was no change in his sitting position for a long time. He informed his fellow teammate to continue monitoring him as he went out for a quick break.

"Hey, keep an eye on this dude. He is too skillful. Do not let him off your eyes even for a second. I just do not understand how he can just sit in one place for so long without moving. I will be back in a few minutes." Carson said.

"Ok. But make it fast. I have other things to do! And why is he even here in the first place? He doesn��t look like someone who would commit any grave mistakes." David who works along with Carson asked. He came back from his after his weekend off and was not there when Jackson was arrested. He was yet to be briefed about his case.

"He is a terrorist. He was carrying an ultra-powerful weapon that could destroy almost half of this nation. He is no good man. He even had the audacity to disguise himself with a dead man's face who passed away a decade ago."

"He is a highly dangerous person then. Do not worry, dude. I will monitor him until you are back. But why didn't they start the investigation already? Isn't it better to get him to speak early so that we could find out more about his plan?" David asked.

"I will talk to Colonel Gary about this once again. Maybe as you said an earlier investigation would lead us exactly to his group. I don't think he is working alone." Carson said and walked towards Gary's cabin.

Just a few hours before, Akemi visited the prison using the help of the App. She delivered the book directly to Jackson and left the prison without anyone noticing. She then took a taxi and reached a car repair shop near the mansion.

"Hi, I would like to place an order of all these in this list and it would be nice if you can deliver it to the mansion on the east road. The address is written on this paper's backside."

"You mean that haunted mansion. No! Sorry, we do not do deliveries, only pickups. Please feel free to look around and …" Before he could finish what he was saying, Akemi held his hand forcefully and injected nanobots into his body.

The nanobots acted fast and within a few seconds, the shop owner was under App's control.

"How can I help you, Akemi?" Nick asked.

"Very well Nick, just make sure you deliver everything in this list to the mansion within an hour. Thank you!" Akemi said and left the store.

When Akemi reached near the mansion, she noticed a few officers roaming around the gate.

"What happened, officers? May I help you?" Akemi asked.

"Yes. We are now investigating the missing case of Simon. And our leads brought us here to this mansion. We were told that he left to meet the owner of this mansion and then he was never seen once again. Do you live here?" Officer Dan asked.

"Yes, I do," Akemi replied.

"Do you mind if we enter the mansion and do a search?"

"Yes, I do mind. The owner of this mansion doesn't like anyone visiting him. So there is no way Simon could have entered the mansion without alerting the security system. As you can see you have already visited once and disturbed his peaceful life. So, please leave…" Akemi waved her hands to hint them that it is time to go.

"May I know your name? I am Dan, by the way." Dan extended his hand to shake but Akemi just stared at it and ignored him.


"Listen Akemi, all we need is hardly fifteen minutes. You or the owner will not even know we were inside. So…"

"Do you have a search warrant?"

"No, but we could work out something as we are all from the same town…"

"If you do not have a warrant then please leave. Once you could get hold of one, then we will see… If you still insist on a search without a warrant, then our lawyer would send a notice to your office. I hope we do not have to go down to that point." Akemi warned.

Seeing that they could not enter the mansion, Dan decided to get a search warrant. This place definitely gave him the creeps, especially the vulture which just kept his eyes on him the whole time.

"Let us go for now… But Akemi, we will come back with a warrant next time. I hope your owner will be prepared at that time." Dan said and left with his fellow officer.

Once inside the car, his team-mate Dexter asked, "I felt spooked at standing over there just now. This place gives me a bad vibe. Something is definitely wrong and that girl didn't behave like a normal person."

Dan called one of his friends to get Akemi's personal details, "Hello Mike. This is Dan. How are you doing, buddy?"

"What do you want now?" Mike asked with an irritating tone. He knows Dan would not call him unless he required some information from him.

"I want you to pull out details about a girl named Akemi. She lives in a mansion near the east road. Thank you, buddy."

"I did not say I would hand out the details to you. So, don't you think you are a little too fast in thanking me?"

"Come on, buddy. For how long do we know each other? Do you really have the heart to turn me down? How about I arrange a date night with my sister, Sofia? Will that do?"

"You really are the death of me! Fine, I will send you the details in half an hour. Right now I have a meeting to attend. Just do not forget your promise." Mike disconnected the call and rushed towards the meeting room.

"Dan, you are really very fast. But isn't it illegal to request such details offline?" Spencer asked.

"I am not going to tell anyone about this! Are you going to disclose and make me lose my jobs, Spencer?"


"Then, that's it. Didn't you see how secretive these people are behaving? As you said, who knows what they are actually doing in that huge mansion? What if we find a corpse behind that mansion's dark forest? Anything is possible. I already tried to apply for a warrant but it got rejected. So, now we do not have many options left. Do we?" Dan asked.

Akemi waited until the cop's car disappeared from her eyes. Then she turned and signaled Slayer to fly away. The giant vulture screeched at her and disappeared into thin air. Akemi opened the gate and closed it behind.

'Looks like this Dan will become an irritating character. Should I just make him disappear or maybe having an officer on our side would definitely be useful.'

She decided to discuss this with the App. It has been a long time, the App went on Hiatus. Maybe it is high time to wake up the App.

'I was told that my previous version became a huge failure. I hope my performance this time would make the app feel satisfied.'

Within an hour Nick delivered all the items on the list and even helped Akemi with remodeling Simon's car. Akemi went in but was blocked by Hastin.

"What is going on? Who is he? What is he doing with Simon's car?" Hastin bombarded her with questions.