Zinna faints in fear

When the Panthera pardus lifted Zinna up in the air and threw her against the wall, she leaped up and tried to run away. But Panthera took it as a game and each time she moved, she was kicked back by its soft paws. She rolled on the floor like a bouncing ball and then it would pounce on her. After being kicked and punched multiple times, Zinnia now almost lost her strength.

Zinna sat on one corner with her heart almost stopping its beat, every time Panthera's fiery eyes glazed at her. After a few minutes, since Zinna was not trying to escape, Panthera laid down on the cold dusty floor and started to lick its paws to remove the dirt. Zinna patiently waited for the big creature to go to sleep. She regretted her decision to come up first as she could have made Ura or Upton take her place instead.

At the least, she could have impressed Adan and Aaron and made them like her more than anyone else. She blamed her stupidity and suddenly realized that Adan was supposed to come along with her but he did not jump up at the last minute. Did he coward away after seeing this beast? Bastards! Loser!

She noticed that the beast was about to sleep as it was yawning continuously. She waited until it closed its eyes and put the head down. Then slowly she crawled inch by inch from that place. She failed to notice the smirk which appeared on the beast's face and even the long thrashing tail on the floor which was sending a warning signal to the prey subconsciously that your time is almost running out.

Just when she was about two meters from the exit door, it jumped up and held her head in its mouth. With the soft paws, Panthera hurled her up in the air and let her fall down. Then holding her right leg, she was pulled all the way to its den.

Aaron reached the place where they were kept locked before. He stood below the hole and shouted,

"Zinna! Zinna! Are you still here?"

No response came back, so he tried to call out once more and if he did not hear any reply then he would go search the other floors.


He walked out of the room and climbed the stairs. At that time, he heard some noise behind him, so he turned around but as he did not notice anything unusual Aaron moved forward.

He searched the area for a long time but not even a single trace of Zinna was found. When he looked down from the banister, he saw his classmates lurking around the fountain which he and Adan found earlier. Around one dark corner, he saw a figure on all four lurking around the area.

When he was about to shout, he saw the blazing eyes turned towards him. Despite being far away, he felt chills run down his back. He felt weak and held the banister tightly to avoid rolling down the stairs. The figure slowly moved away and disappeared into the dark.

He ran towards his classmates to warn them but before he could even take two steps down the stairs, his legs hit something hard and fell down the stairs. His head knocked on the wooden stairs and then he lost consciousness. He failed to notice the giant snake, Murinus which was trailing behind him for quite some time now.

Murinus lifted its head up and hissed but Aaron who was unconscious, once again failed to notice that giant creature.

"This place is too huge and I am thirsty, I cannot walk anymore," Ura complained.

"Me too! I am also too tired. Let us sit here for some time and then we will try to find a way out" Upton said.

"Ok, but only five minutes. This place gives me a creepy feeling, I want to leave this place as fast as possible. I am not even sure where we exactly are but looking at the things over here, it may be an old abandoned hospital. I wonder why such a huge hospital went out of business?" Adan asked.

"Who knows? But if it was a famous hospital, then doesn't it mean it might be in the middle of the city." Upton said with confidence as there might be a small hope now for them to leave this nasty place sooner.

"Did no one notice that there are no windows in this hospital? Don't you find it a little unbelievable when they just let the dead bodies rot in one room." Ura asked while remembering her fatal encounter a few hours ago which made her want to puke once again.

Upton did not hold for long and started to puke in one corner. He still felt the worms crawling on his hand. At that time he noticed something slithering inside his arm.

"Aaahh… something is moving inside my hand… AAAA" He shouted and fell down.

Ura and Adan went near him and held his hand up to examine. But there was nothing and thought he was just joking around to hide his embarrassment for puking in front of them.

"There is nothing here. Look!" Adan pulled the hand in front of his eyes.

"I definitely saw something. It looked like the worm which I touched before," Upton said.

"You touched the worms from the dead corpses? Yuck! Upton! Seriously" Adan felt disgusted and pushed his dirty hand away.

He then walked towards the fountain to wash his hands. Ura followed him as she could not control her thirst anymore. She bent down to lift the water up but a red droplet fell on her hands and turned the water bloody. She looked up and saw a dead body with its internal organs hanging out.

"AAAAAAAAA…" She shouted and tried to run away but this time Adan held her hands before she could run like a madwoman and disappear once again.

"What happened now? Tell us and then you can run away. I have no patience to come back and search for you once again." Adan warned.

"Up… Up… There is a …. Up," Ura spit some words out with great difficulty.

She was shivering and almost felt like she would die of fear at any moment. She sweated intensely and her legs turned Jelly.

"Tell me clearly, what happened?" Adan asked impatiently.

"We are going to die! We are all going to die," Ura muttered.

"Once again you started to say this without any meaning. I know we are in grave danger but you do not have to remind us of that with your harsh words." Adan left her hands and moved forward.

When he crossed Upton, he saw him looking up and sat near the pillar, like a statue.

"What happened to you now? Are you still alive?" Adan moved his hand in front of him to wake him up.

"Look up!" Upton held his breath and murmured.


"I said look up! LOOK UP!" Upton shouted.

When Adon looked up he saw a corpse hanging on a tree and just shook his head.

"What is wrong with that? Didn't we all just encounter a room full of corpses? This is just one more, that's all. Just stop freaking out for each and everything. If we do not hurry up, we might be stuck here for a long time. And I do not want to spend my night in this horrible place. So, let us hurry and leave everything behind" Adan walked forward without waiting for them.

"What if there is no way out? What if this is all done by the App which killed the first five and we are the next five?" Ura asked.

"What are you saying? Have you lost your mind? Yes, I agree we all read that book but it is not possible in real life. No one can pull us into a phone. This is scientifically impossible and there is no way that happened to us. Someone must have kidnapped us when we were in school and we just failed to notice that as we fainted because they used some sleeping gas on us." Adan said.

"Then why only us? Where are our other classmates?" Upton asked.

"Maybe they are all held captive in other rooms. This might be the work of the human trafficking group. So, do not worry and let us hurry up before they come for us." Adan rushed them.