Slayer took off with Spencer

As instructed by Dan, Spencer waited outside the mansion hiding in one corner. He watched Akemi leave and then a van entered the mansion several hours later. Dan told him to not enter until he called him for a backup if anything goes wrong. But even after waiting for a whole day, he did not get any call from him and moreover, he could not confirm if he had got into trouble.

So left with no other option, he pulled his truck and drove straight onto the mansion's gate. The iron gate did not even budge and in fact, he hit the steering wheel and his head started to bleed. Slayer saw everything and flew down while landing on the truck.

"What is that!!!" Spencer tried to look around. He saw sharp nails above his head on the top of the truck.

Using the claws, Slayer pulled the top layer of the truck and then tried to lift Spencer out but the seat belt resisted its effort to pull him out.

"Aaaaaa…" While screaming in pain, Spencer tried to remove the claws that held his shoulders tightly. He was now completely covered in blood.

Akemi rushed towards the noise but stood in shock as she could not find the guy she brought. She was sure that he could definitely not walk as both his legs were broken.

After walking around, he found some trail that indicated that he might have crawled and gone near the mansion. She followed the trail and saw that it ended in the outhouse behind the mansion.

"Well well… would you like to come out by yourself or should I let my friend do the honor?" Akemi asked.

Meanwhile, Nick and Hastin ran out and saw the vulture's struggle in trying to pull Spencer out of the truck. Hastin rushed forward and opened the gate. Nick reached from the sides and opened the truck's door and then he released the seat belt. Slayer held Spencer and took off with him in its claws and disappeared into thin air.

"Hey, let him go! Let him go!" Hastin shouted from the ground.

"You need to do something! Did you see that creature took a human away! This will happen to us too, you need to stop helping those criminals." Hastin tried to make Nick understand.

Nick just smiled and hopped into the broken truck. Hastin thought Nick understood him now as he saw Slayer disappear with Spencer. He too hoped in the truck thinking that Nick was going to drive away from the mansion. But right when he thought he was reversing, Nick entered the mansion and the gate closed behind.

"What are you doing? The gate is open, we need to leave and not enter this eerie mansion once again. Turn the truck right now!" Hastin held his hand and shook.

Because of the difference in their body built, Hastin couldn't even shake his hand much. Nick just parked the truck in front of the garage and pushed his hand away. He got down and walked towards his van, he was happy that he could earn some more money from selling these truck's parts.

"Are you really not going to listen to what I am saying? Why do you want to do all these? Who are you? Why are you even hereafter knowing what could happen to you? You have just witnessed what happened to that poor guy. You need to leave now. Even if you can't take me, it is fine but at least save yourself from…" Before he could complete, Nick held Hastin's collar and lifted him up.

He then walked towards the mansion and threw him inside and closed the door behind.

"This kid never learns his lessons even after getting punished several times. He just came back after running away and now he is already ready to escape once again. Maybe I should just warn Akemi before leaving that he needs to be kept inside a locked door." Nick said and went to search for Akemi.

When he heard some noise behind the mansion, he walked towards that direction. He saw Tegus pulling a guy out and he was screaming in fear while Akemi watched it with a smirk in her face.

"Is this the guy from the park? Why is he still alive?" Nick asked, impassively.

"I wanted to find out what Troodon was doing in the dark forest but heard some loud noise, so I came to check what it was! He sure has lots of spirits, he crawled all the way from there to here, just to hide from me. But he got caught when he entered the Tegus lair."

"What is your name kid? If you listen to us then I will ask Tegus to let you go." Nick asked.

"No, I don't want to listen to anyone. What you are doing is wrong! You can be jailed for keeping such creatures in your place."

"Who said this is our place? We are just using it for our purpose. Last time, if you are ready to listen to us then you live or you die." Nick said.

"Ok! But first, ask this creature to let go of me!" The guy said.

Akemi whistled and Tegus let go of the guy's leg it was holding. Before entering its lair, he licked the guy's face and closed the door with its tail.

"So now, tell us what is your name?" Akemi asked.

"Lucas," he replied.

"Listen, Lucas, I will take you inside to our leader. If you are accepted by the leader then you will live or … you will become food for Tegus" Akemi said.

"What? Didn't you promise me if I listen to you then I can live? Then how can you go back on your words?" Lucas shouted.

"Shhh… Do you want Tegus to come out once again? Speak softly! Nothing is in our hands! Everything is decided by our leader. Now shut up and follow me" Akemi muttered.

They walked for a few meters and then noticed that Lucas did not follow them. Then Akemi walked towards him and pulled him along with her using one hand.

"Ouch!! It hurts! Careful! But for sure as a woman, you are too much stronger than a normal human being." Lucas said.

Akemi let go of him in front of the door and walked inside. Hastin ran before her and shouted, "You! Get out of my house right now!"

Akemi just pushed him away by waving her hands and walked towards the basement to report the details of today's happenings.

Before she opened the basement door, she stopped and turned towards Lucas and warned, "Don't try to crawl away and the minute you have an escape plan, I would make sure to chop off those useless legs of yours!"

Lucas just grunted as the pain was becoming too much to bear while Hastin knelt down and touched his legs. He got up and walked with hunched back towards his room without looking back. His always clear face looked clouded with worry and he almost resembled an aged old man within a few days.

Lucas, who wanted to forget the pain, tried to start a conversation with Nick.

"So who is he?"

"He is the owner of this mansion. His name is Quietus."

"So he is not the boss?"

"No! Our leader helps him in writing his horror novel."

"What? So you are working for a writer?"

"No! We are working for our leader."

"Yes, but isn't he a writer?

"No! Wait here until Akemi's return. I have work to do, so I am going out. Remember, do not try anything funny as you are always monitored once you enter this mansion." Nick warned Lucas and walked out.