Hastin starts to write once again

Hastin could not believe what he was seeing in front of him. Akemi was surrounded by Tegus and the wolf dogs. She was being taken into the house like a jailbird. He dashed towards her.

Before he could reach her, the wolf dogs sensed someone approaching them. They turned towards him and stood in guard. When Hastin was about to reach her, they jumped on him and pushed him down.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" Hastin shouted.

The wolf dogs did not mind his screaming. They pulled him by his collar and entered the house. While Akemi followed them with Tegus in tow.

Hastin tried to pull away from those wolf dog's grasp. But the hold on his collar was too tight that he couldn't succeed. Until they pushed him into the basement, they did not let go.

He rolled on the stairs and his body hit the walls on the sides. Once he reached down the stairs, they howled once.