Baron probes Jackson to say the truth

Baron entered the room where Jackson was kept locked. He stared at him and asked,

"What is the meaning of this? Why is there a new chapter in the book?"

Jackson turned his head away and looked at the sides. He stayed silent and did not reply to Baron. when Baron noticed that he would not get any response from him, he went near him and kicked him.

Raphael who was standing behind him gasped. Victor rushed forward and pushed Baron away.

"What are you doing? Why are you kicking him? Isn't it enough that you got him on the ship by force? Do you have to hit him too?" Victor asked.

"Why don't you tell them all, what you know, Jackson? The truth behind all the missing incidents that are happening all around the world?" Baron pointed his hand at Jackson and questioned.

Jackson sat up and ignored Baron once again. He did not attempt to explain and neither he wanted to speak to anyone at that moment.

"What is he talking about, Jackson?" Victor asked.