Chapter 3: Existence within El Oathniel Kingdom.

This bright light forced my eyes to close. I know! I don't have the right to complain but come on! This theatrical dude voice just granted me something unexpected. I knelt because I have told strories about receiving titles and weapons, like how a prince recieved a magical sword but the dude voice just said, bones? stone? blood and salt water? This things are nothing near to what I expected and imagined.

My nose caught the scent of canvas. When I opened my eyes, I just saw a breathtaking view of henna garden. Numerous branches with bearing flower is swaying with the wind. my nature viewing got interrupted by a humble manly voice.

"Your excellency, I am sorry but I am not yet done painting your wonderful face. Would you mind getting back to your last gesture?"

This painter have brown hair that symbolises a chicken feather arrangement with black eyes. I just realized that I am currently in a position of sleeping beauty male version, had my legs crossed in this white couch in the center of henna garden. Why does it felt like I am always summoned in the most improper way?

After the canvas, I learned that I am part of this Kingdom's Royal Aid. The castle I am staying is known as the Sacred Henna house. The castle is built with mud and pearls. I took advantage of my position and search for Lehi's whereabouts. And thank God ! She is just a lake away from me. I have to pay her a visit.

Meanwhile on the other side of the lake. The fragrance of combined milk and roses have allured her lashes to open. She is inside a blooming lotus bathtub. It spacious enough for two person to fit in. She also noticed that she is stark naked. The warm water soothed her tired body that she can't even help but relax. A soft voice behind the ceramic door called unto her

"My Lady I am here to hand your robe, may I come in?"

For some reason Lehi is no longer surprised. Judging from what she experienced today, she just felt exhausted and the best way to do is to go with the flow. Lehi answered gently as possible and allowed the owner of soft spoken female voice to come in.

The ceramic door got rolled up and it revealed a petite perm pale woman. Her perm is similar to the color of unripe apple curtaining her forhead. Her eyes are like acorn and her nose ridge on the way to her nude lips.

"My Lady, you have to get ready and put on some perfume. I recieved a letter that your fiancee will arrive here this afternoon. " she informed as she helped Lehi put on her robe and escorting her to her room. " I am sorry but what did you say Miss? " Lehi thought that she can go with the flow but having a fiancee without even getting courted is off limits to her. If her parents would hear about this, she will get an ear bleeding lesson about romantic relationship 101.

"My lady, how many times do I have to tell you? That It's Eyel, call me with my name. Your always so timid and polite my lady." the permy maid pointed out. As she tie her ribbon. And it's done Eyel Bonnie dressed her with simplicity and elegance. The dandelion flowy dressed with green printed mapple leaves suited her ash muave eyes. Her coal like hair got braided like a waterfall. Eyel insisted for her to take the white sandals but she made sure to wear the coal sandal granted by Mr. male theatrical voice.

Lehi is headed behind the dominant white mansion made of coral reefs and carnelian, She is on her way to this mansion's incarnation garden where her unknown fiancee is waiting. She arrived at the tea table and let go a sigh of relief. She seated herself across him.

"So how are you FI-AN-CEE? "

Ophir asked flatly emphasizing the word fiancee as he grab the slice of strawberry cake served infront him but got smack at the back of his head.

" On behalf of the Glockenspiel household, I apologize for my master's lack of basic manner. "

A hot stuff with long orange hair passing his shoulder, bow his head and lock his slanted red eyes on the garden ground. " Lehi can't help but chuckle to the hot stuff remarks regarding Ophir, His brave enough to bad mouth his master face to face.

"Hey Mem Clavi, your quite something. For a knight to regard his master as without manner is quite brave, Ophir reamrked as his tone rises. He pause and added "but I like that. "

" As usual young master, you grow weirder each day. "

Mem answered hiding his flattered smile. Lehi said it's okay and that she requested for the maid and knight to leave them alone.

" It's been a week since I last saw you and we got here. Did you find out anything about this kingdom?"

Lehi inquired as she drink her grey earl tea.

"I read on this kingdom's history and found out that it was formed because of sea quake. And is ruled by a good-looking king named Cyrus Radney Vine Oathniel. He united the four kingdom and ruled them.El Oathniel kingdom is windowed by four waterfalls facing the four kingdom it rules. This Kingdom is said to be the home of Angels and all the ability are known as gift because no one will be able to use each gift without praying. The palace where the King and Queen of El Oathniel is made of wings from birds,flies and angels." Ophir answered and Lehi nod indicating for him to keep talking as she listened intently. The north is known as the Hernani Nobles it is the second richest after this kingdom. The South is addressed as Tiny Gamaliery where the giants and riches farmers and animals are. It's where all herbal medicine are made.The west is known as the most mysterious but fruitful where the miracles and supernatural occurs It's known as the Filadelfa Mystica. Mostly it's sorcery and magic.

The East is named after the home of stars where there are no weeds but pure variety of flowers. It is also the nearest to this kingdom and the only way is the cave behind the last lake of this kingdom. The pathway is navigated by Cinderalla flowers that only blooms by evening within the said cave. The east kingdom is known as the Terifimo."

Is what I have gathered so far, as Ophir summarized swallowing a spoonful of cake. Lehi is grateful to Ophir for taking the time to know about this kingdoms and she also want to give some input as to what she tried to find out. " We are part of this kingdom's aid and we even have our own quarter within the gate of the royal palace. So to follow through we are just having a holiday break. After this we will be living within the palace gates."

Lehi want to keep sharing but got interrupted by the two servants under the both of them.

" There is an immediate summon from the palace. The king wants you to be there as soon as possible."

Mem Clavi directly delivered the message.

"My lady I suggest that we should visit the Glockenspiel household for a short drop and ride with one carriage as them, so that you can continue your sweet talk. "

Eyel suggested putting all Lehi's baggages to Ophir's carraige. Well Lehi agreed and ride the carraige with Ophir. Lehi found out that Ophir is just a lake away. Lehi waited inside the carraige for Ophir to take all He needed.

She observed the household and got captivated by the henna flowers sorrounding the mud and pearl castle.