Chapter 2: "Harpsichord with Auto-harmony."

After hours of trying, someone finally heared the both of them and helped them climb up the well. Ophir examined the sorrounding they are in yet another wave of shock and fright vibrates to his spine. They are infront of a huge white drum like building. It seems out of place and it look spooky. He can still feel the cold hand that was upon his mouth. As they waited for someone to save them within the well they have shared what they witnessed, and noted that they both have common experienced.

The fireflies gathering, the loud sound of bell and the phrase. As He continue to look around, he realized something! What is a fairy like woman doing in the middle of nowhere with such feather hat, lengthy golden dress that showcased how her white cascading flowy hair swept the floor. Then it hit him! He immediately run toward Lehi and offered both his hand so that she can grab for support and they would run for their lives.

His plan failed. Her pinkish and yellowish skin waved it, when she steady herself to the ground, she immediately stand a meter from him. He can't help but raise an eyebrow. He is trying to be a gentleman but got treated like a virus. He felt offended but tried to brush it off. Because the main problem right now is maybe they both will end up as someone's dinner. He suspects that this fairy like lady infront of them is a witch.

The two of them got taken a back when the suspected witch bowed to them in a graceful manner and introduced hereself.

"Greetings, I am the caretaker of Myrrh Cinammon Library. Novena Pietrilcina. I've been sent to gather you two as the last Harpsichord of this humble library."

She raised her head and her red violet eyes indicated that she understand how confuse and what question are writen on their faces. They both look dumbfounded, so without farther ado she smiled and explained what she meant as the three of them walked to the candy like door.

" Every 800 years we are sent to gather the choosen one to collect the testimonies untold and fill in certain floor. Harpsichord are given as a title to the choosen because only those who are gifted can see and hear me. "

The two of them look at her that she should enlighten them more as to why. So just like a saleslady advertising her product she started to brief them more.

"You are paired to collect certain stories both natural and supernatural.This are testimonies untold and a must read because this stories leaves a legacy. As gurdians of this Myrrh Cinamon Library we thought that all is well and full but to our surprise, there is one more the underground known as Viel Barely floor. "

" The word underground does not sit well with me. "

Ophir commented anxiously.

As she finished saying the gist of it, she opened the candy like rainbow door and the pair said a unison "WOW".

It look like a drum outside but the inside is like a whole new world. Magical and mystical and it literally looks like a cinnamon. The heaps of stairs leading to each floor are stuffed in rainbow color and every thing inside is circular. It's like a mansion uniquely designed for books.

" If this is not from another world this could have been my favorite place. "

Lehi praised delightedly. Ophir can just gulp in agreement and side remarked with amazement , "I thought this is a huge oven where they will cook us and serve as exotic food but forget it." Novena can't help but laugh at how their reaction shift vibrantly .

" Sorry to interrupt your bewilderment but your devine assignment is behind this door. "

A half moon shape door painted in orange and is paper built leads to a dark circular tunnel. As they silently walk the thin passage. Ophir noticed Lehi's messy hair glow like fire whenever the light shadowed it like a burning coal. He also noticed that she is barefoot when she look back to check if He is behind her, His eyes reflected her ash muave round eyes, her cute button nose and her rapsberry lips, her damped figure is carved well by her shadow as they keep walking to their said assignment. He gestured her to keep moving forward to hide his now scarlet face. He can see through her wet white blouse and convince that he is not a pervert but a growing man. When he gaze up to see her back, he chuckled silently he thought that her hair looked like a nest.

They are now inside an empty room made of diamond. The floor is engraved with golden torch and cross sign to it's handle in red encompassed by a blue infinity emblem. It glows brightly.

"Welcome Ophir Glockenspiel the son of a story teller and Lehi Lorelei the daughter of Apostles. Would the two of you kindly kneel down." As if the male theatrical voice and his words are absolute the both of them kneel down in obedience.

" Lehi Lorelei, daughter of apostles and covenant baby. I grant you this comb to purify and cleanse, it will function as your offensive weapon. Like in fairy tale it became a cresent comb in amber and landed as ornament upon her hair. Secondly I give you the power of oil to heal and protect, just like the comb it became a bracelet with random color in cute tiny bottles. Lastly I bestow you this sandal made of coal that poses the reverb ability where all details in every encounter are saved like a vacuum. It helps you see vision."

Like a good girl even if she knew, that it's a lot to take in she can't help but felt touched being addressed as the apostle's daughter. Her thoughts got interrupted when it's Ophir's turn.

" Ophir Glockenspiel the child of a story teller, I bestow this bones from lions as your weapon and can be wield as you wished. It became a bracelet designed in two connecting bones. Next you are given this stone to be your armour and wisdom. The stone got stuck in the middle of his forehead between his color shifting eyes. Lastly I entust you the power of blood and the ability of ad-lib, It provides you the sense of crystal listening. I also put upon you this saltwater that speak of your authority and power in words. You have the gift of title giving. "

Just like a tattoo the red blood droplet got engraved to his left palm and the ocean blue salt water on his right palm.

Now whenever you two summon the book to store the story, Ophir's left hand should be on top of Lehi's left hand and say "Auto-harmony and Tale bearers whenever you sealed the book. "

All is done and well, now off you go and by the way, You two should have the need to trust each other. "

And with that Novena became a multitude of firefly and engulfed us, the light blinded our eyes forcing it to close.