Chapter 5: Childlike Plea.

Woman's beauty and youth is irreversible but to those who only play nice would unmask how fragile it is from someone's prying eyes and words. A woman with grace bask to her own flaws and loved her ugliness but a woman 's foolishness is being manipulated from the complement she recieved.

The Maximina lake is known to help you get back to your original design but it won't change your appearance. Those who lust for such flesh resort to bloodlust and immorality.

To the point that even their own fantasy devour them. They say that this virgin lake would wash away all wrinkles and uncleanness in you, if you taint it with red and black of innocence.

Hexel informed with such intent to kill the old woman showering with floating dead bodies all over the lake. The warm bubbles that comes from Maximina lake burst in looming grave. Hexel unseath his sword and growl loudly. His intention are mirrored in pearly but now icy eyes. His about to attack with cruel speed but got his shoulder grabbed by Ophir's shaking left palm.

"Let's find out the main reason to this actions."

He said with such pity but more than sympathy shines unto his shifting brown and black eyes. Lehi can see that the rounding softness on Ophir's eyes is compassion.

Kiel is monitoring his emtions as well. As the royal prince he needs to maintain such self contol.

The woman with red wild and messy hair. Her lifeless pupils look at the gang without any care.

"You people who are born with golden spoon, will never understand why a person like me would commit such thirst of blood. "

Her sharp long nails take an instance to rip out the young boys heart. Lehi repelled her nails with her oil. Lehi wrapped the boy into protective manner and magnified the boy unto her arms gently not to wake him up. That made the lifeless woman shriek and grit her teeth in anger. She look like a woman that lost a part of her body.

As if on cue the dark petals form a rampaging tornado. The pile of dead bodies grind with it like a trash yank by the fierce force from the tornado. In an intance Kiel used the lake to spar and protect the four of them. The wave from the now bloody lake bacame a shield by Kiel's prayer.

" To the God who made this lake a treasure to many who ventured and created memories with it, With your permission allow this very lake to refuge us like you always do. I thank you for not failing us. Amen. "

certain amount of water molded into a cane like rod unto Kiel's hand. The cane is shaped unto a firefly with spiral line and pointed end. The visible corss in the middle speaks of it's just and holy use. Hexel immediately vanished from their side and is now having a sparing with woman. She is quite skilled to match Hexel's pace and fighting trance. She even pushed Hexel on edge. Ophir went out of Kiel's refuge and said.

" Be on your guard and watch each other's back. I'll support Hexel."

As He dashed to where the two are fighting. Ophir run praying as he untie his bracelet made of bones.

"Lord God, who always fight on our behalf. Forge this bones to be a weapon to slay the evil. Your protection is upon us. Amen. "

the bracelet form unto a two edge sword long enough like a spear. Ophir made it to the center and stop the two of them.He just aligned the two edge sword pointing to both of them. The right edge pointed to the lady's chin and the opposite is crossed with Hexel's pearl sword.

" Lady, I can hear the sorrowful rhythm within your heart. We can settle this without going at each other's throat. " Ophir negotiated politely and peacefully. "We are all a victim of our lust and flesh. Just like you even if we are born with golden spoon. We have a desire that is blinding and regretful. Hexel apologize for your rash actions. "

Ophir elaborated.

Hexel always believed to what Ophir can hear from one person because at times Ophir can tell what is inside the heart of someone. Hexel withdraw his sword and bow his head.

"As Ophir said, I apologize. I have forgotten that a royal aide should always listen beyond what is seen. "

The red head lady was taken a back and started to talk about what happened. She is from the line of Maximina.

The legend about fulfilling of true love witnessed by the lake is passed down from generation. Until one day a royal baron fell inlove to her sister but got turned down. The baron get possessive, territorial and obsessed of her sister. So he plotted something twisted. The baron killed a child and threw it unto the lake because blood would cause the lake to get dirty. The baron used the child's dead body to lure my sister out and entrap her. That is where all the cult like practiced started that whenever a love is rejected you sacrifice a first born child.

The innocent blood turned the valvet petals into a dark color. It does not end there. The baron successfully lured my sister. He tied her, raped and abused her until he is satisfied. After that the baron used the papyrus basket that was waved by my sister to entrap her and burry her within the deepest part of the lake. Yet no one can find where the flower basket sank and vanished.

Lehi felt a tug within her heart that this red haired lady is trying to save the young boy.

"Then this young boy is someone who survived such cruel sacrifice and ill intention right? You are trying to save this boy by removing the roots of papyrus that is starting to rip his heart. Am I wrong? "

Lehi voicing out her analysis.Cuddling the young boy closer.

The red hair girl nooded. Kiel step forward and oathed.

" As a prince of this kingdom. I apologize for doubting one of the ancestral bloodline alive here at El Oathniel. To make it up to you let me command the water to seek where your sister's remain got drowned and unfound."

Kiel raise his cane and gently let the tip of it touch the surface of the lake from where they all stand.

"Lord God who sees everything, We humbly ask that you let us see what you want us to see. Thank you for the comfort and conclusion you have given toward Ms. Maximina, Amen. "

Suddenly the dark petals delivered unto them a rotting basket. The long sought lovely watcher of the lake got coffined by such flower that have carried couples and romantic stories for generation.

After the said mission, Lehi open her left palm placing it under Ophir's left palm. And in unison they uttered

"Auto-Harmony." A thick book with blue, green and yellow shades adorned by black petals appeared in between their palm. Lehi commanded "Reverb" and the sorrounding got suck inside the book. Yet the at the actual realm nothing happened.

Only Ophir and Lehi witnessed such sequence. " With the authority entrusted to me. "Ad-lib." granting this book to be entitled " Childlike Plea." with that the words from Ophir's mouth became actual letters and engraved upon the book. The both of them recited a prayer.

"We seal this book and entitled it childlike plea. We hope and pray that whoever will read this story will understand that love would never lead you to spoil blood nor innocent sacrifice. Amen."

"with that we allow and publish this book to reach out souls and those who needed to see this. For it's existence have a purpose. In that we close and surrender it unto you Our God. "

This is from talebearers. "

The book disappear carried by fireflies.