Chapter 6: Pinkish Lullaby

The prince reported to King Cyrus what happened. The King have visited the lake to purify it with his gift. He holds a staff that is given to him by his grandfather. A huge nail made of thorns dig in the lake, it electrified the core then suddenly, the lake turn back to it's orignal state. The wave and tide of it's water became blue,green and white.

The petals are now purple and valvet. The Maximina lake became more serene and calm.

The Royal Aide are now known as the Tale Bearers. How did it happened? Kiel insisted that the word royal is to intimidating for others who really need help but are less unfortunate. Ophir and Lehi got taken a back as to why tale bearers should be the name team. Kiel said he consulted the waters from the lake after it got purified and that is what he heared directly from the lake. And Kiel pointed that it sound friendly but legendary. And no one can argue with Kiel, especially that when he really like something he would act spoiled to get it. In short Kiel asked the blessing of his father to name it. And that is what set this team's name.

The young chubby boy is taken to Myrrh Cinnamon Libraray but it's been a week and there is no sign of him opening his eyes. Ms. Maximina have said that she got a little late taking out the roots. And it did not help that we stopped her. So Lehi remembered that the oil given to her can cure and heal. The gang are now in one room looking for solution how to wake the chubby boy up. Lehi requested for a basin, undo her bracelet and it turned unto oil.

"Lord God Almighty , Our healer and redeemer we humbly ask that you restore the breath of this young boy in accordance to the hope and purpose you have for him. "

with that prayer Lehi soaked her palm to the oil and gently wash the gray hair chubby kid's feet. The boy miraculously opened his eyes and everyone in the room got captivated with his pink eyes. Kiel beam and approached him close.

" What is your name?"

the young boy just blink at him and tilted his head sideways.

"Then how old are you? " Kiel followed up. The boy raise his right hand and made an L sign.

"I see so you are two years old." Hexel got interested and said

" should we give you a new name? "

the boy's chubby cheeks nod as he did with his head. Kiel, Lehi and Ophir exchange glances Hexel have a odd way of picking word so he said

"Aloevera or cucumber?" Lehi chuckled but the boy just disagree and don't even want to get near Hexel.

"I know your choice of word is odd but..."Ophir can't finish his sentence because he started to laugh. Hexel interwined his eyebrows getting irritated "what do you mean by odd?"

Ophir strenghened himself and said

" I mean unique. " he answered waving both his hand in defense.

"If you are better then think of something."

Hexel countered. Ophir fumbled in choosing a name because all eyes are on him.

In rush he said "Urchin" Kiel and Lehi covered their mouth with their hand as they suppressed their laughter when Hexel agreed that it is a good choice.

Kiel and Lehi just burst to laughter. Contrary to them the boy step closer to Ophir and ask him to pick him up.

"So you like it eh? " Ophir confirmed as he pick him up. Then from now on your name is Urchin.

Urchin grew fond of Ophir so the boy shares the same room with him. Mem is also in charge of guarding Urchin so is Eyel. Eyel became Urchin's maid

"Aren't you jealous that Urchin shares the same room as Ophir before you did? " Kiel teased playfully. Lehi just waved it and laugh at it. But she got her track stopped when Kiel said

" Anyway your going to sleep on the same bed starting next week."

Lehi already knew that being summoned to this era, Becoming a royal aid and even being someone's lover is already hilarious but living a marriage life is outrageous. Lehi rushed unto Ophir's room. She opened the door with a loud bang and entered without scanning her surroundings. The door to the bathroom is opened, she forget her dignity as a woman and entered. There she saw Ophir and urchin splashing each other inside the vast tub. Ophir covered himself with the bubbles and shouted feeling shy.

"What is wrong with you? As a woman where are your manners? "

Lehi ignored the question and step even closer to Ophir. She locked her ash muave eyes unto his shifting brown and black eyes and and said.

" Get dressed, we need to talk. I will wait outside your room. "

she said intently and walk out of the room as if nothing happened.

Ophir clothed himself with simple white turtle neck and black pants. He requested the tailor to knit him turtle necks in variant color. He understand that Lehi have her own way of expressing herself but her getting inside his comfort room as if she have seen nothing and does not care about it, made himself felt unrespected.

Ophir saw her standing with her hand crossed leaned at the edge of his door. The red blouse and white long flowy skirt suit her braided hair. Ophir approached Lehi and voice out what he honestly felt toward him.

" Whatever it is that you want to talk about, I want to tell you first that I felt unrespected at how you burst inside my room and even get inside where I am naked. I felt exposed and look down with your actions just a while ago. "

Lehi got struck and it sink in that her actions were really too much.

"Yeah, I am sorry for entering without any word and ignoring even what you felt. Thank you for being honest. I was just thinking about myself. Forgive my actions. "

She said bowing her head sincerely. Ophir did not expect her to go that far but he felt gidy from within. He cleared his throat and asked

" It's okay, what do you need me for?"

Lehi already know that Ophir is in the same situation with her. But she still wants to plan and talk it out how to deal with it so she gained all her courage as she balles her fist.

" Our wedding is in two days and I just found out about it."

Ophir did not show much emotion and flatly said

" Yeah right. It's not like we will be able to stop it. Remember what the voice said we need to have the NEED for each other. It seems that everything here is planned and trust me it all have it's purpose. We may not understand now but someday we will. "

Lehi felt calmer for some reason. Ophir's words really brings comfort and awakening. If I am not in my right mind I would have married him right away, so she tried to speak out what is running through her mind.

" Marraige is sacred.It is supernatural. It a cord of three strands. And it's for a lifetime. I know it sounds cliche but this is how my parents teach me and raised me. My parents taught me that I should not mess with love, because messing with love is messing with God. "

Ophir really like and appreciate this side of Lehi after all she is an apostles daughter. So his arms gently reach out unto both of her shoulders and maintained eye contact.

" Lehi God is love. As well as He is the author of love. He is the God of marraige. " It is a simple answer but it directly spoke to Lehi's heart. Ophir is right. Maybe he is looking through the eyes of faith that is why he can handle it more maturely. Lehi averted her eyes and was about to remove Ophir's hand when he asked .

"How are you feeling about this anyway? Lehi look back at him and said "confused my flesh and nature is resisting all of this. "

Ophir just smiled and said "then that reaction is normal. There is nothing wrong with it. That is why, let's pray together.?"

Lehi smiled back and nooded. Ophir remove both of his hand from Lehi's shoulder and holding hands Ophir leaded them both in prayer.

" God of El Oathniel Kingdom. The God of love and Marraige. We do believe that you have designed each of your creations with mate and partner. We do believe that whatever you have joined together will never be separated. We humbly ask of your peace to be upon us if this is really what you have planned for us. Help us to handle it well because we are not reacting to it properly, Amen. "

After this heart felt prayer they both felt better and good.