Chapter 14: Foredoomed

Ophir got sucked in to the same portal and he is now in Hexel's room. Hexel just blink at him and said

"Ophir, we were looking for you and Lehi is worried about you. "

Ophir grab the doorknob of Hexel's room " I will tell you about it tomorrow, then good night. "

Ophir is about to run in the hall but got stopped by Hexel.

"Wait, are those kiss marks? And why are you naked? "

Hexel demanded until Ophir got cornered by Hexel and it got worst when Mem and Natalina saw them in that position. Mem gape at the two of them lost in words

" I am sorry Ophir, even if.... I am your knight. I can't bear that you have hurt Ms. Lehi like this! And we were all worried about you ....not to mention waking up the King just to find you! "

As he lean on the wall and glided till his butt reach the floor. Natalina just swallowed hard and tried her best not to offend the two of them

"You could have come clean before your wedding with Lehi, we can support you two in all possible means. "

as she play with her finger and is not sure how to behave in this awkward situation.

The tale bearers are all in the living room of Myrhh Cinamon Library. Having a midnight meeting? Lehi and Kiel just laugh louder until their stomach started to hurt. " Shut your mouth you two!" Hexel upend the two with his icy voice and cold gaze. The two immediately zip their mouths and tried hard to discontinue their laughter. "I can't believe you would even think that way, Mem and Natalina."

Ophir emphasize as he joined them after taking a shower.

" So, let's get back to business Ophir, where did you get those kiss marks? " Hexel pointed out as he stir the tea served by Eyel and Urchin. Ophir told them about everything and again Kiel and Lehi crack up.

" Gaza isn't that's your second name Kiel. "

Natalina tried to wind up Kiel and Lehi's laughter since Hexel is in his limit. Hexel's face contoured in annoyance.

" Wait! what?! how come I did not even recall it!"

Ophir pulled his hair when it sunk that Lila is looking for Kiel. Ophir was so focused about how Lehi would react on the kiss marks that he missed the important thing.

" We have to request this assignment. We have to investigate their tradition. Let's inquire about this to the King tomorrow. "

Ophir suggested as he carry Urchin and stood up.

"By the way Kiel, her name is Lila. Lila Naphtali. Her features symbolises the blanket over you right now. Lavender and scarlet. "

Ophir said as he disappear in Urchin's room. Ophir is quite irked as to how Lehi reacted. He got anxious for nothing.

Kiel and Natalina went to their rooms. Kiel changed his plan and went inside his room. By the mention of Lila's name his heart started to beat in a rhythm that is so familiar to him. It's a slow ache that sent his mind to horrible memories. He truthfully forgot about his childish promise. Kiel never thought that Lila would do something reckless on top of that she summoned the wrong guy. He can feel a invidious blood run his viens . How can Lila easily left a kiss mark on Ophir's body? Just how far did they flatter? Kiel just burried himself on sleep even if his thoughts are going insane.

Lehi might have laugh the whole time Ophir was explaining his situation. But deep inside her heart is enlightened by green eyed pulse in her mind. She covered her jealousy in laughter. Lehi does not want the others to think that she is immature. But the kiss marks on Ophir's chest and neck gleam even when the lights are out. Lehi bit her upper lip and tried to conquer this malicious feelings and ideas forming inside her right now.

"Hey, your not sleepy?"

Ophir said as he faced her. Lehi bobble her head in dissent.

" Well you laughed so hard, a while ago." he noted not trying to sound sarcastic. Lehi does not want to lie to herself and most of all to Ophir.

" Well, It's because i am doing my best... to not react in a unpleasant way. "

"Oh... so you were perhaps jealous? " Ophir wants to hear it from Lehi personally. It's better to handle a jealous wife than to face a angry wife. Lehi turned away from him and yawned mouthing a good night. Ophir felt dejected but at the same time he is flattered that Lehi have the same feelings as him. Is what he assumed so that he will be able to sleep.

By the King's decree they are able to track down where is the house described by Ophir and outlined by Natalina's craft and prayer. They are heading back west in Filadelfa Mystica. Well it was a scary encounter about the queen's ancestor. How scary would it get to dig deeper unto Lila's life? Kiel was just soundless the whole trip which is strange for the team. Kiel is the only reason their trips were never boring. They landed on a place where the houses are not of trees,tent or cave but of shells. The houses are like turtle shells. And the houses are like duplicates. The structure and width are similar, even the color it's muddy green.

"How are we going to find her here?" Hexel blurted out. Ophir just walked straight in the far east of the houses and knocked.

" Lila, It's me Ophir. "

After a few silence the shell door swung open like a window and Lila hugged Ophir.

"Goodness, Thank you for coming back Ophir. "

Hexel cleared his troath to interrupt the sweet reunion because Lehi hath her mouth opened and Kiel flashed a glare. Natalina and Urchin just waved their hands and Lila realized what she have done. She step away from Ophir and let the team get inside her house. Lila prepared some cake, cookies and fruits with coffee.

"Well, you asked me to get back here right?"

Ophir reminded. Lila's scarlet eyes glowed and her lavender curls bounce as she nod on Ophir. Lila knew that Kiel Gaza is there but she wanted to behave like a proper woman and hold herself back from hugging Gaza.

" Well, you see their is a tradition in this village that if the villagers see you as pariah then you will be selected as the Shell's bride. "

Lila finished as her eyes glint in sorrow. Her glowing scarlet eyes became a pennon of dark rubies.

"Your eyes are like mine Lila except that yours just get darker or shines base on your emotions. Mine shift guidon varying to the distance. "

Ophir tried to complement and soothe Lila. Kiel had his fist balled under the table as he can feel his jealousy. How can Ophir easily paint her lashes? And anger as to how the villagers see her. Ophir have the gift of heightened listening so he can heed Kiel's bones and roaring breath. At the same time, Ophir can hear how her wife would grunt and click her tongue. Ophir can't even prioritize which is dangerous. The forced decision of the villagers, the royal prince's envy or his wife's clicking tongue. Ophir just grab and gobble up his food and zip his mouth before he invites a roaring and clicking lair.

Hexel is insensitive as usual at the chilling atmosphere and asked.

" Why would they see you as Pariah? "

Lila looked at everyone and they all seem to be curious.

" Just because, I am not supposed to be alive . I.. I kind of... don't want to talk about it with a large group. Can I choose someone I am comfortable with? "

Lila just dwindle off and stared at Ophir. Ophir just inwardly shivered. Ophir can feel Lehi and Kiel's intense snarl at his face. Ophir sweat started to overflow and just wanted to be away from Lehi and Kiel so he just agreed to Lila 's suggestion. When Lila and Ophir are left in the palletes behind Lila's house. They both let go of a large breath and wiped their sweats.

" Sorry, for now I have to hold back for Gaza. "

Lila expanded as she sat on the flat wood and Ophir copied her.

"Funny as to how you did not held back yesterday."

Ophir managed to lighten the mood as he catches his breath.

"Even if the villagers want me out of this place, I still love this place that is why it's painful. "

Ophir just listened and indicated that he is all ears for her. Lila continued her testimony.

" When my mom was pregnant, a witch came and cursed her child to die. The witch envied my mother's eyes, flawless skin and pregnancy. So the witch desired death for the child but my mom give birth to a girl. The people here fear and loathed me. They would never meet my eyes. Only you and Kiel appreciated this ruby nucleus ."

"How did you encountered Kiel?"

Ophir inquired.

"It was when we were 11, Gaza got kidnapped by a witch... When I got lost in the wood. Because some lustful men wanted to molest me. I ran to an old tree house and I saw Kiel chained on a bed. I did not know what happened but he looked beat up. Kiel back then reflected my helpless figure and I unchained him. I lead him to our cave house and let him live there until he recovered and bid goodbye. "

"His complete name is Kiel Gaze Vine Oathniel. I bet he did not tell you that. "

Ophir stated with gambit. Lila just blushed knowing his full name.

Lila's visor fastened as it shield her eye shadow from the strong and golden lapses of twilight.