Chapter 15: Shifting Shadows

Kiel tossed his blanket and roam inside the house until his peripheral view caught Lila's lavender curl through the window lattice. He gently approached her and embraced her from behind.

"Are you avoiding me Lila?"

Lila tried to escape from his embrace but Kiel burried his face on her shoulder stabling Lila's physical protest.

"How can you shucked lots of kiss marks on Ophir's body? "

as Kiel tightens his enswathe on Lila's warm and soft texture.

"That's because I... I.. thought it was.. you. "

Lila stuttered as she cover her red face with both of her palms out of embarrassment.

"Would you please stop covering your face and look at me. "

Lila obediently responded. Her longing is getting stronger and she refuse to hold back. Lila finally returned Kiel's hug. Kiel breathed a sweet and warm words with so much yearning. " I missed you Lila. " as Kiel slip his hand under her lavender curls and stroke her back gently.

" I am here to take you back and fulfill my promise. I am not giving you permission to be anyone's bride! Plus Don't rely on Ophir too much. Lehi is about to snap you know. "

Lila just chuckled on his chest. They remained in each others arms while the constellation wink at them.

Ophir tried to tame Lehi's cold treatment toward him. Can't she just admit that she is jealous? Ophir got vexed when Lehi is ignoring his pleas and explaination. Ophir delivered his words plainly and a little bearish .

"If you don't want to talk about it, then so be it. "

Ophir got up from their bed and was about to carefully move the curtains securing their bed. Suddenly he felt Lehi's arms clasped on his waist.

" I am sorry, for being immature. Please don't get angry at me. "

as she rub her face on his back. Ophir secretly smiled and undone her arms from his waist he faced her and twined her as he nestle on her neck.

"It's okay, sorry for being impatient. "

Suddenly Urchin and Natalina called out to them. "Urchin shaw many peopwle... hwolding tworch and mwarch here. " Urchin informs the team as he rub his eyes. Tale bearers prepared for battle and wait for the team leader's instructions.

" Hexel and Lehi be our frontliner. Urchin and Natalina be our messenger and protector. Kiel protect Lila at all cost. I will try to communicate with them and find the source of this uproar. "

Ophir pegged as he look at Lila with encouragement. Lila's eyes again shined not in ruby nor scarlet but in crimson. The team split and arrayed themselves to a location that is advantageous for them. Kiel grab Lila's hand and escape at the front door. Hexel and Lehi supported their escape. Natalina distributed earrings as communication device. So that if Urchin sees something she can relay it as soon as possible. Ophir waited at the back of their house because the rebellious noise is getting nearer from that direction. Ophir touch his earrings and instructed the team.

" The villagers are now in front of me. Halt what you are doing and carefully heed what they are about to say. "

An old woman with with wild bouncy hair step forward and exclaimed

" Bring out that shameless woman and we will start the wedding. Unwelcomed guest like you have no seat on this occasion!"

As her long nails slices the thin air. Her declaration cheered the villagers and they begun to chant.

"Marrying a woman unto other creations aside from male human is immorality. We are here to inform you that this practice is not a religious sector but of idolatry. A true God never defies his word nor hurt his people. "

Ophir claimed as the villagers remain silent.

"Who are you to judge us? "

The old woman growled at Ophir.

" I am not judging you. I am stating what is true and obvious. This is basic and you should know it. Ignorance leads to disobedience. "

Ophir corrected with such wisdom and authority. The villagers started murmuring and yammer. The old woman started to panic and just shouted.

"Let's not be distracted and aim to do what we usually do. Let's search the house and take the bride. "

The villagers started to encircle the house and search for Lila but found none. Natalina and Urchin are on the trees. Natalina prayed for a fruit like shelter out of gold. They are watching how the people burned the shell house but the flames died. The house shell remain untouched by the flames.

"Urchwin swaw swomething.Thwere awre poewple hwiding to twake auwnt Liwla. Pwease dwon't fwollow the rivwer." The notice put Hexel, Kiel, Lehi and Lila on a stance. Hexel and Lehi volunteered to take the river side as a bait. Kiel and Lila followed the trees. Hexel and Lehi reach the river and indeed the black shadows came out of the water and started to attack the pair but Hexel is faster

" Our God who is our victory. Your servant humbly asked for a weapon that slays this darkness. "

Hexel's sword transformed into a chainsaw and lighter . Lehi back up Hexel's attack

" Lord God who chooses our gift and teaches us to utilise it. I, Lehi Lorelei Glockenspiel would request for an instrument to expose this morbid and wretched. Let it be visible in your light. "

Lehi's comb turn into a harp. Her coal heels freeze the running water and her oil became a droplet that extinguished the bleak forms as she played the harp.

On the other hand Ophir is able to subdue the people by controlling the blood that flows inside the people's body and recited an evensong.

"Our God whose blood hath shed on the cross of calvary, with the freedom and confidence you have planted in us toward your existence. May this people be motionless to prevent innocent life from perishing. "

Kiel and Lila continue to follow the trees until Lila got pulled by a shadow. Kiel was unable to reach the hand he held as they run and Lila vanished in his sight. A familiar dire molded in front of him. It's the same witch who abducted him years ago. A woman with muddy green hair and white eyes snickered at him.

" Long time no see my love. Do you still recollect how you became breathless and defenseless under me?" As she became a formless Stygian that kisses his forehead.

Kiel is furious his knees are shaking. Kiel knew that this witch goal is to use his anger as a foothold. He inhaled and exhaled to regain his peace of mind. "Our God who is powerful and the beholder of our future. In your grace, I surrender my anger to you and grant me the authority to magnify the resources you have granted me. "

Suddenly the leaves and branches formed a cage to entrap the witch even in that gloomy shape. Kiel stepped closer to the woman and announced with a smug on his face.

"Of coarse, I remember so well! How you violated me and used me as a tool to your impurities. You should start to speak before this cage devour your pitiful state. "

The witch tremble in fear because his eyes spoke the truth. She led Kiel to fire of rings where Lila is unconscious and in a bridal wear. The sultry phantom scarred and tear Lila's gown and skin. Lila's blood drip unto the rings turning the atmosphere torrid. Kiel watched in horror as the phantom continually bite Lila's neck, legs and collar bone. Kiel closed his lashes and begun to pray as he laments.

" God who crafted our destiny. Let my lament and anger be a foundation to save the person you used to give me a chance to live and love. By the authority that you have given me I rebuke and refuse to accept what I have witnessed. By Your blood, words and mercy. Grant me the heart to forgive and accept what you have Foredoomed for us. "

The trees started to sway framing a noise and wind.

The storm consumed the ring of fire including Lila's member. Kiel kneeled and scream as he punch his chest. His grief invited the teams solace birthing into a warm group hug and tears. The witch got arrested and is detained by King Cyrus unto the castle and became a prisoner on the yellow paper. A castle where they lock up those who commit crimes made of invincible papers. Ophir and Lehi sealed the story as

" The Shadow Shifted Fates. "