Chapter 16: Zero Compromise

The scent of ink and papers breakthrough Kiel's sunless nostrils. Today is Natalina's birthday. The team is apparently at the Earl's residence. Natalina requested for a simple celebration. The ball was over and Kiel is in Natalina's room balcony. His anamnesis is quite heartrending but is a token counted from his first love. Lila was the one who saved him from those chains and shackles. If it wasn't of her lavender and scarlet personage his name would never echo on this Kingdom again. He snorted at his jealousy towards Ophir on their last encounter. If only Kiel knew that it will be his last cuddle with her then he just brushed of his envy and stare at her eyes with longing and sincere affection. Kiel even vowed to himself that if it's not her then he won't get married. His solemn momento got interjected by Natalina's abrupt apperance on his side.

"Kiel we need to head back of the palace. The King sent Mem and Eyel to pick us up and saying that something disturbing appear at the palace inside the queen and king's bedchamber. "

The King and Queen are seated on their bed chamber and having some discussion about Kiel's abduction seven years ago. They regretted not to take in the young lady who saved their only son. King Cyrus may have a serious aura but when it comes to his wife he is soft and gentle. Massive black hole spitted a figure with lavender straight hair and is unconscious. The queen commented that she is too beautiful for a bride. Cyrus observed the woman's garment and noticed that the socks on her feet are Kiel's possession upon reaching a conclusion Ophir and Kiel are required to visit the royal bedchamber.

Ophir knew that Kiel is mourning up until now and he also understand that it is painful for him to witness Lila getting burnt alive. Ophir can only salute his faith and courage not as the royal prince but as man who is in love. Kiel did not allow any horrible doorway to be opened and committed the person he value in prayer. They say that the best gesture you can give to the one you love is prayer. As for now I am glad that this completing and collecting book mission is being rellocated to a vintage where you really learn to encounter devine things and have relationship with God not just about religiosity. This is the first time Ophir is being summoned to the King and Queen's chamber but he felt sadness not of fright. Usually he would get scared at the King's thrilling and serious demeanor. They knocked at the golden paper door and enter the royal bedchamber. The king and queen are on their night gowns but his attention was caught by a familiar lavender strand. Kiel and Ophir slowly pace toward the bed and saw Lila's unconscious frame.

Kiel seen to forgot that they are in his parents presence and kiss Lila's unresponsive hand. Ophir cleared his throat to remind Kiel that they are in his parents sight. Kiel immediately let go of Lila's hand and hid himself under the bed. Ophir can see his embarrassed and now tomato face. Ophir does not know what to do, so instead of encouraging Kiel to get out from the bed before getting drag out by the King. Ophir joined Kiel under the bed. Kiel pushed tried to push him out but Ophir wrestled with him. The Queen is suppressing her laughter while the King just scratch his head in disbelief.

"A massive portal suddenly appear on top of us and it spit this unknown woman. I called for you two to confirm this person's identity. "

The king finally stated and the two immediately stood firm in front of Cyrus.

"Greetings our King, Yes your Highness we encountered her during our assignment. The truth is she is the woman we rescued whom we thought was consumed by fire. "

Ophir confimed in with a formal yet polite gesture.

"Is she involved in any witch craft or sorcery. I can hear a reaper's whistle from her. " the king suspected.

"We won't be able to give you any concrete answer your majesty. " Ophir admitted.

"Kiel when you met her seven years ago. Did you notice any grim aroma from her. Set aside your emotions and tell me accurately. "

the king demanded. Ophir can feel his sweat flow with slow motion from his temples. Kiel shut his eyes and nodded.

"How foul would it be? " Cyrus pressed.

"Seven years ago, I heared from her mother that the reason why they are treated as a cursed by the villagers was because they are a descendant of Queen Jezebel, the witch who slaughtered the Lord's prophets. "

Kiel validated as he got choked by his own breath and voice.It's a touchy subject for him.

" Did you engaged in any intimate actions with her? Cyrus bluntly questioned his delivery is not of a king but of a father. Ophir just gulp the last saliva he can have because this discussion is too intense for him. Kiel pressed his lips together. He bowed his head and whispered a yes.

"is it intentional? " Cyrus continued. Ophir can hear Kiel's muscles twist in pain. His troath getting drain. Kiel kept his eyes on the ground and confessed.

"The witch ...who abducted me used me to practiced a certain ritual with ...sexual interaction. She tied me on the bed and did whatever pleasured her. She bit and slapped me. The torment was consistent until Lila came and unchained me. I thought that I was free but she casted a spell on me linking to that's witch selfish desire and it took over me. It led me to hurt Lila, That is why I promised to marry her. "

Kiel finishes as his grief came unveiled. Kiel was brave enough to confess in front of his parents. Queen Gardenia embraced his son as he wept and tightly clasp his mothers tending care. King Cyrus remained quite as he listen to the continues sob released by his son.

"Did it occurred when we sent you back for three years? " Cyrus softly expanded.

"It happened when we were sixteen. It was right after my brithday when I got sucked in unto a huge nest. When my gaze caught Lila, I suddenly felt like someone possessed my body. My viens enlarged and my eyes darkened and then I watched myself lavished her. It was fearful for Lila. I was not able to explain myself because I got summoned back to my room. It's when I got paralyzed for three months. Two years ago. "

Kiel professed as he steady himself and sat on the edge of the bed. Kiel got exhausted with such outpouring of emotions. Ophir sweared that everything he heared will be between the four of them. King Cyrus Radney hath explained to them that Ophir's presence was required because he is still the royal prince team captain. Despite all the noise and cries Lila remained unconscious.