Chapter 19: Waltz of Devine Passion.

The upper limb of the sun has declined. The male and female are devided to make it exciting. Women are blindfolded exactly before the total disappearance of it. Onsetting a total darkness. The reason why gorgeous aurora flower are choosen as the sanctuary of fireflies for this romantic event is because aurora stands for dawn or twilight. Starlike fireflies started to assemble in the middle of the tree and as if they are presenting an intermission number to excite the men. The fireflies tangoed within tree branches and leaves. And after the graceful and mystical dance the fireflies flap their wings in all direction and begin to search for their nesting flower.

Ophir, Kiel and Hexel seated in one carpet. They can't deny that this fireflies have their own alluring bones. The men expected the incoming fireflies are for Ophir's white aurora flower but it passed him and landed to Hexel's floret. Kiel and Ophir was dumbfounded. The luminous creatures guided Hexel to a woman in lavender locks. Kiel and Ophir's eyes went wide in disbelief. It headed to Lila. Kiel was about to stand and interfere when Ophir uttered this words.

"Kiel, stop being overprotective when you did not even put a level on your relationship. Remember that fireflies is the ensign for Reuniting. "

Kiel felt insulted that it was Ophir who would point out what he obviously missed. But his body steadied when Ophir's very word concieved the truth. As his vocal tube getting sunbaked when Lila accepted Hexel's aurora flower and invitation to dance. He can't helped but grit his teeth. His jaw clenching but he choosed to remain seated. Ophir knew and understand that it's agonizing for Kiel to watch this unfolding waltz in his very eyes.

"Obligation and Love is different Kiel. You should know best that nature never lies. So is the the thread knitted by God. "

Ophir did not intend to be harsh but for now it is the best words he can aid for Kiel.

Hexel was surprised when the fireflies invited him first. Usually in any romantic setting, Ophir goes first. Hexel knew that the fireflies are escorting him to Lila that is why he did his best to resist it. Yet the aura and ambiance radiating is not helping. What would Ophir usually do at times like this anyway? It's like a mental telephaty but he heared Ophir loud and clear. Trust that there is a purpose for this. When Hexel untied Lila's blindfold . Her sacrlet eyes met his pearly pupils.

Her eyes shot up stupefied then her face sketched a slight curve and glint of brightness. She accepted the flower and his hand to dance. Hexel wanted to smile but obviously his back hurt from Kiel's deadly glare. They are the first couple to dance. They both felt akward and embarrassed because of the clangorous claps and squeals. Lila keep on stepping on his feet. So he started to tutor her to dance and waltz. They danced until she can catch up Hexel's lesson, until they were joined in by other pairs. Hexel wrapped up the dance when his visual field caught a glimpse of Kiel walking away. Hexel instructed Lila to follow Kiel. She nodded with little bit of fright. But Hexel nudge her to hurry up or she will lose him. Hexel went back to Ophir's side who is feasting not caring that he stood his wife too long. Well the fireflies are hinting that it's not his time yet. Hexel glanced at Lehi who is eating more than Ophir blindfolded, being fed by Urchin with Natalina delightedly.

"You did what is right Hexel. Don't fret it, because there might be a purpose for this."

Hexel hath a sense of deja vu and joined him to eat. Ophir gave him Kiel's aurora and for the second time the fireflies swarm to his corsage and again it encouraged him to stand up. Ophir hath the food from his mouth fell and commented.

" I did not know that being ignored by fireflies is more severe. "

Hexel just chuckled. Again he followed the fireflies that led him to Natalina. He untied her blindfold and hand her the flower full of warm lights.

"This seems to be your second dance." Natalina said as she eyed the enchanting flower and accepted Hexel's hands.

" Don't know, This little beings seems to be tricking me. Well, I am just glad it's you and not Lehi. I bet if it's Lehi, my head will be chop off by Ophir. "

Hexel breathed exhaustedly. Natalina just laugh at him and asked.

"How was Lila?"

Hexel twirl her and pulled her close as he step to led her dance.

"I motioned her to follow Kiel who walked away out of jealousy. "

Natalina nod and implied playfully .

" Seriously, you are his babysitter. "

Natalina and Hexel are said to be perfect for each other. But for the two of them, they are the best babysitter for Kiel. They are good friends because of Kiel. That is why they wanted to support him with all their guts wholeheartedly. Even if people would say that they should get married. They won't. Because they knew, that for each other their friendship bond is of a family and it's unbreakable. Even if Hexel and Natlina will get married and have family of their own.

Elders say that God put some people in your life as brothers and sisters and that role is only for them to fulfill.

Kiel traipsed down from the crowd and paced to the millstream at the bottom of the hill. His possessive nature can't take it anymore. If he remain there and watch Lila and Hexel merrily sway. He might punch and beat Hexel into pulp. So taking Ophir's wise advise, he dragged himself to the stream to cool down. He is so focused in his current emotion that Kiel did not noticed Lila trailing him. Literally to cool his head, he dived in the midst of the ripple and skimmed. He was bewildered when the object of his love is damp in front of him. She held her tablet and bowed her head.

"Are you angry at me? "

Kiel just tilt his head and questioned

"What are you doing here? Aren't you MERRILY dancing with Hexel. "

Lila can feel his jealousy from his sharp gaze and wording emphasize.

"Hexel, instructed me to follow you. If it's annoying you then... I'll go and dance MERRILY with Hexel."

Lila got used to his jealousy. Bit by bit she learned to contradict it. And to jive him, she enveloped Hexel's name with a heart. Kiel's face silhouette worry and hugged her as he spill softly.

" Sorry for being always the immature one. Can't you just swat Hexel's hand or step on his feet?"

Lila can feel a sweat break out from her temple. Because she did step on Hexel's feet.

The people finished their dance but the fireflies are ignoring Ophir and Lehi is happily chatting with the giants and dwarves with her eyes covered. He felt stupidly happy when three fireflies rested on his flower and guided him to Lehi. For Ophir, at this moment it does not matter, if he is not popular with the fireflies as long as he can dance with his wife. He removed her blindfold and hand her the flower with three fireflies. Lehi grinned at him and they took over the dance floor lovingly. They gracefully and wonderfully sway. All that surrounded them halt and watch them enjoyed the moment. Their dance is so heartfelt. It's captivating that even the fireflies are motivated to be their spot light.