Chapter 18: Bedrock

The ancient language sculpt in Lila's neck teed off the King. So Cyrus Radney sent the Tale bearers to south. Tiny Gamaliery island where the giants and the dwarves co-existed. They expertice in herbal healing and animal issues. But they are also regarded as ancient people dearth and prevalence . The travel was unique. They needed a sailing vessel with bowsprit. They are sailing a torrent water course. The ride was like a swinging canvas slung by ropes.

There are parts of the place where the plants are dreadnought and some vicinty are itty-bitty . It's a narrow journey with size transformations. Nonetheless their destination is on sight. Hexel and Urchin are suffering from motion sickness. So Lehi carried Urchin. Kiel and Ophir aided Hexel and Natalina guided Lila.

The dwellers are informed about their arrival and prepared a festivity to welcome them. The overtone and joyful greetings pump up the team. Bellyful and abundant meal made it felt like they are in vast picnic. Squared carpet are spread on the hill and the banquet are set luxurious with amenity. The Tale beares are squired under a cedar with the cheifs of the south. One from each family both giant and dwarf . Von have long beards but is bald and everything about him is huge contrary to Wee who is pygmy and midget.

" Our king informed us with your concern and before we tackle the problem. Let us first feast a merry-hoo-hoo meal. "

Von declared with such blithe. And as if on cue everyone raised up their spoon and forks both small and big. Every body wave it like a flag and started to regale.

Von invited them to lodge in his house. It was a house made of huge grasses as the roof with animal skin walls and stones as pillars and floor. It was a trip to a retro timeworm era but this house speaks heritage. Because all of Von's belongings are extra large for them. The Tale Bearers with Wee sat on his table while he settled himself in a wooden chair.

"Well there be a way-ho that anyone of you-ho can formulate what is engraved-ho on the lovely lady's neck-ho? So that

everybody-ho can see and read-ho?

I am afraid to touch-ho the young lady. I might crush-ho her with my thumb-ho. "

Von suggested as he comb his beards.

"That is-wee a bright idea-wee." Wee complemented. Natalina nodded and prayed.

" Our dear Lord who is the only one who can see what we can't. Kindly unveil to us the scribe on Lila's neck. "

Rubbies formed into ancient latin words that only the dwarf and giants can understand.

" I see-wee it is read in our language-wee as "threskjǫldr bedeviled"

in translation-wee to today's argot is "Threshold Bedeviled. " Wee translated wearily.

"What does it mean? Kiel perpend as he noticed the changes in Wee and Von's mood.

Von volunteered to expand for the youngsters to grasp. " Threshold means-ho gate,alpha or genesis. Bedeviled-ho is plaque or torment-ho. If you follow-ho through you will be

able-ho to apprehend-ho it. "

The team begin to think hard and study the ruby words in the air except for Urchin who is playing with Wee. Ophir cohered limpidly.

"Generational Curses!"

Everyone's eye went wide and literally felt a tremor on their napes.

While Wee and Von agreed with Ophir.

Urchin suddenly shut his eyes. His blue and violet viens appeared all over his body as it embers. After a while Urchin rub his pinkish eyes and said.

"Urchwin swaw a pwetty lwady dwancing with scwary nwails and cwreppy smwile... Shwe is stwandwing on blwood."

Wee and Von just quivered and mentioned in unison " Queen Jezebel. ".

"Then there is no earthen cure. "

Lehi outlined.

" Repentance is the only solution and trusting God's grace. "

Hexel assured Lila as he nudge her gently on the shoulder. Kiel tap the very shoulder strongly that it left Hexel weakened. Everyone just broke out in laughter at Hexel's girly scream.

Von and Wee tarried the team to have a vacation and be involve with the people who looked forward to their arrival. Because the dwellers are grooming for their annual festival.

The giants and dwarves called it as the

"Lampyridae Courtship" . The men and women should dance without any worry but pure melody of joy and gladness. The rule is that married couple should only dance with their partners. The singles will wait for the fireflies to lead them to someone who will be a suitable and perfect partner for them. The men should hold a white aurora flower where the fireflies will rest. Even if your a married couple you are not allowed to dance without the fireflies on the white flower branch. When the fireflies settled that is the only cue that the husbands can hand it to their wives and waltz. Same goes and applied to the unmarried couple. The fireflies will be the cupid.

The giants and dwarves believe that fireflies symbolises Reuniting.

Because they believe, that God already united each people to his or her distiny before sending them to earth. You just have to trust God that the two of you will be lead back together in His timming.

The hill where the cedar stood is graced with animal skin spread on the ground as their carpet. Under the cedar three are red thin apparels with white aurora branches encircling it. Inside the circle is the dance floor prepared for the lovebirds.

There are no lights readied.

The whole congregation just waited for the sun to set. Because when night sky falls. Luminous flux will embrace any wavelength from the umbra.

Dusk will be winged by various soft intermittent light.

Vouchsafing the fireflies to kiss the free colored flower and aspiring the red thread of destiny.

Beckoning a gritty virgin lattern.

Utopian and outlandish waltz is patterned after a zealous and rosy upbeat.