Chapter 59: Even to the end of Age

Yodh can see the progress in each people's movement. His muscles and tendons are beastly jiggling from thirst and hunger to snap and break through the upcoming armies in front of him. The effluvium realm distinguished the boundaries of what they are fighting for. Yodh fixed his open eyes to the back he admires. The oceanic hair matched the brownish hue whirling within the battle field. His crimson gaze peirce the arena marching toward them. When Cyrus raised his palm mid air. He gripped the smoke rising up forward and declare a prayer. The eleven men standing behind him uplift both their fist and bowed their head in harmony toward their prayers.

"Lord Almighty, Here we are uplifting a Hallelujah. We are now in battle to claim what You have promised us. Wield us in accordance to Your Mightiness as You have done to our ancestors. Keep us moving forward. Amen."

Yodh open his eyes to see his present room. The scent of his wife attached from the blanket made him chuckled. That was a good visit from the blank page of his life. Yodh was not proud of where he was raised and born. He used to fight and spill some bloods just to dine a piece of bread. Yodh envied the people who grew up with wealth and well loved. That is why, when he married Taw he insisted that Taw's last name should be their official family name.

When Cyrus led him out from the sanguine of murderous living he started to understand a better way of living. Cyrus was and is a focal point of his life. The stern King is used as instrument by the God he learned to love till this day.

His grateful reminiscing was jammed in by Urchin's jumping on his chest.

"Mwowning swir. Uwncle Cyrus is waitiwng fwor youw."

Yodh nod at the kid and carried him in his arm as he stood up. He folded their blanket and held Urchin's tiny hand as he waltz toward the present he never imagined he would live.

Taw noticed how giddy and calm Yodh is around Cyrus. It was like Kiel with Ophir.

Taw hath plotted the next training by sparring. She wanted to inspire the youth so she set up a duel between Cyrus and Yodh which they both gladly agreed with. Taw arrange the battle in a friendly way. As she review the pairs she listed.

"Nevi versus Natalina."

"Cyrus versus Ophir."

"Hexel versus Lehi."

"Lila versus Urchin."

"Yodh versus Kiel."

Taw scanned the best arena for the training and she selected the black sand behind their vacinity. But for now they needed to focus about the exciting and upcoming duel. She arranged some solid round chair from the ground with her gift. She assembled the Tale Bearers and assigned them to sit to their designated area.

From Kiel to Urchin

From Urchin to Natalina

From Natalina to Ophir

From Ophir to Lila

From Lila to Nevi

From Nevi to Hexel

From Hexel to Lehi

Taw handed them each pen and papers.

"I want you to take note of everything you earned, garnered and witnessed. And each of you will present it to us. It's to test your focus."

Nevi thought that he graduated from trainings but he was just starting. He look at the blank paper and was wondering what will they review in this lifeless area. He can see this as the abandoned side of their den. A small light shining from above. It was like an open pit. Before fully starting Taw warned them.

"By the way guys, It's up for you to dodge."

The Tale Bearers stood up in amazement. They were all excited to see something they never thought they will witness. King Cyrus out in his throne and is within a underground wrestle.

Kiel stood gripping his paper. He clutched it with thirst of ardor. He grew up seeing his father visit the site but never in a one on one wrestle. Taw motioned them to be alert.

"Extend your hands toward them and I will open this duel in prayer." Taw announced when all hands are extended.

Taw applied a devine prayer as it vibrate throughout the area.

" Lord we uplift this duel to you. Guide us to learn and to control ourself. Let it be that we won't hit because of anger nor any ill intentions. Give us the discipline to this friendly duel to inspire not to impress. Help us to be effective and efficient example to the youth. Amen."

Taw positioned Cyrus and Yodh and she set the duel to start like a professional referee.

"No prayer or using of gift just a friendly combat. No hitting below the belt and of course no hard feelings." After the instructions she raised her hand and kindled the fight.

Cyrus started by stamping on Yodh's feet, when Yodh looked down he used his elbow to strike Yodh's shoulder making Yodh kneel down at the beginning . Cyrus was about to thrust his knee on his jaw when Yodh countered it with his right fist. Cyrus moved backward to avoid another punch coming from Yodh. Yodh advanced toward the King's direction as he keep swinging his fist but Cyrus avoided all his offence.

Yodh swing one last punch when Cyrus dodge it, Yodh sync his kick to jam his left leg to Cyrus waist. Cyrus got himself force to lose his balance. Yodh did not waste any time he punched Cyrus on the jaw. Yodh thought that he won but Cyrus raised his knee to hit Yodh's rib. Cyrus encircled Yodh and kicked the back of his knees and for the second time Yodh kneelt down.

Yodh snickered when he saw Cyrus raises his fist on air but it landed as a smack at the back of his head. Yodh fell flat on the ground not because of the impact of Cyrus's smack but because he pushed his back after the smack.

Ophir scribbled like a madman without looking at the current fight. He got too inspired that he ended up composing an esaay. Lehi and Lila can't help but be overwhelmed. Natalina and Urchin cheered and clapped their hand. Hexel, Nevi and Kiel just stood their gaping and thunderstrucked. The fight was done within half an hour and Cyrus just made Yodh kneel down twice. Taw clapped her hands and dismissed the tale bearers to finalised what they have taken note. Cyrus extended his hand to help Yodh stood up.

"You made me kneel down for the 800th time." Yodh commented as he grab Cyrus hand.

"You hit my jaw for the 10th time, I say it's not that bad."