Chapter 60: Shrink not of Shame

Taw, Yodh and Cyrus sat at their dinning table. Tonight, before resigning to bed the Tale Bearers need to discuss what they observed and wrote. Taw had made them draw their arrangement from her box. The pebbles are numbered. When the Tale Bearers got their numbers Yodh called the last number 8.

Nevi just grunted, he was happy to get the number 8 but Yodh had his callings backwards. Nevi clutch the paper in his hand as he got up. Nevi knew that he needs to pull it together. "I am a volunteer teacher from my era." Nevi encouraged himself as he stood up.

"I got three points written on the paper, 1. Remember what you are fighting for and never punch with anger.

2.Remember that you are not just frighting alone but with the prayers extended unto you.

3. Be effective and focused and never allow yourself to win you over. "

Yodh and Cyrus glanced at Nevi. Nevi did not focus on the actions but of the intention and will. Yodh just waved him to sit down. They needed to hear their answers to list new pairs for match up. Although Taw had her list it's still crucial to pair up which one would help each other grow. After the presentations Taw, Cyrus and Yodh stayed up late to match up each pair and they came in with the conclusion with the following list.

Yodh versus Lehi

Taw versus Nevi

Ophir versus Urchin

Cyrus versus Kiel

Cyrus versus Natalina.

Hexel versus Lila

The team visited the black sand behid their underground turf. The sun was up when they arrived on the glittering land. Fortunately, the sun had no direct contact on the area. The boundary had the most sunlight and heat. They decided to move deeper where the temperature is healthy. They reached the sea shore with hexagonal prism and pure various color of yellowish.

The gossamer sea resembles the butterfly wings they had at El Oathniel. They can't believe that such wonder would be used as their arena for the pair up combats.

Cyrus wore his usual comabat clothes he stood and had announced the list of pair that will have to fight. The goal is to not just to win but each individual should aim for excellency. Yodh opened the training combat in prayer.

" God of miracles and wonders. I therefore vanquish and sanctify this place as a training ground. I am putting your banner in this place to claim it for you. This is your territory! Make it yours.

Support us to fight with the hunger to mature and grow in you. Amen."

Cyrus and Kiel were the first pair to fight.

Kiel wore his brown combat uniform. Cyrus made the first attack by flipping his son sigle handedly. The Tale Bearer have gasped in shock. Cyrus did not even held back. Kiel snorted at his attack. Kiel stood up to wipe his bleeding lips. Cyrus transported face to face with Kiel and punch him on the stomach. Kiel had exude some saliva from his mouth. It got mixed with the bleeding on the side of his lips. Kiel kneelt down because of the impact.

"Is that all you've got dear son?" Cyrus snickered. Kiel roared in disappointment. Taw stood up and declared the first match over. Kiel left the arena with gritted teeth.

Natalina stepped in with her white and brown combat garment. Natalina witnessed how Cyrus have annihilated his own son. Natlina swallowed her overflowing hinky. As soon as Taw had given the signal. Cyrus made his first move by rushing toward Natalina. Natalina clasp both of her hand and dodge Cyrus body, She raised her clasp hand and used it to hammer down the King's back. Cyrus almost kiss the ground but he used his palm to push himself and regain his stance.

Natalina courageously thrust a kick toward his chest but Cyrus gripped her ankle to counter her attack but Natalina used it on her advantage. She swing her free foot and kicked the King's jaw as she flip her body mid air. Cyrus can see the blood flowing from his upper lips. The Tale Bearers have clapped at Natalina's move. Cyrus raised his palm and admitted defeat.

Natalina walked down their sardonyx ring created from her gift. The arena was drafted by Taw and it's in pentagon shape. Natalina got congratulated by Cyrus but she is not happy at all. She glanced at Kiel who had his head bowed in shame. She wanted to waltz toward her cousin but she knew better that Kiel needed his space.

Kiel felt ashamed. He underestimated how would his father act. Just because Cyrus had always taken his side he was overconfident that his father will hold back for him. Cyrus had directly pointed out how spoiled and vitiate he is. Kiel felt ashamed that he forgot why are they doing this. He can't help but salute his father for silently aligning his focus.

Cyrus glance at his son who had changed his aura. He approached his esteemed son.

"If you got the message behind my actions, then you better grow up. I won't be here forever for you Kiel and you know that."

Kiel just node his head. He grinned at Cyrus and said. "Thank you."

Cyrus ruffled Kiel's hair. He really is his son. He can see his past self on him. The only difference was this side of him, are from Gardenia. The side that analysizes everything before barking. And either he lose or won he would always acknowledge it by saying a thank you while grinning.

"Then stop sulking, your team mates are worried about your self esteem and confidence."

Natalina gazed at Kiel and saw Cyrus giving him some advice and tips. She can't help but sore in jealousy. Ever since they were kids, Cyrus and Kiel would have that gesture and it's something Natalina yearned for. She just won but it proved that she never did. She blinked the tears forming from her eye lids.