Chapter 70: Disquieted Dreams

"This diary is normal, nothing is unusual." Ophir and Nevi concluded after a long proof reading.

Natalina clench her ample as she recalled how the woman overpowered them. Natalina can't understand, why were they so scared back then toward the woman when they went through worse than that? Was their fear founded by the shockwave? Natalina also recollect how the woman evily grin before plummeting and toying with Lehi.

Ophir reported their final conclusion and demit for the day. Ophir opened the chamber he shared with Lehi. He studied the things that she carried that day. Her scent lingers all over the place. Ophir started weeping while clutching Lehi's things. His swollen eyes adrift to shut as his consciousness enter the dream land.

"The dark aura is creeping all over her space. Her breath hitched because of the pain. She groan because of the thight grip unto her neck. She started to wail but her voice won't come out. She started to move but her body is paralysed." Kiel felt a unwelcomed presence within their room. When he glance toward Lila, her whole body is sweating and her lips are pressed together. Kiel shake Lila to wake her up and she just respond with a yammer. Kiel started to pray when Lila is not opening her eyes.

"Our Father who govern and hold our world and heaven. I hereby vanquish the attack upon my wife.I declare her to open her eyes and get herself out from the nightmare.Amen."

After Kiel's prayer Lila jolted up risible and screaming. Kiel hugged Lila to remind her she was not alone. Lila started crying when her brain registered that she is no longer in the dream.

Hexel got surprised by the scream. He threw his devout and followed where was it coming from. When he arrived at Kiel and Lila's door everyone was there.

" I saw the woman that came after us at the castle. She started cloacking me in darkness. I even felt a whip at my legs. " Lila explained between sobs. When she touch her legs a mark was left and scratches are visible and is bleeding.

When they checked Natalina she was not around. Nevi, Hexel and Aleph knocked and banged her door but she was not responding. Not long after they heard the piercing sound of breaking inside. Nevi destroyed the door and saw Natalina on the cieling asleep yet her floor were trashed.

Ophir instructed Eyel to heat a tea and some snacks. He also commanded Mem to fetch Cyrus. Natalina woke up and saw her room upside down when she is about to fall from the cieling Aleph caught her.

" I just saw a huge tree then I started drowning. I tried to swim up but someone was pulling me downwards when I kicked it off me. The scene changes, I saw a woman who was weeping as she threw all her materials. The next thing I know I am floating by the ceiling." Natalina expanded.

Cyrus and Gardenia came with their sleeping garments. When Nevi checked the clock it's 2AM in the morning. Cyrus gripped the letter he was holding. He hand it to Kiel to read it out loud. It's the letter from Daleth.

"Greetings, King Cyrus Radney Vine Oathniel.

Recently Jacinth has been suffering from lack of sleep due to nightmares. One of our church pastor had came and informed us of his dreams.

"I saw a woman who lusted a man, when the man's face was visible it was the face of King Cyrus. The woman held a obsessive and possessive affection toward the King. By that, she consulted a witch. When the witch was unable to fulfill her wishes. She ate the witch's heart and turned into a demon. The woman even look at me and said.

"Bring Cyrus to my castle. He will surely remember me. "

Thus Zayin and Jacinth will wish to join you at your kingdom to find the solution for this crises. Please do us the favour to send Lila in fetching them as soon as possible.

We appreciate your cooperation.


Daleth Yellan Acsents"

Gardenia gasped when she heared the priest's dream.

"There is no doubt that the Lord had answered our prayer by revealing the root of this problem to one of His pasture."

The Tale Bearers regain some hope and energy after hearing a new ray of light to find Lehi.

"I am sorry for ordering you around Prince Aleph, but would you mind accompanying Lila to fetch your father?" Cyrus said as he scratch his head after realising that the enemy was only after his affection. Cyrus had some clue who would it be but still he needed Zayin's supply of memories.

Aleph agreed since it would be a snap trip to his home. He can't help but be worried again toward his fiancee's condition. He is waiting for Lila in the living room when Kiel joined him for breakfast.

"Eat before you go, Lila already had her own. She is currently taking a bath." Kiel invited as he served him some viand and fruits.

"Thanks, Kiel where did you met Lila?" Aleph strike up a conversation to distract his weariness.

"At the forest when a demon caged me. How about you?" Kiel replied as he bite his apple.

"Ah, she is a fisherman's daughter. She is my childhood friend." Aleph replied as he gained his appetite. Kiel can't help but beam to see him regain his usual contour.

"So, instead of catching some fishes, You brought home a girl?" Kiel teased.

Aleph blushed at Kiel's remark.

"Don't tell me, I just hit the jackpot?" Kiel pondered.

Aleph averted his eyes from Kiel's playful expression.

Thankfully for Aleph, Lila came and joined them.

"Your done with your breakfast, Your highness?" Lila asked but was confused because of Aleph's shy face.

Kiel stood up and pull Lila for a hug.

"Get back here okay? I'll see you later."

Lila opened a portal and grinned at her husband. Not long after they fetched Zayin and Jacinth who are expecting their arrival. Zayin instructed Kaph and Nagged Daleth about keeping their guard up. Lila transported back to El Oathniel. Zayin, Gardenia and Cyrus started to visit a untouchable past.