Chapter 69: Tribute to Distant Shore

Lehi swam and glided against the vigorous tide and wave. Her lungs is getting stuffed with the salty water. The sun is half out in the sky and she cannot navigate as to which direction she would follow. She needed to get out of the sea before the sun fully relinquish or she will freeze to death. Her shoulder and feet are giving up as well.

Natalina aided Kiel to look for Lehi outside. They had run and searched every part of the forest but this place is just to spacious and uninhabited. Natalina left a communication ear peice made of jasper to Ophir. Ophir climb up to the window to inquire of the being about Lehi's location.

Nevi got his back hit on the stored things by the corner and it does not help that Hexel got thrown on top of him. Ophir came in with his bones in hands. He attacked the woman and striked her with her bone but the woman blocked him mid air. Ophir used his knee to inflict a physical pain on the woman. Ophir ploughed his knee to her stomach to make her bend. The woman growled at him. Nevi transported toward her back and kicked her knees. Hexel glide down to push the woman flat on the surface, to the exact area the girls have prepared. Natalina informed them About Lehi's oil. They had scribble a prayer on the floor using Lehi's oil and Natalina's diamond as the paper. The woman noticed the burning sensation at her back when the diamond glow and reflected her image.

The prayer got visible and Nevi, Hexel and Ophir recited it in unison.

"Lord, You are Almighty. You are our Rock. May Your words and blood purify and deliver this person. Send her to the place where You want her to be. Thank You for putting Your trust upon us.Amen."

The woman tried to crawl out but Lehi's oil had blocked her within Natalina's diamond. The woman yowl and bleat at her bodies smoke and steam.

"Where did you threw Lehi?" Ophir tried to asked calmly as he sat down to the woman's level. Instead of giving an answer she spitted on Ophir's face. The woman's body dismantled like a snow flake fading in black. Her howling voice echoed in smugness and bitter greet.

"I'll make sure you won't find her! She will pay for stealing me the right to be in this world."

Leh's eyes stings from the salt water. Her troath got piquant from the water that entered her mouth. Her lower body soaked and immersed too long from the water got tired of responding. The spasmodic contraction of her muscles yanked her within the black and blue depth of marine shore.

The castle got cleansed and blessed by Zayin and Daleth. They burnt all the source or any portal that can be used by supernatural. The women that died within the castle had a solemn ceremony indicating a parting to eternal life from the earth. The dairy found by the ladies got studied and examined by Zayin and Daleth as an overview and experience for the future festival.

Ophir gathered all the white flowers he had seen within the Capital. Just like the others he had put his wishes on the white petals to be washed by the salty tide. The capital conducted a search operation from the forest to the sea but they haven't spot any sign of Lehi.

Kiel even listened to the sound of the foresta for any notification from the natural resources but the nature was silent. Lila searched for a portal to enter where Lehi might have been but it led her to the same site where Kiel and Natalina surveyed. Cyrus even personally lead some troops to take the borders. Aleph and Zayin visited their Capital pastor for revelation and the whole Capital fasted and prayed for three whole days for the sending ritual and to find Lehi's whereabouts but they got the same answer.

Cyrus and the Tale Bearers departed from Acsents they had a long month travel back to El Oathniel. When Yodh and Taw heard of the news concerning Lehi. The two extended a prayer of hope for the Lehi's safety. Gardenia recieved the news from Radney's letter. Aleph joined the Tale Bearers under Zayin's instructions.

Aleph got detoured by Ophir inside the Myrrh Cinnamon Library. Aleph's concern about Lehi was sincere and genuine, seeing how he utilised his knights to search the valley, streams and lakes.

Aleph honestly salute Ophir's demeanour. Yes, he was sad and angry but that's it. He did not threw a tantrum nor got violent. He did not blame nor point fingers comparing to him when Alpeh saw the pool of blood coming out from the castle where the women held their games. He was shouting, ransacking and was angry of everything. Looking back to his actions he can't disagree with his father who said that he had the expression of godzilla.

Aleph had this lingering questions since the incident directly toward Ophir but he did not had any chance to ask back then.

"Ophir, how can you compose yourself like that, despite all the commotion and Lehi's disappearance?" Aleph inquired as Ophir led him to the living area.

"Because the woman said she was alive. And that alone is reassuring." Ophir answered and bid goodnight.

Cyrus and Gardenia opened the diary surrendered by Zayin. The diary content a daily routine and the author's emotion. By the end of the notebook a dried weed is used as a bookmark. Gardenia preserve the bookmark and Cyrus hosted a meeting by the next day.

"I am assigning the evaluating and researching about this dairy, I got this hunch that it might led us to Lehi." Cyrus notified.

"I am giving this assignment to you kids because you see, I got some papers threathining to multiply over there." Cyrus pointed to the papers stock on his table. As Novena noded.

"That being said Aleph, Kiel and Lila will be aiding me." Cyrus added before adjourning the session.