Chapter 64: Sun Passing Above.

Capital Of Acsents is described as one of the most prosperous kingdom when it comes to merchants. Their main product would be furnitures and fishes. The Capital of Acsents is well versed due to it's welcoming and joyful atmosphere. All the people within are hospitable and friendly. When their chariots arrived at their main gate, all the knights have fire a bullet upward for their entrance, the people even showered them with millions of flower petals.

When the chariot stopped in front of their palace. A knight in his red uniform blew the trumpet and announced.

"King Cyrus Radney Vine Oathniel from El Oathniel Kingdom."

The Tale Bearers glance at each other, Cyrus is not yet around the Capital. The knight once more called out Cyrus.

Just then Cyrus appeared at their entrance mid air. Lila transported back inside the chariot. When Cyrus landed on the ground the Tale Bearers lined up with Cyrus and bow their head.

The palace of Acents were purely made of fish tails and scales. The furniture are locally designed by the people. The floor and ceiling are of sea flakes and their walls are made of variety of shell. It was like a house designed for underwater living. A man with scale like hair shaded in topaz stood and threw himself at Cyrus. His olivine eyes sparks in gladness at their arrival. Cyrus pushed his face when he tried to give him a kiss on the cheek. Cyrus glared at the man but he kept on plunging himself.

The Tale Bearers praised his stubbornness, the King did not even flinch at Cyrus Radney's famous killer eye.

"Your Highness please behave, you are making King Cyrus uncomfortable."

A man holding numerous papers scolded . The man had a blue violet hair and his eyes were in pure black. His eye glases frames a beautiful face for a hunk.

"Kaph stopped scolding me in front of people." The King complained.

"Your Highness stop pestering other people's space then." Kaph replied as he assemble the papers by date.

"Your hand in command is right, Zayin you should stop being clingy." Cyrus pointed.

"How stern, I feel pity for the famous aid you got here, Right Tale Beraers?" Zayin teased as he glance at the Tale Bearers.

The Tale Bearers just sweat drop at his frankness. Cyrus ignored his comment.

"Ah, I can't help but feel concern at Gardenia's well being, I bet it was hard for her to embrace a poker face every single day." Zayin poetically recited with exaggerated gestures. The Tale Bearers muffled their laughter but Hexel just blew it and laughed as loud as he can.

Cyrus can feel his irritation arises when his veins popped out. Cyrus knew that Zayin is naughty enough to tease him but making him a laughing stock in front of his royal aid is pissing him off.

Zayin knew every fiber of Cyrus. He knew that his annoyance is at it's boiling point. He can't help but snicker inwardly. Cyrus never change at all, whenever Gardenia's name would be mentioned his reaction is priceless. So before Zayin recieve a punch on the face within his domian. He leapt backward and stood as he bow gracefully.

"Welcome Tale Bearers, I am Zayin Census Acsents. I am a friend of your King for a long time. How? don't ask me! I don't understand how I put up with a stern person like Cyrus, so please be patient and kind to him like we did."

Cyrus twitched his eyebrows at Zayin's introduction. He knew Zayin is unstoppable when it comes to pulling the strand of his patience yet he agreed to be one of his judge. Cyrus can't help but regret his decision to join his crappy games.

Cyrus Radney's complaining monologue got interrupted when a presence joined them. The young man had a crysphrase hair with chalcedony pupil. He bowed his head and hugged Cyrus.

"Welcome Uncle Cyrus, Where is Kiel?" The young man inquired. Kiel waved his hand at him and he skid toward Kiel. Kiel fell flat on the floor. Kiel can't help but think like how they say,

"He really is his father's son."

The young man apologized and helped Kiel to get up.

"I heared your married Kiel." the man inquired. Kiel just noded witnessing how Zayin grilled his father, and Kiel surely never wished to be in the same spot light. It will be a hot seat for Lila.

"Long time, No see Aleph." Kiel tried to distract his interest toward his marital affairs. Aleph knew this will be Kiel's reaction. Aleph wanted to roast his childhood friend. Aleph knelt in front of Lila and kiss the back of her hand.

Lila blushed and is lose at the sudden gesture.

Kiel cleared his throat when Lila did not retrieved her hand. Lila gasp and hid her hand.

"My name is Aleph, What is yours beautiful maiden?" Aleph introduced.

"I am Lila." Lila replied averting her eyes.

"What a beautiful name."

Alpeh appraised as he grined at her sweetly.

"She's my wife Aleph, Don't get her caught with your teasing." Kiel sighed.

Alpeh just chuckled at Kiel's lifeless warning.

Kaph apologized on his master's behalf. The Tale Bearers just waved it and can't help but symphatise with him. Kaph escorted them to their lounged within the palace gate. They had alloted a house for them to stay in. The house look like a unit good for ten members. The room each had a bathroom and toilet. The dinning and living area is common but the structure is like a castle in a historical book.

The sun displayed it's full celestial body. The grand parade took place within the whole area. The Tale Bearers wore one uniform with their emblem. It's a white and purple turtle neck. The knitting and embroidery is personally done by Gardenia with Eyel and Novena's help.

The loud applause and cheers of the people filled in the whole arena. The panels of judges were introduced. Zayin hath given his greetings and uttered a prayer to fully established the grand opening.

"Hallelujah, We praise and exalt You,

We adore and love You Lord.

Today we hereby open and declare this annual event to be govern By You like how you did in the past. May it be that all our actions are to glorify Your Name. Amen."