Chapter 63: Swear of Holiness

Their journey continued after a month training. A letter has been sent to Cyrus by Gardenia. It was to remind them that they should never forget their goal.

"Dearest King,

I know you are doing well that is why there is no need for greetings. I have wrote to inform you that I already finished the task you have entrusted to me. I am also alerting you about the rebellious fraction getting more active during your absence. One night, their leader tried to climb up on our bed during my sleep. Thanks to Eyel and Mem's defence I am saved. I am praying for you.

Love from,

Your Queen."

Cyrus folded his wife's letter neatly. He never thought that Ham would be a royal pain in his neck. Cyrus commanded the chariot to halt. He assembled the Tale Bearers for his new plan and instructions.

"Ophir led the team to reach the Capital of Acsents without any delay. Lila and I will be transporting back to El Oathniel. My sudden appearance will create a shock wave to the rebellious fraction. They are trying to push Gardenia in a corner, So be safe and see you at the Capital."

Ophir saluted a "Yes Your Highness, We understand." After Ophir had given his salutation. Cyrus instantly vanished with Lila. The chariot ride went on like the usual. The team are no longer shivering from the King's gaze.

Lila and Cyrus landed behind the curtain at his throne. Ham is currently harrasing Gardenia. Lila automatically saw a flashback of Ham's attempted assault toward her. It was a dissapointing action coming from someone who regard himself as highly.

Cyrus open his lashes like a tinder box. His steel glare was inflammable. Cyrus does not fancy anyone who clings to his wife. He maybe a King for many people but is a husband to only one. Cyrus was about to reveal his unannounced visit but Gardenia just punch and kick Ham where it hurts the most. Lila silently clap her hand. While Cyrus just chuckled at her gesture.

Ham got himself laying on the floor. When King Cyrus suddenly appear in front of him. Just the shoes indicate who is standing in front of him and almost stepping on his face. When Ham met his eyes it was like a deadlock from an erupted volcano on a flash point. Ham was shocked and also confused as to why the King is inside the throne. Ham surveyed the surrounding and no one is present with them. Cyrus called the guards to send Ham outside the palace.

Cyrus grab his collar and warned Ham.

"The next time you invade MY WIFE'S SPACE, I will have your head hang on the gate."

Gradenia was surprised when Lila and Cyrus came back within the palace. Cyrus have dismissed Lila and would stay within the palace's bed. Cyrus need to check some new documents. When he checked all the file handed by Novena, thankfully all the jobs and assignment requested are enough for Eyel and Mem to handle.

Cyrus cuddled with Gardenia as he sniff her hair. Cyrus missed his wife. He might be a stern King but he is a spoiled husband. Cyrus noticed a bruise upon the blade of Gardenia's shoulder. It was a teeth bite mark.

"Did Ham bit you? " Cyrus asked in a husky but furious tone.

"Yep, when he climb up in here, he tried to overpower me but I was able to push him away from me." Gardenia answered as she look at some scratch under his chin.

"What happened to your chin? " Gardenia inquired.

"Yodh and Natalina managed a scratch." Cyrus replied as he trail kisses on the bite mark.

Hexel scouted the area for safe shading atnight. Gladly the moon is not just peeping but is all out. They agreed to rest after crossing the bridge. The capatal's light and noise is on view at their campsite . By the next day, they will finally reach their destination.

Nevi as usual does the cooking with Natalina and Urchin. Kiel, Ophir and Lehi are currently arranging the chariots as their bed for the night. After the cheerful dinner Lehi, Natalina and Urchin shared one chariot while the men took the other one. But before they all completely adrift. Ophir closed the evening in prayer.

"Our God who gives no worry and fear when we sleep, I declare protection and rest upon each of us. Prepare us tomorrow. We thank your presence and You being here with us. Amen."

Lehi climb up the nearest tree and saw the light coming from the capital. It was uncanny. She can't help but yearn her era. Her mother's singing voice and her father's preaching. Nevi saw Lehi up on the tree and smiled at her posture. Nevi notified Ophir about Lehi's home sickness.

Ophir was surprised and at the same time grateful of Nevi's tip when it comes to Lehi. At first he rated Nevi as a rival but his passive and friendly gesture toward Lehi was measured. Nevi clearly knew the line Ophir had drawn. Ophir looked up and saw Lehi on the branch sitting and staring afar off.

Her ash muave eyes mirrored the full moon. The brightness of the golden moon and her eyes formed a hue in between brown and white. Ophir realised that it's been long since he stared and share a bed with his wife. He climb up beside Lehi and pulled her in a hug.

Ophir knew that her longing is in depth. He understand that right now they are only capable to visit their own memories when they are missing their homes. Lehi and Ophir watched the moon shun the area before them. It was bare and dark only the shadow of the city outlined on the flat surface.

Cyrus knew that his wife would be pressured even if she won't admit it. Her dark circles are resurfacing without her make up. Her healthy skin got pale and her weight had decrease. Cyrus planted a soft kiss unto Gardenia's sleeping face. It was a tough month for her but Cyrus can't help but be proud of her effort and achievement. Even the elders had given their thumbs up.