Chapter 67: Blood of Prophecy

Lehi dreamt the same vision she had witnessed with Yodh since the anointing.

She walked up by the sound of siren coming from within their castle. After the alarming sound. The environment changed back to it's original design. King Zayin's voice broadcasted with instructions.

"The men on quest please forget about the game and head back to aid the women in the north. A unidentified supernatural had annihilated and slaughtered a number of them. Let us save our women and work as one."

Lehi saw Natalina and Lila by the first door. They hath embraced each other in reunion. When they opened the gate other bodies of women are ripped and the blood had flooded the whole floor. The blood are pooled and it's reaching their waist. Natalina can't help but vomit. Suddenly a woman with amethyst eyes and hyacinth hair swam toward them.

"Sorry but can I join you? I losed all of my comrades along our escape. My name is Jacinth, I am Aleph's fiancee."

The young princess introduced. Her messy garment and shaky voiced had proven that she might have encountered the supernatural who is causing the blood bath.

When the men heared about the announcement a transparent archieved appeared and it served as their navigator. They all rushed in to the north. When they reached the gate. The blood is flowing from the inside. Garments and body parts are floating all over. Some men had recognized the item as their dearest owned and materials. Aleph recognized Jacinth's shoes. Aleph furiously passed the gate and kicked the door. He saw the same scene but no one was there. The place suddenly got filled with weeping and wailing. The women's body are floating around lifeless.

Aleph, Kaph and the Tale Bearers surveyed the area for their team mates but only Aleph and Kaph's team mate are retrieved. The joyous festival became a lamenting event. Zayin and Cyrus joined them some time. Zayin bowed his head in shame and regret. Cyrus tapped his shoulder and confirmed it to him that it was not his fault. Someone might have used this event for their selfish and evil benefits.

Jacinth recognized the form of the one who had ripped and murdered her friends. She notified Lehi, Lila and Natalina about the approaching form. Lila opened a portal to transport them before the enemy catch them. They all shivered in fear. Their knees are uncontrollably shaking. The enemy's form wasn't scary but her aura and eyes spoke at how strong and scary that person would be.

Her form was of an old woman radiating a very vast and dark aura. By the proximity and distance, it sent out the feeling that this person will take your life mercilessly. Her white and bloody gown had empowered the effect. That if you caught even a glimpse of her, It will bear in mind. Lila transported them into the attic structure of the castle. All the things inside are dusty and old. They decided to look for a clue because Lila mentioned that the portal directed them to a safe place with ramnaints.

Zayin took the command and devided the team. Cyrus stood beside him.

"I will be splitting the team, Some men will help us gather the bodies and Some will be looking for any sign of life. Let us move calmly without panicking the whole capital. I had my wife ready an evacuation area by the palace. I am also requesting that some men with gifts should stay with the people in the capital to ward them. "

The Tale Bearers volunteered to be part of the saerch team with Aleph. Kaph lead the remaining men to gather and secure the floating bodies. Zayin and Cyrus purified the place and the blood perished. Daleth updated the name and identification of the women who had losed their life upon the archive. The number had toll up. Most of the victims are visitors.

Natalina led the team in prayer to ease the trembling and fright from each of them. They held hand in unity.

"Our God who is our Shelter and Rock. We surrender this fear and fright we have. What we witnessed right now is not an ordinary event. We uplift to you the family of the people who had losed their life. Comfort them with Your precious arms. Give us the courage to protect one another. Amen."

When Ophir heared the siren his heartbeat had raced in worry. It was a heavy feeling that Ophir can't explain where is it coming from. Zayin's announcement confimed the root of his concern. When they arrived at the north. He gasped and felt anxious. His thoughts are unsteady and every hair in his body recognizes a foreshadowing demise. He can't help but think what happened to the ladies and who would do such thing? What is the motive behind all this? When he saw Aleph's devastated face after finding a shoes his nerves are quivering.

"A woman who thirst for love had been locked up within the attic of the castle. The husband of her youth is the darkness. When she accidentally met someone whom she thought was the one for her, She really polished and dressed her self. But the man just look at her as a friend. She yearned for more. She tried to forced him to be the father of her child but she was barren. Eventually she accepted her fate that the man is not for her. The man got married and had a son. Her desire get pampered and more possessive. She turn into a witch for aid. She wanted to kill the wife and son but the curse have backfired. Her lust and greed had consumed her.

She decided to have a family of her own but her fate was different. The man she seduced to marry her got violent and immoral. He did not treated her as a woman. He did not respect her as a wife. When she saw by chance the man she loved they were all smile. Her jealousy ignited. She again seek the aid of the witch but got herself bewitched. Her husband beat her to death but she survived. She murdered the witch who betrayed her. She studied her dark magic and it rotten her soul. She was feared and known as the enemy of woman whom she envied."