Chapter 66: Famine of Reconciliation

Ophir lead the team and brief them of their roles. They stride within the first floor and saw an empty space. There was no door, no light and no windows. Suddenly they felt suffocated, Ophir did not fight back but wisely closed his eyes. Kiel felt his scream being blocked. Hexel can't even see any members of his body. Nevi hugged Urchin who is trembling in fear. The scenery transform into a disintegrating rocks, the split coarsed like a gravel. The foundry and moldy became abrassive. Ophir cannot spot any sign of his team mates. Ophir started running and shouting calling their names in the middle of nowhere.

In front of Natalina, Lila and Lehi is a castle with huge golden door. When they entered the first door. Natalina heared a faint and husky voice. She closed her eyes to highthen her senses. Her ears had led her to a dripping water. When she looked around a shock wave had threw them from all direction. Natalina pushed the debris on her side and stood up. She called on Lehi and Lila's name but no answer was given.

Kiel remember his vocal tube being blocked. His voice were choked when he started to shout once more his voice echoed all over the place. He started running to find his team mates. The gravel is slowing his pace.

It's heavy and soft, not long after a huge scorpion appeared in front of him. Kiel stumbled while running from the venomous stinger that is closing the gap between them, then someone cut it's tail.

"Hi Kiel, Did you get separated with your team as well?" Aleph said as he continued to chop the nocturnal arachnids. Kiel nodded his head and decided to venture with Aleph for the time being, besides they shared the same goal, and it's to get reunited with their team mates.

Lehi recalled the violent pulsating shock that threw them in all direction. Lehi heard the shattered glass under her feet crumbles to atomic pieces. She surveyed the area and cannot fathom where was she thrown. She continued to roam around to observed her environment. Lehi checked any passage that would led her team to assemble but to no avail only the rubbles are foaming around her.

Hexel got himself propelled within a sinking gravel. He keeps climbing back but the greedy mouth consumed him. He got twirl within the sand and is losing his ability to breath when someone kick him out of the spiral. Kaph extended his hand toward Hexel and they paired up to seek their missing friends.

Nevi and Urchin found themselves burried within a countless camel marching. Nevi and Urchin even rode one. Nevi had read in books that camels knew a way toward the oasis. The question is, how long will they be ridding the ruminant mamals? Nevi can see the sun resigning his rays. The night will embark upon them soon.

Lila crawl out from the pillars that almost hit her. She looked around and everything are in ruin. The smell of barrenness has enveloped the place. Lila heared a footstep behind her. She ducked under the pillars to conceal herself. A tentacles without any form came in to her view. Lila held her breath when the tentacles creep on the ground. Lila grab the broken piece of vase laying near her and secured it in her pocket.

Suddenly the tentacles halted, Lila can feel the tentacle's dynamically grabbed her waist and used her to swept the floor. Lila ruffled her pocket for the vase and used it to thrust and harm the tentacles. Lila successfully release herself but the creature got provoked. It's hungry and white eyes laughed in excitement. It stoutly whipped Lila, Lila dodge some attacks but the tentacles were merciless when it caught her.

Ophir had walked for miles and he never encountered anything. He decided to take a rest since the sun had settled. The luminary spheres are watching him. He searched his bag for food and drinks. It's the first level but it was exhausting. Ophir fed his intestines and decided to take his rest but before he does, he prayed.

"Our Dear Lord who is guiding and protecting us, give us the faith toward You and for each other, since we got separated. We cannot boast about tomorrow because we won't know what will happen but You do. Amen."

Nevi and Urchin was unable to find any oasis. Nevi had fed Urchin and they lump themselves with the camels for evening warmth. Nevi prayed to help Urchin calmed down.

"Father, protect us for tonight for You are our best armour. Be with our friends who are also within the quest. By tomorrow You will continue to be our hope. Amen."

Hexel and Kaph slept as soon as the sun waved goodbye. Kiel and Aleph burried themselves within the gravel with their heads out. Zayin and Cyrus both felt embarrassed to their son's childish and immature choice of solution.

Lehi took another narrow passage and used it as her base. She ate alone and slept alone. She wondered if their are stars tonight. She can't help but think if Ophir's team is doing well. Lehi clasp her hands and prayed.

"Our God who is able. Thank You for the quest for today. We may have thought that it was fruitless but we do believe that You are letting us walk through this in accordance to Your will. Help us to carry on and share each other's burden. Thank You for protecting our team who are in danger. Amen."

Natalina heared Lila's voice echoed through the ruins. She trailed the source of the scream and saw Lila being whipped by tentacles. Natalina helped her by grabbing a steel and used it to hit and strike the tentacles. Natalina run toward Lila and helped her stood up. Natalina threw the steel and grab a sharper object laying around. Lila copied her action. They both sparred and wield their tools and was able to defeat the tentacles. Lila embraced Natalina in relief and grattitude.