Chapter 97: Respite from Cravings

Cyrus retired for the day after his wine drinking with Yodh and Waheb. He did his best to refuse and escape away from Yodh. Yodh was insisting that he should join him on bed since he will be lonely.

Cyrus realised that Yodh was right when his body hit their bed. Gardenia's scent are all over the place. He stared at the paintings in front of him. He can feel his eyeballs getting moistened.

He remember venturing at their treasure room. He examined the seal given by Natalina. Her hair piece that he brought for him during the early stage of their relationship. Cyrus noticed a box made of jasper and gold. He opened the small box and realised that it was a musicbox. Gardenia must have prepared it since she already knew her fate for two months.

The music box played a harp. When he looked at the coffin like pearl. It was full of Gardenia's letter for his birthday and their anniversary. A note was attached to it. "Don't rush to read all of it. Please read and open each letter according to it's date. Love you."

Cyrus became a crybaby since Gardenia's death. If he won't stop she will surely scold him. When the harp halted from the music box, Gardenia's voice played.

"Don't be a crybaby when I'm no longer by your side. Your son will get broken hearted. Your too old to be sniffing. I miss you too. Eat and sleep well."

Cyrus took a bath, even when she is no longer by her side. her naggings are still hunting him. Cyrus suddenly froze when someone lather his hair.

Ain was in the bath with him. Cyrus twisted his hand and welt him in the bath. Ain raised his hand to indicate his surrender. Ain coughed from the amount of water his lungs have sucked in. Ain cleared his throat and muttered lowly.

"Sorry, I am here to return this."

Ain said as he extend the pin she got from Gardenia.

Cyrus refused his the pin and turn his. back from him to continue his bath.

"She gave it to you, keep it!"

Cyrus applied some soap on Ain's back.

Ain felt at ease with Cyrus than with Cyprus. Ain suddenly confessed about what he found out.

"Then your not here to spy?" Cyrus inquired. Ain bowed his head with grim.

"I rebeled against Cyprus and he kicked me out. I have no where to go."

Cyrus handed him some of his robe and said.

"Your father is here. Do you want to meet him?"

Cyprus groaned at the wound Ain gave him. He knew that the teenage boy has hit puberty but for him to rebel against him is something unexpected. Poldo's input shows that Gardenia might have said something that bewitched Ain. Cyprus cursed Gardenia even in her last breath she has turned the tables against him. Bylon applied the ointment and potion to ease his wounds.

Waheb got woke up by Cyrus they headed toward his chamber. A young boy that resembles Evi stood in front of him. Cyrus briefed them about the situation. Waheb held his son as he cried and whispered a welcome home again and again. Cyrus need to revise his meeting with the Tale Bearers. But for tonight he wanted to sleep.

Cyprus was not surprised when Cyrus appeared with Yodh and Ophir. Cyprus attacked them with black lightning. Yodh punched it while Ophir and Cyrus avoided the struck. Ophir summoned a jawbone. Cyrus raised up a baton made from Gardenia's jasper and golden curvings of prayer. Cyrus slashed it from his position. The ground, walls and ceiling got pulled by the force. Cyprus gritted his teeth from the piercing wave.

Yodh and Ophir moved along with the whirling rubbles. Yodh punched Cyprus to get burried on the floor. Ophir extended his hand in prayer as he used the instrument for the salt water and blood to mixed in.

"Father who have the authority and power all over the earth. We are nothing under your feet. Deliver this man from fangs of deciet and evil. Let this blood justify and cleanse him. Allow this saltwater to wash away all the remnants of wickedness within him. Amen."

Cyprus got bind by blood and the salty water. Yodh released Cyprus for his painful struggle got furious. Cyrus merged his rod and baton to form a cross.

"Holy God whose verdict is without blemish. Let it prevail. We put are hand up to surrender this person unto Your care. We thank your grace. Amen."

His nails and throne purge the demons resting unto Cyprus. A sulfur smoke and rotten smell steamed from his body. Multiple voice were heared as he scream in agony. Cyrus allowed Cyprus to pass through his body like a transparent sheet. Ophir's salty blood erased the stigma engraved upon Cyprus being.

Waheb, Nevi and Lehi screened the deluge of stringless arrows made of glass upon them. Waheb struck down with his thunder and gravity. The old man got his face kissed the floor. Nevi and Lehi just gaped at how the fight ended. They were hopeless against this man but it just take a single blow from Waheb.

Hexel, Natalina and Kiel fought back with the witch. Natalina reflected the whole floor with her diamond to prevent the witch from using her time frame. Kiel prayed for the nature to secure Natalina's replica. Hexel was giddy to be able to have a sparring with the witch.

Bylon appointed Hexel as the perfect mate for herself but seeing how he rejects her resulted unto her trump card to be released. She chanted an ancient language that released a foul lava upon the whole replica. Hexel prayed for his sword to get equipped.

"God of Victory and Destiny. Materialise this weapon to be wield upon unholy and immoral practices. Let your light seal out this darkness. Amen."

Hexel's sword turned unto simple stick. He struck the lava seven times and it got purified. Natalina took the opportunity to cage the salacious witch under her emerald gift.