Chapter 96: Toiled Uneaten

Cyrus wanted to just morn and lament to his lose but that would be unfruitful and Gardenia will surely scold him. He knocks at Urchin's door.

"Urchin,open the door or I will break it." Cyrus warned as he eyed Nevi. Urchin twisted his door knob and opened his door. Urchin's look unkempt, His eyes were puffed and his smell is unbearable.

Cyrus folded his sleeves and put Urchin on the bath. Usually he would splash around and giggles till he blew some but this time he just remained obedient and silent.

Cyrus wrapped him on a towel and clothed. Cyrus had him sat on his lap as he begin to cry. Cyrus comforted Urchin and inquired.

"Did she told you to keep it a secret?"

Urchin nod his head unto his chest.

"When did she find out about it?"

Urchin rubbed his eyes and answered.

"Twow mwonths agow."

Cyrus held him closer and encouraged him.

"How did she responded?" Cyrus asked as he allow his tears to fall.

"Auwnt smwiled and prwayed with mew."

Cyrus sighed she really did hid it from him. Cyrus had a sudden flashback of Gardenia waiting upon the gate as she put on a white scarf.

Natalina had her memories kept as she clasp the hairpiece she bestowed unto her. Lila had an overload that causes her to faint. Kiel excused himself and attended his wife. They just lose a child and now their mother. Kiel suddenly remembered the snack she sneakily prepared for him. He cried when her warm smile tingles his memories.

The solemn wake happened under the falling leaves. Cyrus had her buried unto her favorite tree garden. Cyrus realised what she meant when she had embroidered his cape. She put on a neat single white stem flower under his hood. She arranged all of her things when he checked their wardrobe. No wonder the auction had them won a lot of her portraits and paintings.

Kiel made his way unto his parent's chamber. He saw the door that was slightly open Cyrus is folding all of Gardenia's things and is putting in on their treasure room. Cyrus unwrapped the portraits they won from the auction and lined it up all over the wall. Kiel spoke with gentle accent.

"You shouldn't line it up like that, Mother will complain about it."

Cyrus looked at him as he nods. Kiel looked at the painting and would want to ask for one.

"Can I have this one. The one where she had her index finger as she winks."

Cyrus agreed and made a remark that startled Kiel.

"Ah, that one. Does it remind you whenever she spoiled you?"

Kiel just chuckle until he started to fully lament.

Cyprus made a feast as they celebrate the succes of his plan. Ain spoke to halt his cheering.

"Cyprus, I forget to deliver her last message. She said, I have forgiven you."

Ain chucked all of his wine and excused himself. Ain looked at the pin Gardenia entrusted when he locked her in his parallel. It was a white flower with blue and crimson touch. Ain felt guilty when she did not even beg for help. She just beautifully smiled at him. When he heared Cyprus confession about his parents he wanted to stab him with his arrow. Cyprus purposely manipulated his mother Evi and toyed his father Waheb. He led them astray to used him for his goal. He wanted revenge for what he did and Gardenia was the one who revealed it to him during their interrogation. Ain was surprise that Gardenia recognise her mother's resemblance unto his face. Ain caress his cheekbone as he release the yoke that's been digging a worm upon his heart.

Cyrus called the Tale Bearers for a meeting. Lehi and Natalina revealed the frame Gardenia crafted before she died.

Natalina read it out loud for everyone to hear.

"I don't have any regrets so live up. My destiny was more than I have prayed for. I will always be with you."

Behind the frame was a simple note.

"Save the young man for me. He is Evi's missing son. Protect Urchin from Cyprus."

Cyrus assigned Nevi and Kiel to guard Urchin. He made planned to have Cyprus got sanctified.

"My brother used his body as a vessel for the evil entities.From what I have sensed their are 32 within him. Ophir and Natalina needs to stick together in entrapping Cyprus. Lehi,Hexel and Lila make sure to asked the witch about their interest of Urchin."

Ophir asked his question before they got dismissed.

"How about the old man?"

Cyrus assured them when Aleph, Waheb and Yodh appeared. Taw got assigned by Cyrus to aid in protecting Urchin just in case.

Aleph extended his condolence toward Kiel. Keil appreciated it and was glad to have someone who is capable enough to join them. Kiel took Aleph inside his parents treasure room and showed her a lot of Cyrus collection involving Gardenia. The flowers, paintings and even the seal with Gardenia's figure.

Yodh and Waheb invited Cyrus for a drink. Waheb used to envy Cyrus since he was the first love of his wife. Part of him on their previous battle wanted to give him a punch but now he understand that the King's heart belongs to the late queen. Waheb passed on Evi's letter of condolence. She was unable to attend due to her current equipping with the Kingdom's Elders. She is currently training to recover her gifts.

Cyrus was grateful of their helping hands and company. Cyrus read the letter from Evi and kept it. Yodh can't catch up with the awkward atmosphere when Cyrus suddenly spoke.

"Thanks Waheb, I also want to inform you that your son is with Cyprus."

Waheb was glad to hear that their missing son is now on sight. Waheb immediately wrote a letter to inform Evi. When Waheb heared that Ain was involved with the Queen's death. He can't help but bow his head in shame in front of their King. Yet when Cyrus unfolded that Cyprus was the reason their family wrecked for many years. He wanted to punch him on the face and requested Cyrus if he can join in with their duel but Cyrus firmly plead that his skill is needed against the old man with glass rod.