Chapter 101: Iron Taken From Earth.

Sotai firmly planted his knees on the cold altar. The huge curtains and scent of incense accompanied his soul searching. The decision he committed were in turban of justice and righteousness. Sotai knew that Evi's household were in drenched with deciet but now he will be reclaiming Evi's stream of olive oil besmear. The wine are pressed for her position.The Elders were now in complete team of 13. For the past decade only one woman is permitted to join the ELDERS and for this generation Evi got promoted. Sotai can't deny her skills, potential and gifts since she was a candidate for the royal queen position before. Sotai informed Cyrus for the new alignment of the Tale Bearers since Kiel's wife will be the reigning host of the Royal Palace.

Cyrus gathered the Tale Bearers for his decision. He knew that it will be reckless but he cannot allow the Queen's position to be vacant for long.

"We have agreed that Lila will be the next host of the Royal Palace. In other words Ain will take over her function with the Tale Bearers. Mem and Eyel will be there to assist her. As for Kiel, I will now remove you from any Palace works."

Kiel was perplexed at his father's sudden resolve. Kiel knew that he complained a lot when he would be assigned for the palace works but removing him is a bit windblown for him. Kiel waited for his team to dispersed and started to inquire behind his father's conclusion.

"Father, I knew I complained a lot but I am disconcerted as to why."

Cyrus asked Eyel to serve them some snack. It's been a while since Cyrus had a light meal with Kiel. Cyrus lead his son to the back garden.

" Well for you to take my position as the royal aid, because I will no longer join your team in doing assignments and helping outside the Palace. I need to focus being the King or do you want to switch with me?"

Kiel quivered at the thought but his father was right. Gardenia is no longer around to stand in when he leaves the throne. Lila is still on the process of equipping. Kiel ate his soft bread as they both glance to the flowers that Gardenia used to cultivate. Kiel suddenly muttered his transparent yearning.

"I miss her." Kiel covered is mouth with his hands. His tongue got rolled from what he just spoke. When Kiel glanced at his father's face, Cyrus just watched how the tree branches dangle it's flowers and leaves. Cyrus shut his eyes and savoured the floral aroma as he answered with the same emotion.

"Me too."

Sotai observed closely from a pillar. He understood the feeling of being left behind. The process of healing was tedious because the memories have it's own life in someone's soul but for now Sotai approached the two and shared a meal with them. He informed them about Evi's promotion and Cyprus stagnant condition. Sotai also alerted them about the request for help outside El Oathniel. Cyrus and Kiel listened and sent Ophir to attend the meeting and issue.

Hexel just returned from his vacation to the Myrrh Cinnamon Palace at the King's command. Natalina and Lehi were arranging the table. Sotai will be visiting their Palace for a brief summary of their new assignment. Nevi is currently being tended by the Duchess his wound still needs more frequent check up. Ain and Urchin are on their way from visiting the Queen's Palace. Novena got transferred as the King's right hand and secretary due to Gardenia's sudden death.

Ophir was shocked to see Cyprus body at the moment. His viens were see through from his skin. His breathing were moderate but it seems like their are interval from his heart beat. Ophir was glad to see Evi doing her best as one of the Elders at the Cathedral. Their meeting was instense that Ophir can't even have the courage to excuse himself to pee.

After the four hours meeting, Sotai and Ophir are walking toward Myrhh Cinnamon for the next mission. Ophir was unmoving when Cyrus was the one who delivers their assignment but having Sotai felt like receiving a lullaby from a grandparents. The old man is always gentle and humorous. Ophir heared from Mem that his lineage were the very first one to assist the Royal Family from the beggining. Ophir wonders if he ever got married or had a child. Sotai heared Ophir's murmurings and chuckled as he replied.

"I do have a wife and son. My grandson is always with you."

Ophir analysizes his answer and was surprised to realise that his knight is his descendant.

"Mem?!" Ophir voiced out.

Sotai just made a poise and tied his long hair and Ophir noted that Mem's face is Sotai's look alike. Ophir now understand how Mem can nag and scold the King without second thoughts.

Lehi and Natalina clean up the table for the meeting after dinner. Sotai started by introducing the sender of the message.

"Actually it's my son's letter. He said that during his quest he encountered a remote village with unusual crises. The people were hearing a woman's voice from a waterfall. And some of their men are disappearing during dawn. Here is the map my son have drawn."

Kiel and Nevi studied the map and was unable to understand it. It was like a paper full of curse and spell. Natalina read it for them and said.

"It's easy to understand. It just says here that we don't need a transportation. We can just follow the river from Terifimo. The remote town is located at the peak of the stream.

P. S the water's current get violent pass midnight."

Kiel and Nevi literally applauded Natalina's sense of sight.

Ophir recalled his training with Asno and was reminded that the river's landscape were confusing.

Sotai bestowed a prayer of protection for the team. Sotai is bothered by his son's letter. His son never bother to ask for help from the Kingdom. So, why would the number one night in the whole Kingdom write something like this?

Sotai knew that something troublesome is awaiting the Tale Bearers. He extended his hand and prayed for them.

"Our Almighty God who is our Prime. We humbly asked that You watch and protect this youth for their upcoming journey. Keep them away from any harm and temptation. We appreciate Your miracle and refuge upon us. Amen."