Chapter 102: Copper Smelted from Ore.

Asno escorted the Tale Bearers toward the river. Hexel disgorged the content of his stomach. The flow and direction of the river is causing a mental confusion. Ophir who used to glide on the water during his training has adopted the landscape of the current. Natalina is currently suffering from a whirling sensation within her head. They just stood by the river for a while but the whole team are feeling sick except for Nevi and Urchin who are splashing and snorkeling and are not minding the confusing structure of the river.

Ophir can't blame them since he went through the same struggle at his first time. He unbuckled his bag and spread a blanket under the tree.

"Guys let's take a rest for now. The sun is scorching, Let's recharge for now."

They all settled on the blanket while Nevi and Urchin were left playing in the water. Hexel and Natalina looked awful. Ophir aided Lehi to lean on his shoulder as he got his back supported by the tree. Kiel just teased them as he hummed.

Urchin froze and suddenly shut his eyes. Nevi grabbed Urchin and laid him on one of the blanket. Kiel rampages his bag for his sons garment. Lila will rant at him if Urchin will catch a cold. Kiel even recieved a long lambaste before taking off from their bedchamber. He changes his clothes as they wait for him to say something when he opened his eyes.

"Fawther, Urchwin is hwungry."

Kiel and Nevi just sighed in relief. Ain prepared their food. After the break they continued to hiked up the inverted river. Just when the moon shun it's cresent the Tale Bearers reached the remote village.

They got welcomed by the people. A man in his 50's who stands as their leader guided them to his small house. He introduced himself as Nebu.

"We thank your kindness for hearing our request." Nebu spoke with gratitude.

Ophir asked him about their concern and Nebu started to fidget as he unfold their story.

"Our men in the village would disappear by twilight. Some say that they heared a woman's scream but none of the villagers were able to harken it other than the next victim. It was said that a nymph is calling a new husband."

"Does that meam that most of the victims were single?" Nevi inquired.

Nebu nodded in agreement.

"Aside from the voice, is there anything unusual?" Hexel questioned.

Nebu's wife gasped and butt in.

"There is! The old women used to tell us of a myth relating the stream."

Nebu seemed to recall something and excused himself only to come back with an old woman who can barely walk.

Ain stood up to offer his seat. The old woman grinned at Ain. The teenager just bowed his head.

Nebu introduced the old lady as ilinita.

ilinita can't properly hear that's why Nebu used a tube like a mic and would direct it to ilinita's ear. Lehi felt bad for the old woman and was about to heal her ears but ilinita started to giggle and spoke.

"It's been long since we have some visitors outside this remote village."

Nebu introduced them and ilinita winked at Hexel. Kiel and Nevi teases the young duke, ilinita requested to cling with Hexel as she twinkle her eyes. Ain and Ophir can't muffle their laugh. Hexel just sighed tiredly, why do weird women go after him?

Nebu bowed himself and apologized to Hexel but he just brush it off and whispered to ilinita's ear to convince her from telling them about the myth. ilinita squealed in delight as Natalina and Lehi cheered the old woman. After minutes of flirting ilinita started to speak.

"The stream was used to be a hot spring. Until one day a traveller accidentally fell at the center of the hot springs. When he cried for help a nymph appeared by the water and saved the young man. When the young man saw how beautiful the nymph was, He invited his friends to the stream. But the other men wasn't able to see the nymph. When the traveller got mocked and laugh at by his friends he pushed one of his friend at the center of the stream. That's when the nymph appeared. The men got enchanted of her beauty and captured the nymph for money. They used her as their source of income. Until one day the hot spring turned unto a sulfur that haunted the greedy man, Thus the hot spring became sulfur lagoon." ilinita wrapped up as she sniffed Hexel.

Kiel made a comment that the myth had no connection about their concern at all. Nebu just scratched the back of his head sheepishly and admitted that Kiel's remark was right. When the Tale Bearers decided to resign for the night. Ain blurted out that he can hear a woman's scream inside his head. The team got alerted. Nebu excused ilinita and his wife. Ophir instructed the team to be on their track. Natalina distributed her famous earing communication device. Ain followed the source of scream and it led him to the sulfur lagoon that was a waterfall by day. This is the stream they passed by before entering the remote village.

Ain stood by the lagoon and started to loose his ability to think. His eyes got debauched. His body moved in according to the woman's command. Ophir called his attention to retreat but Ain continued to approach the toxic liquid. Kiel was about to extend his hand but suddenly Urchin activated his trance. A figure of wailing lady came across their view.

The woman halted from weeping and ordered Ain to get closer to her. Ophir waited for Urchin's next move but the young boy just stood their. Hexel suddenly got magnified as ilinita transformed into a nymph. Nebu and his wife were taken hostage. Ophir and the rest of the gang were paused. Only Ain can cut a space like this. Kiel started shouting to get Urchin's attention but he remianed daze. Kiel never realised that his son's gift can overtake the whole team. Ain's body started to get consumed by the sulfur lagoon while the Tale Bearers got stoned in place.