Chapter 103: Sapphire as Nuggets of Gold

Ain came around when he found himself being tied on the altar. Ain felt a sticky liquid moisten his chin and saw Hexel tied on the cieling with the same knot. The two were bind by ligature and was postured in a huge X manner. The cave was full of inverted carbonate formed from the drip of calcareous water. The place was too glamorous for someone to be it's death bed. Their environment were dustend with gold. Ain realised that the sticky liquid was from Hexel's drool from the cieling. Ain can't help but be disgusted from the saliva since Hexel is snoring. Ain can't contain but to utter vulgar crudeness a habbit he earned from Cyprus.

Kiel growled at how brilliant and scary Urchin's gift would be when it opposes them. Natalina can feel her earing ornament distorting. She knew that Urchin was from a noteworthy bloodline but being the receiving end is not funny at all cost. Lehi can feel her breathing got slowed because of Nevi's thigh upon her ribs. Before Urchin activated his trance, unintentionally Lehi slipped but Nevi tried to help her. They got paused with the most uncomfortable display.

Ophir got his body burnt out from using the gift of words last time. Ophir know that it will cause a latter damage on him yet he believes that his teammates will take on what he can't fill in. He focused his senses to the stone in between his forehead and declared.

"This blackness that is not from the sun. I command you to crumble and be illuminated by light!" The amber light from his stone embraced Urchin's trance. Ophir's voice was like the sound of a gentle hen to her unhatched eggs.

When the blackness left Kiel he immediately embraced his son to sheild him from Ophir's amber light. The transparent light engulfed Urchin that left him unconscious.

Ophir commanded Natalina and Kiel to protect the villagers while Lehi and Nevi joins him in rescuing Hexel and Ain. Ophir sometimes can just clicked his tongue. Why do Hexel always ended up as a hostage when he is the most reliable in terms of close combat?

Natalina crafted a crib out of emerald for Urchin to sleep with. Kiel grappled his cane and prayed for the nature to protect the village.

"Our God who is our Refuge and Main Camp. I humby uplift this lives to be under your wings. May your light be the hope for this people.Amen"

The trees succomb like an ark to roof the whole village the earth built a cube like wall. Natalina infromed the villagers to stay inside their houses. Kiel glanced at his son who is now softly breathing. Kiel grunted when he remember how Urchin suddenly fell asleep on the way.

Lehi collided her oil with the sulfuric liquid and it created a pathway for them to locate any entrance and clue to search for Ain and Hexel. Aside from their in depth swimming up and down. They needed to crawled and climb up some rocks and crytsal but they seem to be going around without hitting the jackpot. Nevi who was the most athletic and energetic started to breath rigidlyy. Lehi coughed from the chilly air blowing at her lungs. Ophir decided to take some rest and started to clarify and elucidate in order to determine the situation. Their energy will get fazzled before they even locate the main stage.

Nevi started to speak in between whiff.

"The oil Lehi mixed with the water are scooping the poison but it limits our nerves and muscles to move easily. The rocks and crystals had some pounding sound. It was like we are under a shell. It felt like they are delaying us on purpose. If they want to kill us then they could have used this place as a weapon."

Lehi knocked on the crystal and rocky wall. The engine knock indicates a thin gap from another hard object. Ophir spooned the liquid and saw Lehi's oil encircling some white dust particles.

Ophir was worried about Hexel and Ain that he lead the team aimlessly. Nevi stared at the cieling and felt a drip drop to the tip of his nose. He stood up and extend his fist to pray. Lehi and Ophir look at each other in confusion.

"You are our Almighty God who refined and strengthen us. Your joy is our courage. Cloth us with justice and dignity that pleases You not us. We thank the wisdom and understanding to follow through and wrestle. Amen."

Nevi got hugged by the rock and crystal. his head got adorned with the sulfur liquid and Lehi's oil. He squated to launch himself toward the roof . He rooted himself at the cieling and instructed Ophir to break the wall while Lehi evaporates the lucent.

Ain wriggle and squirm his body like a worm. He noticed the diamond like windows suddenly getting edified to surround them. Their place quaked that woke Hexel. He looked around to check and noticed that Ain is wiggling like a worm under him. He noticed the altar were designed as diamond. Hexel called Ain who almost fell from the altar. Ain is trying to flip himself but the slippery altar was preventing him. His tied body can't balance his weight. Ain had a eureka and he started to rub his feet together to remove his shoes. When Ain successfully peel off his shoe and sack from his left foot that made Hexel utter incoherent words.

Ain apologizes for the loathsome smell from his foot. He raised and pointed it toward Hexel that made him wretched and horrid. Hexel wanted to save himself from the rotten smell. Ain used his feet to cut the space and Hexel got released from the cieling. Hexel fell straight toward Ain. But Ain blocked Hexel's face with his left foot that made Hexel furiously react from the odour. Hexel ended up on the floor under Ain. He stood up to untie Ain.