Chapter 104:Proud Beast, Lion Prowls and Falcon eyes.

The villagers have secured Urchin within their house. The moonless night started to get noisy as the melody of tempest thwacked Keil's nature barier. Natalina instantly build up a huge nutshell to protect the people with her diamond.

Kiel suddenly got pulled by weeds as Natalina steady her spot in establishing the camp for the villagers. Kiel planted his cane to halt the weeds from dragging him roughly and violently. The weeds started to form a woman. Her emerald eyes and jasper features, clothed with nothing but vigorous plants got visible unto Kiel's lense. She looked like the goddess of plants. Kiel pound his cane to the ground and it crumbled to crush the woman. But she just pointed her index finger and the ground got subdued by overgrown plants. The place suddenly became isolated and wild.

When Natalina fully established the sheild she trailed Kiel but is now blocked due to the gigantic weeds. When the plants sensed Natalina it started to move against her, thus Natalina's battle with the weeds got profound. She prayed for a weed cutter that is made of copper and rubies. She strated to trim and prune her way toward Kiel but it got massive. Even the soil is getting unhealthy due to the extreme amount of nutrients that is absorbed by the obnoxious and detrimental quality of the plants.

Hexel and Ain got untied. Ain retrieved his shoe and Hexel scanned the surrounding. Ain swing his finger to cut the space and sphere they are trapped in but is helpless. Hexel prayed for a tool and he only got a chisel. Hexel started to strike and the diamond lattice started to crack. Ain helped him as they work like minners who are seeking for treasure.

Ophir heared the respond to his knock that he hushed Nevi and Lehi. He again knocked and it got duplicated. After a moment of silence the knock from the other side became a powerful thrust that shattered the whole place. Lehi suddenly got sucked in by the liquid and Nevi got magnified by the cieling. A face of a woman formed from the smashed wall. Her body is made of crystal and rocks. Lehi felt a hand grappling her whole body as it continue to wring her downward.

Nevi can see how the cieling expand and became a tunnel to gratify him. A woman's foot collided to his back that made him got nailed on the curve wall. A snicker echoes all over that Nevi thought his mind would go crazy. Nevi unfastened himself from the tunnel's surface that traced his figure and followed the snicker. He run forward only to find himself face to face with ilinita. The old lady became youthful.

"Where is Hexel and Ain?" ilinita just laughed as she tilted her head.

Nevi got pissed off with her mocking tone and punched the ground to distract her. The ground distorted but ilinita just flattened it as she sways all around.

Ophir had his face kiss the crystal floor. A woman's hand rub his face to the crytsal and rocky surface as she continue to roar grimly. Ophir summoned his bones and swing it to hit the woman's face but she pushed him deeper within the crystal to immobile Ophir's movement. Ophir groan at the pain, his skin is getting scraped by the snuff and ridge. Her hands were like a falcon's claw that the whole palm gripped his cute face. Ophir focused his senses on the stone and it burnt her claws. Ophir took the opportunity to kick her chest that made the crystal woman jump out from him. Ophir stood up to see her full frame. Her long and pointed wings had a sharp edge. Her head is covered with notched beak and her tail made her look like someone who would inhabit any open areas.

Ophir joined his two edge bones as he extend his hand to pray.

"Our Heavenly Father who rain down His mercy to His people.We thank Your guidance and power over us. I declare victory over this battle. Amen."

Ophir's salt water and blood became a infinty sign that wrapped his arms, feet and body. His bone gained a sharp arc.

Ophir swinged his weapon and a slashing blood and salt water made the crystal melt. The woman jabber as she collided her claw with the impact but it dissolved her claws. The forced that touched her pointed wings received a hole. Her crystallised body made a sharp explosive sound. Ophir axed the floor and the real nature of the area got revealed.

Lehi stuggled as she got thrown to a mossy area. Her soaking body got yanked by a force that sucked in her energy. Aside from the oderless and tasteless feeling it gaves, Lehi seem to be wrestling with a formless enemy. When the water brushed her hair it dribbled her on the mossy surface. A woman who is clothed with moss grabbed her neck. Her whole body is composed of water. Lehi tried to kick her but her right leg passed through her body. Lehi grunted when her body got dunked toward the ceiling.

Lehi clasp her hand mid air and prayed.

"Our Holy God who sees through the end of every situation give me the bravery and fang to fight back and bring glory to Your Name. Amen."

Lehi's comb hugged her body like a spiral wings. Her coal shoes became a heel with drill. Her oil became a transparent bond. Lehi bolt her flexible oil bond and it enter the woman's liquid member. The woman shriek at the sudden pull when Lehi used it to zoom her body in the process. When Lehi had the woman within her proximity she raised her drill heel to injure her jaw. Lehi twirl within the woman's body as she cursed Lehi.

Kiel hissed at the tight clutch of weeds unto his body. Kiel magnified his cane and used it to wallop against the weeds as it bind all of Kiel's body. Natalina was grateful of Taw's training menu for her. She is able to keep her stance as she clout the furious plants. Ain and Hexel continued to chisel out the diamond walls when the place moved like a cog and electrified the two.