Chapter 105: Olives Between Milestone

Ain swiped his fingers and it cut the unexpected change in space but it only nullify the electrical effects. Hexel thrust his sword in between the rim of gear to stop moving but it shattered Hexel's sword. Ain picked up the chisel and imitated Hexel's action when the mortises and tenons slowed down from the rebound.

Every move that Nevi performed got steadied by ilinita. Nevi strategised to invite ilinita out of the ground by leaping from a lengthy height. ilinita followed Nevi mid air and Nevi took his plan to action. He increased his speed to punch her by the back and kept ilinita remain out of the surface. Nevi kicked her upward as he doubled his speed to make her pass out. Nevi successfully carried out his plan when he used his clasp hands to forcefully steal her consciousness. ilinita released her last giggle as she embrace the blackness lurking under her lashes.

Lehi vacuumed the water woman inside her comb tube. Lehi breathed at how exhausting for her to hit something that is transparent but is mindlessly having her neck on edge. Ophir interrogated the crystal woman before unleashing his weapon to purify her. The woman just chuckled as she evaporated. Kiel started to wield his cane toward the woman of weeds. Her thorny stems are piercing Kiel's heel as he continue to pounder and strike with his cane. Natalina shot an arrow of copper and iron toward the woman's nape and it damaged a vital vein that made her yelp and toss as the weeds continued to disappear.

Hexel and Ain waited for the fears to fully halt. Ain inserted his index finger and cut the space behind the cog. The gears started to move counter clockwise with a blistering effects that crushed Hexel's chisel. The diamond shaped windows became inverted and a spooky melody resounded all through out the area. Ophir used his bones to block the vehement wave of crystal. Lehi used her comb to shield from acid rain, Keil and Natalina run back to the village to overlay the shield they established. Nevi punched the forming gear on top of him and it lead him to join Hexel and Ain.

Numerous vultures rapaciously swarm on top of Natalina and Kiel's barrier. A woman in black viel and gown came out of the inverted diamond and said.

"My groom is being fetched. Dance to welcome him."

Nevi, Ain and Hexel started to cry out in agony. It felt like their bodies are getting twisted and coiled. The painful impact it left made them curled into balls as the woman sounded her wedding bell.

The vultures became a ravenous bird and it broke Natalina's sheild. Ucrhin vanished as soon as the vultures left.

Ophir and Lehi followed the birds and it led them to see their teammates churning in anguish. The woman in black viel commanded Urchin to open his eyes. Urchin did as the woman instructed. The woman offered her hand toward Urchin and the young boy grabbed it. Ain held Urchin's ankle to prevent him from walking but the woman flipped Ain and his pain increased.

Lehi sent her healing oil transparently wrapped the three. The woman smirked and snap her fingers to magnify Lehi and Ophir.

"Oh, right we need some witness. You two will join us." Ophir swing his bone to sprinkle the woman with blood and salt water. The woman glared at Ophir and warned.

"You stained my wedding gown! I don't want someone like you inside my territory!"

Ophir suddenly got thrown out from the place and end up falling flat in front of Kiel and Natalina.

Hexel acted stiff but the woman grappled Nevi as Lehi's partner in participating the one sided wedding. When the woman disappeared. Hexel and Ain stood up but the altar changed and countless voice and shadow hands is inviting Hexel and Ain to enter the up side down diamond window.

Ain extend his hand and prayed.

"Lord God who is always there for us. Prune the evil that refused to detached from us. Use the gift You entrusted me to help our friends from a bondage that should not be done to oppress them. We thank You for giving us the necessary gift to this crises. Thank You for building our character. Amen."

Ain had all the black hands be reaped away like a grass. Ain cut the space to follow the portal which the woman opened. Lehi and Nevi got robotic. The woman had the two forcefully gave them the ring and was about to sign the paper when a bloody shower dissolve the whole venue. The cave was just an illusion. Ain and Hexel were caught as the offering after the ceremony. The woman in black viel turned into a vulture and escaped. The sulfur lagoon and myth disappeared like it never existed. Nebu and his wife got rescued safely.

Kiel sent a letter to Lila that their son was safe. Sotai sent a message that they were at the wrong location of the assignment. Ophir replied with good news that the villagers were safe and he inquired about the true assignment. Sotai explained that his son accidentally wrote the wrong word concerning the direction. Apparently the directon should be following the flower not the river.

Nebu thanked the Tale Bearers and sent their regards and best wishes for their next journey. Urchin started playing with Ain during the ride. Kiel cannot fathom why would those women wanted to be betrothed with his son. When he heared that those demons were thristing and lusting toward Urchin's blood line because of Lila's origin Kiel decided to dig in Lila's ancestor after their recent assignment.

Natalina was able to capture and caged the said vulture who appeared as a woman and sent it to Cyrus. The quest might have been a misdirection but for Ophir and the team it was like Mem's father pointed them purposely toward that issue to be addressed. The facts they learned and garnered were not in vain but is worthy. Ophir yearns to meet the man who grew up with Cyrus and raised Mem.

Ophir and Lehi perfomed their auto-harmony. Nevi bestowed the book cover and sealed it with the Title- Brides of Vultures.