Chapter 106: Decree of Rain and Thunderstorm

The Tale Bearers are currently taking a shelter from the violent rain, inside a cave within the flower hill. The lightning strucked their chariot and got malfunctioned. Natlina proposed that she should just pray and build with gem stones but Ophir refused it. Ophir indicated that they should preserve their energies since they are still recovering from their previous encounter.

Lila stared through the palace windows. The loud thunderstorm bothered Lila. According to the vulture that was caught and sent by the Tale Bearers they were just following someone's instructions. When Mem tried to squeeze every intel he can get from the bird. The vulture just said that it was a woman's voice with strong bloodlust. When Cyrus asked him about the selected groom the woman just praised Urchin's cuteness. Lila wanted to join the team especially that her husband and son is out their battling with their lives. Lila can now relate of Gardenia's anguish. Waiting for a loved one to come home is surprisingly nerve-wracking.

The discharge and stroke of atmospheric electricity flashes like there was no tomorrow. Ophir checked out how the absence of any light from the evening clouds made the environment unusually low and deep. Urchin and Hexel are hugging Kiel for they both were frightened by the lightnings. Ain and Nevi are cooking some soup while Natalina and Lehi are organizing their things and sleeping necessities. Ophir extended his palm to check the droplets and was shocked because the condensed vapor from the celestial body were anomalous.

Ophir approached Kiel and took Urchin from Kiel. Hexel run toward the spread blankets and hid himself.

"Kiel, can you check the nature. Something is fishy, it seems that this weather is preternatural."

Kiel summoned his cane and prayed.

"Father God who is Supernatural and Heavenly, I humbly asked for the voice of Your natural resources within this vicinity to reveal the real situation unto us. We thank Your wisdom and understanding that is more than gold or rubbies. Open our sight and ears. Amen."

Kiel listened and started to deliver what he heared and understood.

"Ophir, it says that this kind of weather happens rarely every year and that the date when it will occur is unpredictable."

Ophir rubbed Urchin's back and asked.

"How long will this kind of weather last?"

Kiel secured his cane and looked at Ophir.

"That is unknown as well."

Urchin continued to shrieks at the pompous thunder and lightning. Ophir gathered the team for a meeting.

"Nevi, can you still make out any food with mininmal ingredients?"

Nevi check out the stocks they had and replied.

"As long as we won't run out with water and salt, We can manage."

Ain added as the lightning created a colorful effect within the cave.

"I can cut the space to look for food and refuge us from the storm."

Lehi and Natalina exclaimed at Ain's idea.

Ophir acknowledge all the suggestions and laid out his conclusion.

" Natalina can you create a wall to divert the lightning and mute the thunder. Our Urchin can't handle it. Ain you will go with Lehi and Nevi to gather any foods on sight, only when we don't have anything to eat."

Ophir looked at Hexel who is trembling and is covered with blanket.

"That's it for now."

The tumultuous outburst and agitated disturbance of the elements in nature lasted for a week. Natalina, Kiel and Ain switched places in founding and steadied their cave. The sight that was left by the rumpus whirl had the flowers withered and tumescent. The whole ground got muddy and are overfilled with excess of water reaching to the knees. The drowned animals were smothered and overruned. Plus their map next direction can't be identified.

Cyrus heared the calamity befall at Terifimo and had Mem and Lila visit Asno for any supplication they can extend to aid them. Lila was overjoyed that she will be able to see the Tale Bearers. Sotai took over her task for the main time. Evi will be tending the Elders while Sotai is hosting the Queen's Palace.

Lila raised her fist to pray, her longing to see Kiel and Urchin is brewing.

"Yes Father, who is holy and just. Hark my desire to open a path toward the people of Terifimo who yearn for Your miracles at this time of disaster. We thank the door that You have opened for us. Amen."

Mem and Lila got welcomed by the superfluity amount of water that soaked their knees. Asno and her people are currently gathering the goods and instruments that are still useful. The houses were wrecked. The flowers were overkilled. The nation known as the blossom of love became a swamp of rubbles. Asno cried at Lila's embrace.

"I felt devastated, I did everything to protect our people but still we were left with nothing."

Lila and Mem symphatised with their lose. The place for now cannot be inhibited. Lila invited Asno to speak with Cyrus concerning their overwhelming issue. Lila scolded herself for thinking about what makes her happy when a lot of people under their service are suffering.

Asno wept in front of Cyrus. Cyrus may have got irked at her overreaction sometimes but this time Cyrus understood where her grief and distress is coming from. For a person who is leading a lot of people and is in love in serving others, indeed it's heartbreaking to see the people entrusted to you in a pinch.

Cyrus waited for Asno to calm down. According to her report all of their houses were pulverised and defaced.

Lila made the suggestion to have the queen's palace as their evacuation center. Cyrus discussed it with the Elders and had Sotai and Evi monitor the Terifimo people. Lila utilised her portal to transport the people. The Duchess got busy in curing and safeguarding the injured and wounded. Mem and Eyel got busy in preparing the food and supplies. Novena and Cyrus negotiated with other kingdoms for any help that they can extend in rebuilding the houses.

Meanwhile the Tale Bearers wonder aimlessly around the scourged nation, then the flower bed became desolated.