Chapter 117: Pierced Jaw with Hook.

Natalina checked Cyprus daily temperature. It's been half a month since they started to seclude themselves.

Their secret base is under the industrial railing of Hernani Nobles. The chamber is good for a dozen people. It's wall is made of black and ore. The roof is pillared with meteorites combined with igneous rock. The floor is silver-white malleable rust and moist air. Cyprus yanked her palm and planted a kiss. Natalina got shaken by the advances made by Cyprus. Natalina had a delayed reaction since their comatose patient suddenly opened his eyes and got physically agressive.

Natalina slapped his face but it made him more bellicose. He stood up and single handedly gripped Natalina's wrist as he corner her on the cieling. His pizzas made Natalina paralysed. Cyprus crimson lens studied her features. The woman beneath him twinkled like Gardenia. His letches started to itch when He sensed Evi's presence. He abducted Natalina and thrashed the whole chamber with his enchantment.

Evi and Tera saw how their secret base got bombed. Evi subdued the impact and tried to minimize the damage yet still the railway got split halfway. The train with hundreds of passengers had it's head dipping on the flames. Prince Yael rescued his people but Natalina was unspotted.

The news was delivered by Tera and Evi as they apologized toward the Earl who is now fuming in fury and grief.

"It must have been his obsession toward Eula." The Earl commented.

Cyrus can't argue with that and can't help but recall how their sibling's quarrel got fierce and unstoppable.

Cyprus was the second son who had put his feet out during childbirth but when the midwife was about to help him out he got back and Cyrus came out with his head out. The older women have said and mentioned how it would bring a fallacious and commonsensical outcome. Hence the old tales have opened the earth's ear. Their sibling rivalry got multiplied and countless till it reached to complicated issue and with life and death resolves.

Cyprus used to argue since they were kids that he will be the one who will be loved by Evi but Cyrus won her over. Cyprus contented that he will surely sit on the throne and it came true but is momentarily. Cyprus got vanished and his whereabouts were unknown.

Cyrus returned because of Sotai's pestering that the people need their King. Cyrus settled when Gardenia got pregnant. His only sin toward Gardenia was his continuous yearning toward Evi at the first stage of their marraige that extracted some memories with vagrancy that toiled his regrets.

His mind got brought out to the present when Tera mentioned something situated.

"I remember a formation within his semen that is alive. I bet he aimed for Natalina to concieve it and one thing is for sure it might kill Natalina during childbirth, if Cyprus fulfilled his wicked plan."

Gatsby roared at the revelations. He knew what was the relationship between Cyprus and Gardenia before and he was aware that Cyrus had no idea about it. Because it might trample his fatherly love towards the very son he dearly loved. Gatsby was the man who found Cyprus in the forest within their small village before Cyrus conquered it during his quest. Gatsby exhaled with strong feeling of annoyance and irritation. The whole situation exasperated him. Gatsby finally suppressed his pinpricked and announced.

"If that's all, then I want to have a talk with my brother-in-law not with the King."

All the committee involved excused and dismissed themselves.

Evi wrapped the session with a shocking truth.

"Cyprus might have been a seed bed by the devils since even the extreme entities are after his life. I think we need to seriously put a solution to this or many will thrist but won't be able to taste even a litre of water."

Gatsby sat down inside Gardenia's chamber. The portrait he stole at the auction is perfectly fixed on the wall. Cyrus stirred the coffee he personally brewed for his brother-in-law. It's been long since someone visited Gardenia's bedchamber. The very place where she drew her last breath.

Gatsby's pious and trifling earnest made Cyrus direct his concentration. He waited until Gatsby stopped tapping his fingers on the cup.

"Before you met Gardenia, Cyprus already got himself involved with Gardenia. Their first meeting was when I brought him home wounded when we spotted him in the field. Gardenia was the one who tended him. Their closeness made the villagers squealed. We, that includes me thought that they will live a happily ever after. Cyprus treated her like she was made of glass. So caring, loving and intimate.

Till one day our village got annihilated by witches and sorcerers. They took Cyprus as our village's seal in exchange to our freedom. Cyprus willingly surrendered himself not for us but for her, alone.

Right after our livelihood got trampled bandits and war freaks came to conquer and set our home as part of their territory and that's when your league came to save us."

Gatsby paused and looked at Cyrus. Cyrus had a lone tear spill copiously. His face was void and and is in troubled languish. Gatsby drank his coffee and eyed Cyrus as he stated the very words that embittered the King's crimson vision.

"Here is the tricky part, Who do you think is the father of Kiel?"

Kiel roamed at the hallway within Myrrh Cinnamon. His contingent uneasiness kept him awake. Lila convinced Urchin to get in his bed but he insisted a time with his father. Lila called Kiel's name thrice but his thoughts were engrossed with the crises they are in. Lila opened a portal and wringed Kiel to their chamber.

"Hey, I understand your weariness but your son is doing his best to have a bonding with you." Lila spoke calmly.

Kiel got his omphalos briskly.

Lila opened a portal and found his son fighting his sleepy eyes waiting for his father to play with him. Kiel ruffled his son's hair and carried Urchin in his arms.