Chapter 118: Harpoons and Fishing Spears

Natalina woke up within a cage made of enchantment. Cyprus winked at her and made his way within the cage without any harm. Natalina tried to escape but was pointles because whenever she does it, the barrier would electrifies her. Cyprus snapped his thumb and index finger and it created a friction. Natalina's body got unnerving. Cyprus closed the gap and sealed Natalina's lips with his. Natalina tried to scream but her voice does not effectuate. Natalina tried to move and stretch even her tiny muscles and joints but was daunted. Natalina's unspoken plea got repetitive until Cyprus plan prevailed. Natalina felt dirty, sully, dishonored and contaminated. Her naked form got unwillingly embraced by Cyprus.

Kiel got soaked with evening sweat as he woke up from a nightmare. The dream was surreal that up unto his conscious state he can hear Natalina's pleading. Kiel caught his rapid breath and stared at his wife and child. His nerves were fully awake due to the emotion he got from the nightmare.

Cyrus stayed seated at their treasure room with a lot of arguments, denial, anger and sorrow. His head is suffering from unforeseen deprivation. His swollen eyes narrowed to her treasure box. Her box contained a bandanna which he recognize as their mother's gift from Cyprus. It was a single piece but it crumbled his world. Cyrus threw the box on the ground and it opened a secret drawer full of Cyrus gifts. The first flower he picked was dried and withered but is still there. The first shroud he put upon her shoulder was neatly folded. Cyrus carefully gathered the things and fixed the box he destroyed. That night he made the decision to keep everything a secret to Kiel and that he will continue as his son and heir.

Cyprus is not a total sadist nor addict. He just wanted someone by his side. Someone that resembles her and someone that made him feel a lot better rather than worst. He planted a soft kiss on the woman's spine as he observed how her pale and soft flesh rise up and down with her sleeping form that evenly breaths. Cyprus recalled the fresh love he shared with Gardenia. Cyprus felt betrayed when he heared that she got married with Cyrus. His sacrifice was in vain, even when he tried to kill her she still remained composed and collected. Cyprus observed the naked woman in his arms. This woman will be his ticket to a new leaf, she will be forever his canary.

The Tale Bearers headed to the North with the goal to search and find Natalina. Tera made the statement that if they delayed any further Natalina might be pregnant by now. The search and rescue operation got dragged from weeks to months and summed up a year. Gatsby had the worst reaction his only daughter is missing and there was no sign to track her. The whole Kingdom prayed and kept their searching despite their on going assignments.

Ophir and Hexel plunged their weapons toward a giant that's been bothering the south. His breath reeks with wine and his teeth was huge enough for their whole frame to get reflected. Lehi and Nevi just defeated one giant by Nevi's punch and bear claws supported with Lehi's comb and coal heel. Urchin and Kiel just surveyed the area concerning Natalina but was unable to find any. Ain got the same results. The Tale Bearers retired for the day and head back to Myrrh Cinnamon. Novena, Mem and Eyel greeted their arrival. Lila became hands on as the new host of every banquet.

It was the time of the year when the massacre happened at Acsents. The whole village mourn and lamented with the lose when a sudden disturbance occured. A figure with it's eyes and nose blindfolded appeared and searched for Cyprus. Evi countered her with the same method but it got wild and sensational. The graveyard from the palace throne got in rubbles.

Sotai stood his ground and fought him with his cord and needle but it was powerful despite his sense of sight and smell concealed. It's indicative passion to see Cyprus destroyed the tower of Elders most of the memeber were brurally killed. It's ability was unknown.

"My name is Sage and I have the magic to invite every plague upon a person's life. My hobby is to kill with a single blow. My goal is to eat Cyprus. He is a food for the devils since his soul is a bed of demons. Now, tell me where is my main course. I got enough with the appetizer."

Sage delivered as he turned the blue river unto blood. The woods unto snakes. Sotai countered his attack by having his cord bestow a prayer of purification unto the land.

" Our God who have the judgement. Let it be that this destruction upon as will help us to believe and hope unto You. You are our deliverer and redeemer. Santify and Justify as You have cleanses us as your promise land. Amen."

The gray clouds thundered and it's form turned to a hue of blue and white. The rivers were restored to it's original form. The woods were crisped as snakes. The man who proclaimed himself as Sage fought Sotai and Evi.

Sage felt juiced and voracious as their battle got intensed. He grappled Sotai's neck and kicked him upward to throw him. Sage wasn't satisfied since he followed the old man mid air and stepped at Sotai's chest. Evi made her way toward Sotai and swing her string to bind and plunged Sage from the top and to the bottom. Sage grabbed the string and pulled Evi to be the one who receive and suffer her own measure and attack.

Evi felt like the gravity devoured her to be pulled unto the pit of their debris.

One of the Elders stood up to her when a unlighted torch with sharp and pointed edge got harpooned to haunt Evi's head. The Elder's blood traversed from his head to his jaw and dripped unto Evi's face. One of their members sheilded her.

Evi screamed at their loss. He is the seventh Elder that got killed by Sage.