Chapter 119: Fierce Rousing

Cyrus heared the concern from Mem and immediately instructed Lila to open a portal that connects to the Elder's tower. When they arrived they witnessed Evi and Sotai got punched and smacked as they both got jammed on the rubbles. Ain cut the space and caught his mother.

Hexel and Ophir helped the old man Sotai. Cyrus summoned his rod and slashed it like a sword unto the opponent. Sage licked his lips when he saw a duplicate of Cyprus.

"My main course will be eaten later. This kind of dessert is appreciated." Sage muttered as he yanked Cyrus from his ankle and was about to bite his neck but Cyrus used the gravity to avoid he gnashing teeth. Sage ended up biting Cyrus nose. Cyrus tightly clenched his teeth to avoid a yelp and kicked Sage's free hand and when Sage used his force to halt Cyrus next movement and he collided it with his feet and used it as a base to push Sage away from him.

Sage got thrown from Cyrus kick. His back suddenly got punched with an impact that of a titan. Sage looked back and saw Nevi. His form was of a fish spear. He looked like the ruler of air. Nevi pound unto him using his elbow and Sage felt like his other personality will get separated. Sage was about to escape but his size reduced and was put inside a pot. Sage moved forward with a powerful thrust but ended up hurting himself.

Ophir and Lehi entered their room exhausted. It's a sorrowful day for them who was caught by that incident. Their investigation about Natalina did not show any chart of development. Lehi missed Natalina. Her mind were cycling all over the thought that she might have been dead. Ophir can sense Lehi's loneliness but Ophir knew that Kiel was the most affected. Kiel got furious and hot tempered whenever they got home empty handed.

Lehi felt a lump from within. It was a like a sharp spinose indurated within her leafless and modified stem. Lehi changed her clothes and headed out to help Hexel and Tera cure the wounded. Half of the Elders got killed without a fight. Cyrus had his nose pulled a nasal massage from the opponent's bite. The said enemy got enclosed by Ain's gift.

Hexel and Lehi were fully committed in assisting and helping Tera.

The Tower were left unfixed some of the Elders who are injured settled to a peaceful family life. Sotai and Evi were the only one left. Sotai have asked Kish to join them and he agreed. The Elders got shifted to RAPHA. The Queen's palace was donated by Cyrus as the new office of the three. They pursue teaching and raising new disciples. Urchin run toward Cyrus who was groaning as he rub his nose. His sinus seemed to have been blocked. Urchin helped his grandfather to ease his sored nostril. Urchin tapped it with his index finger and said.

"Plwease dwon't lwet thwis nwose bwe lwike of a dweer."

Cyrus chuckled at Urchin's cute gesture and started to throw and lift him up above. Kiel and Lila watched in appreciation.

Kiel noticed his father's aloof actions toward him. His interpersonal communication with him were getting farther. Kiel bought a birthday gift for Cyrus who is having a wine drinking alone. Kiel knocked and joined Cyrus. It was the first time that their meeting got famined. It wasn't like the usual. Kiel cannot connect the dots but somehow he felt the gap his father is overlaying. Kiel fisted his palm and scoffed his glass. Kiel bowed his head and walked toward the huge door. Kiel heared Cyrus faint voice of gratitude.

Nevi saw Hexel fall asleep on their leisure room as he snore like it's no end. Nevi called for Mem to help Hexel be upon his room. Nevi noticed how Hexel begun to be more sensitive since Natalina's disappearance. Nevi can also read Kiel's lack of self awareness. Urchin missed his lullaby, apparently Lila can't sing. Lehi looked gloomy and is staring blankly. Ophir struggled to help his team mates focus. Ain got himself blend with the aura radiated by the seniors. Lila losed a sister-in-law that sometimes made her stand by insided her room. Nevi felt the same as he study the earings she left with them.

Evi, Kish and Sotai with Cyrus, Lila and Ophir held a interrogation with the man named Sage. They were terrified at his answer about Cyprus.

"Well he became the fertilized soil for every demon, magic, sorcery and oracles that was birthed. In short, no matter how hard he tries he won't bear an offspring. We thirst and hunger of him because of his enchanting and magnetic scent and bloodline."

Sotai glared at Sage and raised up as he observes any trace of blasphemy from the foe but find none.

"If so, then how come you don't have the same desire toward Cyrus?"

Sage snorted as he burnt his blindfold and revealed his eyes and nose. He looked like adonis. Evi, Ophir, Kish and Lila were astonished to see how handsome his full face was.

"That's because he does not have what Cyprus had. If you campare it with any food. It would be the white egg."

Kish smiled at Sage who was momentarily got charmed by the youngest priest.

"Then does that mean Cyprus is the yoke?"

Sage nod in approval and halted when Kish flashed another quiry with his cassanova grin.

"Then can you call it an egg without the white part?"

Sage paused and hardly laughed at how logical and significant his question was.

" You are right. And that makes you my special seasoning."

Kish just tilted his head and replied.

"Then how about we scramble it to help you appreciate the essence of a whole plated egg."

Sage sarcastically replied as he raised his boastfull brow.

"I wanna see you try."

Kish nod at him, He whispered in Mem's ear. After a while Kish led them to the kitchen. He put on an apron and literally fried a scrambled egg. Sage and the gang was dumbfounded as they eat a plate of his scrambled eggs ala cart.