Chapter 131: Quick Dusk

Evi got up and headed toward Sage's chamber. He lazily opened his door and listened as Evi reminded him of Novena. He jolted up and they paced toward Cyprus. They gently knock to prevent alerting the babies. Natalina was the one who opened the door when she pleaded for them to allow Cyprus to rest for now since his children used him as their comfort bed. Evi and Sage directly went unto Cyrus room and requested for a new member to search Novena's whereabouts. But Cyrus just told them that Novena requested for a leave to deal with personal issues. Evi and Sage finally understood why she instantly appeared within town. They decided to dismiss the issue and took their rest.

Lehi felt a compression tugging unto her soul. She recalled the dream shared by Kish unto her. She needs to prepare herself to say her farewell. Her father had the same gift. Whenever he would dream about certain events, the vision will surely be realised. Lehi's courage is failing. She needs to let Novena know about it, In order to avoid any problem in performing the auto-harmony. She watched Ophir's sleeping face and memorized his features.

"I believe that no matter what happens we will surely meet again. I will wait for you wherever I would be."

Lehi permitted her silent tears to cascade upon her evening face.

Kish wiped the sweat forming unto his palms. It's the first time for him to meet his killer face to face. He heared about his intentions toward him and he also saw his shadow from his vision but in the physical realm it will be their first ever encounter. Kish waited for Mem to fetch him. His faith might have been outspoken but still he is a human. Who can feel the same sort of emotion that other people has experienced. When his door knob revealed their knight. His knees quiver as he take every step nearing to the enemy who wish nothing but death against him.

Kish was surprised to see the Tale Bearers with the Rappa joining the meeting. He surveyed the surrounding and found Lehi waving at him. Kish somewhat felt a little light hearted by the gesture. There is a certain aura from the young woman that gives him a cottony sensation.

Evi and Lila stood by Cyrus side as the captive got summoned by Hexel and Nevi. The man named Nine had a facade of rainbow. A bright arc that is unsuitable for someone who sent the pregnant women inside a lion's den. Despite the chains tied unto him and his bite size it did not halt him from growling and glaring at Kish. Kish tried to smile but it was too awkward since underneath his clothes his cells are shaking in fear. The nightmares that haunted his life is already in front of him. His grin faded sour when Nine hissed in utter disapproval.

"It's as the prophet have spoken. Your features really make my evil spirit stirred. I should have thrown your mother before her marraige unto the blazing furnace!"

Kish bowed his head as his anger soared. He honestly does not know the detail concerning the prophecy but cursing his already dead mother is way out of line. Kish suddenly slammed his hands on the table that produced a jerky blow. Cyrus almost spilled his ink when Kish expressed himself. Kish stood up and recited the prophecy.

"A birth beyond wind will not be harmed by any evil. His heel will turn the tables upside down. His radiance will trample the dark forces."

Nine run and stepped unto Kish's finger on the table.

"Resize me wench! I will behead this pest!"

Sage used his gravity to slam Nine unto the marble table like a jelly ball. The arrogant tiny foe cussed Sage.

Kish decided that Nine should be jailed to discipline his pride since he haven't shown any remorse nor repentance toward all the sins he committed. Cyrus forged Nine's cage with his nails to fully trapped him within his cell. Lehi wanted to comfort her ancestor but Ophir held her hand tightly. Ophir silently plead that she should minimize her intereaction with Kish. Lehi gave him the most powerful puppy eyes and Ophir agreed as long he will accompany her. Lehi beamed at him and they headed unto the kitchen to fetch some snack before venturing to Kish's chamber.

Novena felt like the sun already went down. The slight dust shining through the air floated the fresh air swaying behind her thick wall and bar. Novena wonders if Kenan is alright. Novena sent one of her firefly to have Ophir alerted about her abduction.

Kenan recalled the black crows swarming above them. The blow he recieved in the neck sent his consciousness snoring off. His beat up member groan as he tried to stood up. He checked the small rectangular window and can smell the length of the cliff under bars. He loathed himself for putting Novena in danger. He already heared about the sudden scandal happened within the main temple. Yet he yanked Novena because of his selfish desires. If only he allowed her to ride that wheel with her current team then this could have never occurred. Kenan heared his cell bar unlocked and saw the figure of a woman whom he greatly feared.

Hexel went home since his mother Tera kept on pestering him to be home for dinner. When he arrived their dinner table were occupied by countless lovely and noble women. Hexel grunted as he introduced himself one by one to each women lined up. Hexel pulled his mother on the side to have her explain what was going on but she just used her crying antics to deliver her yearning to have him married. Hexel looked at his father for help but his father just waved his hand in surrender. Hexel maintained his famous duke smile all through out the tiring dinner. When the evening ended Hexel careless slump unto his bed. It's more exhausting than swinging his sword in the arena.