Chapter 132: Under Stalk and Flax

Ain watched as Sage and Kiel started acting cute toward the babies who were whimpering. Ain waited for Natalina and Cyprus to arrive. The two registered their marraige papers with Lila. Ain liked how Scymore would blink his diamond eyes. Nimrod would make his dimples visible. Kielah would be poker face just like Cyrus the more reason why Cyrus fancied the first born.

Kenan was amazed to see the most apprised and prominent Care Taker.

Her eyes were squinty with velvet touch. Her hair is as they say that resembles an asylum. She was the care taker who took over when Novena quited because of Celicia's death.

"Your one of the past harpsichord whose well got broken. That means you will be living here forever. How pitiful."

Kenan recalled that she was the one who broke his well back then. Her rebellion happened during his auto-harmony.

"Well, your enough to shatter Novena. And in behalf of your stay on the area. I will have to dismantle the current harpsichord."

Kenan gritted his teeth when she inserted one of her feather unto his wrist like an injection that sucked amount of his blood. When his cell got shut, Kenan blew his lazuli to send the warning toward Novena.

Lehi and Ophir knocked unto Kish's door. When the young priest open his door for them his composure got back to normal. Ophir suggested that they should have their lunch at the garden and the young priest agreed. Kish laughed and felt at home being with them. Kish stood up but halted in his tracks. He discerned something evil within the premises. Mem sent an emergency flare and everyone gathered by the throne.

Urchin's viens were highlighted as they entered an trance.

Novena saw Kenan's lazuli enter from her window. His lapis spelled the name of their abductor and Novena's anxiousness increases. Her mind recalled the havoc at the main temple. She also heared about the death of another care taker. She gulped in fright knowing that this person will surely clip her wings. She recited the name with asthenia... "Holga Abalon."

Kish never entered a trance before. He is yon astonished to be inside a holy and spotless ground. Crows gathered at the middle as it spoke with feminine voice.

" I, who is glossy black and passerine will come delightfully tint this court in yellow. I have sweared that I will send the outcast from this word through you."

The crow pointed at Kish as Nevi and Ophir exchange glances. Their daresay seems to be determined upon fulfilment.

The trance faded and Urchin giggled at them. Kiel embraced his son as he checked any injury unto his body. Kiel felt the intensity from the extreme force vibrating from the crow.

Their nervous pant got engulfed by the sudden fall of the court. The ground quaked and the cieling got powdered. Ain and Sage evacuated the babies. Mem and Eyel rescued the Sotai. Cyrus secured the Tale Bearers from any ruins. The palace known to be the home of angels got grinded unto nothing. The throne get wrecked in half.

Cyprus and Natalina walked down through the longest stair at the peak of the hill. They visited the church for the renowal of their vow. They felt a shiver on their spine when the earth quaked. They witness the countless crow above the Palace. Natalina tried to craft a golden wheel but Cyprus stopped her. Her body is still fragile to use such force.

They ride the carriage to get back at the palace but only found a vaporized area.

Kish and Lehi vanished with the crows. Ophir and Nevi tried to grasp Lehi but they missed her. Ophir recalled the well they entered. They hassled unto Myrrh Cinnamon and they found a barrier.

Kish stood in front of the well as his tears stream from his lashes.

This is the vision he witnessed even the dolefulness is immeasurable for his palm size heart. The woman on his dream was Lehi. The unknown string that is attached to him. An existence he cannot fathom but is gossamer.

Ophir and Nevi tried to enter the rusty corner but they were drive out by the endless crows. They called Lehi's name but no one is answering. The nostalgic and yellowish scene faded when Kish looked at them in pure grieve. Lehi fell when he realised the words coming from the woman's guile lips.

"Stop denying the truth young priest. Your doubts are certain. Now acknowledge it and you will put things in order." Holga recited.

Lehi just smiled at Kish knowingly. The well suddenly magnify Lehi when his thoughts realised it. Kish run to grapple Lehi's hands but Kish went through her like a ghost. Holga shifted the scene and Lehi's well exploded. The crows aviated higher through the starless sky.

Ophir wept with Nevi who watched the gliding crows. Kish just bowed his head in apology as they bemoaned. A single firefly landed in their midst.

Novena got her face slapped by Holga.

"You never changed. You could never save anyone."

Novena's grief got reflected in her face. The slapped did not reach her core. It was because of her negligence that Lehi got vanished. It was because she kept on leaving there side that her flock got clipped. It was the same with Kenan's team back then. She only thought about her schedules that she forgot how to value the time her flock are reserving for her. Lehi might have been yearning to have a chat for her.

Ophir enetered their chamber. He had this feeling that Lehi will be taken away from him but he never throught it would be this fast. He started to question himself. Are his prayers for her not enough? Did he lacked something when he offered? Ophir grabbed the pillow and throw it unto their wall. What his doing right now is wrong! He does not have the right to boast about his self uprightness when in fact he forgot to rip his garment and put on a sackcloth for humility and repentance.