Chapter 133: Oath made of Swear

Holga waltz and feasted that night. She again achieved and accomplished her promise with that man. If only he would waltz through her door for her to claim the reward they have dealt then she can fully pledge and seal her fate with Novena's headless body. Holga took a nap from her celebration. Her mind replayed a throwback as to why she turned out like this. What really stirred up her bitterness and rebellion?

Holga was training under Novena back then. Her life started like a camel going through the needle. She was clumsy and shy but her life changed when she met the foriegn man who came out of the well. They were in love but the so called elders seated Celicia on the throne and had the man of her heart be the one to bestow their forced queen a child. Holga was heart broken when he decided to share a bed with Celicia but was relieved to hear that he won't marry that woman because of her. Holga lamented when the man admitted the growing feelings he had for Celicia when they hand a son. Holga hated the very fruit who stole her man. Holga betrayed the temple when she learned that her man jump unto his well with his son without her. Holga assassinated Celicia in front of Novena.

She loathed Novena for taking Celicia's side when she was her disciple. She was the one who was there when Novena was just starting. Holga made Novena felt that being a care taker is not suited for her when she put a harsh judgement to locked Kenan in this world.

Hexel heared from Ophir that Lehi got vanished by the opponent. Lila and Natalina were too shocked to hear the news. Ain comforted Urchin who kept crying since that night. Ophir remained to lead the team but his ussual brightness were gone. Ophir acted the same. Wise and reliable but his smile never reached his ears. Nevi was the same. Lehi's absent is creating an unknown hole within the Tale Bearers.

Novena heared Kenan's groan and protest from the other cell. Holga's tittered were heared. Novena recalled Holga's warning before she enter Kenan's jail.

"I will let you feel how you to be disgusted toward someone whom you thought was the one for you."

Novena hugged her knees as she lean on the wall. She needs to evaluate her feelings for Kenan before it's too late.

Novana thought that Kenan's daily I Love You was a passing joke. But when he decided to stay showering the same words and never blamed her for not being able to return to his era. Novena recalled Kenan's words when she asked him before but he just nonchalantly said that he can't even regret choosing her to have his heart. Novena garnered her strength and kneel down facing the south toward her home.

"Our God who listens, acts and command. We have done wrong to deny the love and covenant You have for us. Rescue us from this jail. Send Your angels to break us free from here. Amen."

Kenan's cries were heared as Holga beat his back with her whip made of beaks. His backs felt like a carrier of egg with shallow hole. His pants are soaked with his bleeding. He tried to hold back his yelp since he know that Holga is doing this on purpose to hurt Novena but the impact and pain is undeniable. His tears got frozen by his lazuli to prevent Holga from rejoicing.

Cyprus lead the team as they trailed Ophir who is allowing the firefly to navigate their way in locating Novena. When they found a hunted house in the middle of a single tower in the middle of a cliff. The crows started to make a lous shrill sound. The tower got surrounded by the crows. Another flock of crows gathered above and in their sides.

Hexel used his sword to butcher the persistent birds. Ain cut the dimension and directed them unto the sea. Ophir used his bones to dance with like a blade man waltzing. Nevi used his palm to crush them. Kiel spoke with the nature to cage the birds and Cyprus raised his hand to freeze the crows blood. By his getsure all the crows including the one enveloping the hunted house dropped. The Tale Bearers clapped their hands that made Cyprus bashful.

Holga felt the sudden cease unto her blood. She counted the seconds of interval before it resumed. She cotton-pick who might be the beholder of that fearsome gift. She instantly bondage Kenan's blood to prevent the enemy from sniffing but it was late for Holga when Ain cut the dimension within Kenan's cell and the Tale Bearers jumped within.

Hexel and Cyprus help Kenan to steady his wound. Nevi and Ophir instantly pound on Holga as they recalled how she made Lehi's grandfather cry. Holga was taken aback from the attack that broke the cell. Noven got unchained by Kiel and Ain. Cyprus commanded Ain to open the dimension towards El Oathniel to aid Kenan. Ophir noded and Kiel stayed with Nevi as Novena got convinced by Hexel to join them.

Kiel can feel the intense vengeance brewing from Nevi and Lehi. Kiel can't allow them to fight in that state. He understand the root of their bitterness but they won't win a battle with negative vibes. Kiel stamp his cane to catch Nevi and Ophir's attention as he prayed.

"Lord who never left us. Your the only one who is allowed to bestow judgement upon someone's life. Vanquish the anger and vengeance brewing upon tgeir heart. May Your way of settling things prevail. Amen."

Keil got clothed like the guardian of a night forest. Ophir bowed his head in shame. Nevi did they same they both uttered a word of repentance. Nevi got himself armoured like a firefly and Ophir had his bones tinted with his salt water and blood. Kiel grinned at Ophir and Nevi as they searched for Holga within her hunted place.