Chapter 134: Let It Be As You Say.

Holga limp unto the sewage she secretly planted in her house. This is her secret escape that got busted when Nevi punched through the cylindrical pipe like hide out she is currently crawling. Keil used the wind to locate her area. Thankfully there are wild vines hugging her wall that informed them about her spot. Holga chuntered because of her sudden fall. Ophir's glare made her inward system yelp. If she recalled correctly he was the man who was weeping when she threw the woman unto the well.

Holga concentrated her force unto her heel and used it as her foundation to propel herself with the air. She needs to transform unto a crow in order to escape she shrink herself and broke her window to fly but a vine tangled her midget form that pulled her to the ground where the trio stand. Holga cannot stand the humiliating situation she is in.

The Care Takers are bestowed with the gift to transformed unto the animal they wished to be but they had a forbidden rule to never merge their self unto their desired form because it will only mean irreversible. Holga spit her hesitation and howled like a mad witch as her back grew a dark wings. He waist were of a bird. Her chest were covered in black feather her right hand and left foot were like the claw of the crows.

Her squinty eyes glitters in rage as she charge toward Ophir but Nevi pulled one of her wings that had her sit down forcefully. Ophir thrust his bones unto her neck to prevent her motions. Kiel had the vines tie her feet as she struggle under Nevi and Ophir's wrath.

"Why did you send her away?" Ophir asked with icy vocal.

Holga hissed at Ophir but it instantly turn unto a yelp. Nevi broke one of her wings as he single handedly pulled it with his palm.

"He asked me to do it."

Ophir pushed his bones enough to scratch her face and uttered sternly.

"I am asking who. I am only asking why?!"

"It's because someone asked me to do it. "

Ophir thrust the bone unto her thigh and asked another question.

"Who asked you?"

Holga was about to speak but her body got magnified by a strong force outside the roof. Nevi and Ophir tried to catch up but she suddenly disappeared.

It's been weeks but Kenan remained face flat on his bed. The holes in his back were manually cured since Lehi's oil no longer existed. Sotai and Cyrus interviewed Kenan about his experience. Kenan introduced himself as Novena's lover. Novena just shrugged at him but did not deny it.

Novena bowed her head unto Nevi and Ophir.

"It was my negligence that Lehi got sent unto her era earlier than expected. Honestly the triad harpsichord has caused a disorder unto the temple ever since Nevi got realised as one of you. My words right now won't ease what you felt and witness ...but I will do my best to intervene if a special case would be applicable."

Nevi clenched his fist and opened his mouth. His temper can't be suppressed if it does, it will only boil down to him.

"I don't understand why you would always leave unannounced. You were too boring handling us that I believe deep within your heart you desired for something like this to happen. I am sorry but for now, I am holding you accountable. You were too relaxed honestly that we need to fight our ground in your schedule just to have our concern dealt."

Ophir did not say anything but his silence were heavier than Nevi's words. Novena bowed her head till the two marched away from her. A long deep cut jagged her heart and authority in peices. Nevi was right. She was too bored that she honestly wished for something exciting to happen but her lacerated soul only bear regrets as of now.

Natalina thought of something to distract Nevi and Ophir's negative mood. She invited the two to help her tend the boys. Cyprus is helping Cyrus redesign the palace that got evaporated. It could have been easy with her help but they refused since her womb is still healing.

Nevi and Ophir refused to take good care of Keihla since he got Cyrus stern face. It was like dealing with a mini strict King. Nevi favoured Nimrod who flashes his dimples. Ophir played with Scymore whose features were like Natalina. Nevi and Ophir panicked when the triplets would cry in unison. They were like marching in a battle field whenever they changed the baby's garments and clean the children's poop. They were singing a lullaby to have the boys take a nap. Natalina breathed with joy when the two got distracted from Lehi's disappearance.

Natalina thanked the two when her children finally settled.

Ophir just grinned at her and spoke.

"We appreciate you for helping us ease our pain and longing. I honestly don't know how to cope up with it. It's like a part of my heart got raptured."

Natalina embraced Ophir as Nevi leaned at the nearest pillar listening. Natalina started to speak about her experience that they were curious about.

"When I got abducted by Cyprus. I hated myself for being helpless. I cried every single day. There were times that I got the chance to escape but I choosed not to do it. "

Ophir and Nevi looked at her in startlement. They asked a unison of "Why?"

Natalina chuckled at their timing. She now understand Lehi's jealousy toward Nevi.

"Because I was ashamed and guilty. I did not mean it but I became fond of him."

Nevi and Ophir joined Natalina for dinner before resigning to their rooms. Cyprus hid himself as he bit his lower lips. He somewhat felt bad for making her cry daily back then. When Ophir and Nevi spotted him behind the door as they exited. He gave them the sign to keep quiet. The two nod their heads and walked back to there chambers.