Chapter 138: Unrecognised Shawl

"Most of the victims said that as soon as they became aware of th scent their body started to react." Hexel informed.

Kiel looked refreshed after a nap. Kiel spoke with the flowers to halt anything suspicious.

The night got deeper but nothing special occurred. Ophir nod off as his eye lashes got heavier. Lehi and Hexel walk around to check all the patients if they are resting well. Ain and Nevi almost drink a barrel of coffee to stay awake. Keil carried his son in his arms as he started roaming around waiting for the flowers to alert him. When he took a glance outside. The reddish purple color ribboned the moon that is watching over them.

Lehi and Hexel finished their rounds when they smell a rotten flesh coming from the boundary. They both put on a mask soaked in Lehi's oil. They ducked and crawl silently and entered the reddish and spotted purple ground. They blended with the flower and tried to catch any sign of the enemy. But the first ray of light strike their lenses. The reddish purple turned unto yellow with spotted green field. Lehi and Hexel get back to their base and took a little rest.

Aquila took the opportunity to walk all over the place. All the victims are getting better. They started to chat and greet her.

"I heared a loud SSSSS sound coming from the boundary."

One of the old man commented. The people harmonised in informing Aquila that they heared it.

Ophir woke up Lehi for a meeting. Aquila passed the message coming from the patients. Their current base is the largest house within the area since it's distance from that border is not that far nor near. It's brown clay with paper windows and doors welcomes the wind at the same time it functions to penetrate the strong air. The chamber alloted for the sick is the main hall for gatherings. Aquila only rested some beddings and transparent devider for each individual. Lehi and Hexel informed them about the alien motion and noises they heared from the graveyard. When the two went out to check it, they only spotted a hazy figure of lips blended with the transfiguration of the flowers color.

Ophir confess that somehow he dozed off. Ain and Nevi admitted that they also did. Kiel and Urchin join them later. They feed the victims with the meal cooked by Nevi. The people were delighted and most requested for another plate. After the meal one of the women screamed as she pointed towards the grave yard. The mourning flower withered and the flies gathered.

Ain, Ophir and Nevi went to the grave to check the flowers. Worms are swarming on the ground. Ain almost yelp and cried at the sight. Ophir used his salt water to pour out and nourish the flowers but it was useless. The soil got soften and the worms wiggled at the wet surface. Nevi felt like vomiting at the sight. Ain instantly resize the worms and it looked more scary than their normal size. The tiny creatures proceed sinuously and insidiously. The damp soil started to sink. Ophir used his bones for support Ain resize himself as a giant to survey the whole area but found no one behind the string. Nevi had enough, he raised his fist on ear and prayed.

"Lord God who can see even to the deepest core of our heart. Help us notice what is stopping us to see Your truth beyond this graves, worms and flowers. Let it be that whatever is behind this will be transparent unto our face. Thank you for the support.Amen."

Nevi got clothed with the damp soil. His armour was made of the flower. His posture framed a knight that escorted the lost soul. Nevi punched the ground and it formed a little volcano. His forced even cleanly separate the worms, withered flower, grave and soil. It's like an ice cream with mixed toppings.

Lehi, Hexel and Kiel with Aquila and the others felt Nevi's punch. The intensity reached their area. Lehi and Hexel advised the people to evacuate farther. Kiel lead the team guarding them with the nature. Lehi stayed at the end of the line to make the people felt secured. Hexel and Urchin went to join Nevi, Hexel and Ain.

Ain saw a strange aura forming in front of the evacuating group.

"We need to help and aid them. Something strange is forming at their front."

Ain said as he picked up Hexel and Ophir. He threw them as he opened the dimension right above Kiel. The two screamed and landed as they used Kiel as their foundation. Kiel glared at the two and Ophir explained the situation. Kiel commanded the trees to succumb and gather the people under a small wing with roof.

The aura instantly formed unto a huge nose. The nose looked old and wrinkly. Hexel unsheathed his weapon that transformed unto a sharp cotton buds. Ophir merged his bones as they defend themselves from the wind coming from the nostril. When it inhaled, the two struggled to defend their ground. The nose released a liquid that made Hexel nauseated. Kiel shielded himself with the leaves. Ophir got drenched with the sticky liquid. The nose snored and it almost break Ophir's ear drum.

The nose produced a rough horse noise continuously that it made Ophir angry. His heightened hearing can tell that the owner of the nose is asleep. Ophir ordered Kiel to block the holes. Kiel commanded the rock to hit the holes but it got sucked in.

Ain and Nevi tried to follow behind but thier movement got halted by an eyeball. It gazed intently toward them. Ain tried to resize it but it was ineffective. Nevi plucked one of it's eye hair if it reacts. The eye blinked and glared at the two. They moved hastily and swiftly that made their reflection blurry. Ain tried to slice the eye but his space went through the eye ball. Their motion got halted when the eye winked.