Chapter 139: Put on Your Best Clothes

Ain resize Nevi into a giant to punch the eye ball. The force Nevi bestowed made the alien member shut it's lashes in pain. Nevi continued to rammed his fist. His consistent attack exerted a pressure that weight a forcing blow that executed the eyes to vanish. Mean while Ophir, Kiel and Hexel got magnified inside the nostril that made them enter unto a vaccum. Lehi made her way out from Kiel's refuge and saw how Nevi vanished the eye. Lehi can't locate Kiel, Ophir and Hexel. Lehi decided to join Nevi, Ain and Urchin.

Lehi inquired about the situation. She got entrapped by Kiel's shield. She also checked the people around if anyone is injured. Lehi tapped Aquila that she will join them but she did not expect to hear such extraordinary monsters. Who wouldn't creep out when an eye ball appear right above you out of nowhere. And a nose? Lehi can hear the gaseous extract from the outside within Kiel's refuge a while ago but to think that it's from a nose without any other face is way a level of unsettling.

Lehi felt somewhat in rage. Then the hazy figure they meet that dawn is not a whole body but a part of the body. She tried to wreck her memories for the sure shape but her mind kept recalling how well it blended with the nature.

"I am a little angry. Whoever is behind this, is trying to scare the people here by pretending as God." Lehi remarked.

Nevi also nod his head as he wiped the juicy pulp left unto his fist from punching the eye ball as Nevi inquired.

"Where are the people then?"

Lehi pointed towards the direction where Ain threw the gang.

"I better transport them and craft some door. I' ll connect them unto the new house they plan to venture. For now let's go and asked Aquila." Ain reasoned out as he carried Urchin in his arms.

When they reached the area Aquila instructed Ain to put up a dimension that would conceal them on the same spot. Ain redraw a border and line to make the people at ease.

"Then we will remain and camp outside Ain's box. I will leave the rest to you. The victims were getting better, just feed them with banana each meal. It will empower their protein." Lehi gently informed.

They started to put on a camp as Ain transformed everything bigger. Nevi used his bare hands and foot to put on a simple roof. Urchin started to silently gave them a signal that his hungry when his small stomach loudly growled. Ain and Lehi walked around to gather any healthy food.

As they walked around, they found a hand weeding out the mushroom they are about to approach. Lehi used her oil to immobilise the hand. Ain instantly open the dimension where it's coming from but the hand just yanked itself by the moment it gathered the mushroom. Lehi preserved the oil for observation later. Ain was pissed that their target ingredients got taken by a faceless hand. The hand was of a woman's texture but the eye and nose was certainly for a man.

Ain and Lehi fast forward their movement when they found a foot chasing and running after them. Lehi never felt scared like this. It's like a horror movie where the ghost might have encountered a horrible death. Nevi and Urchin can see that the two were panting hard to catch their breath. Even Ain cannot react. The foot was of a woman with blood gliding on it's side.

"This is creepy we saw a woman's hand and foot. Sorry we were shock to see one. This are the only ingredients we gathered." Lehi explained as she calmed herself.

Urchin hid behind Nevi when the hand and foot appear right behind the two. Nevi stood and reformed his armour. Ain and Lehi run behind him. Nevi knew that Lehi is not fond of any kinds of horror display but contrary for him who loves thrilling event this assignment will surely satisfies his titillate nature.

Ophir, Keil and Hexel looked around to see only an empty void. Kiel expected to see some nose hair. Hexel was disgusted and expect to swim on snout. Ophir did have the sense that they will land on an empty space but not on a vast one. They walked around as Hexel and Kiel hugged Ophir's arms.

"This place is too much for me." Kiel squeaked.

Hexel looked above when something sticky landed on his head. He started to shake when he realised that they are inside someone's system. The drops on his body started to multiply as he shook.

"This is a saliva!" I bet we are inside a sinus. We just can't see it because we do not acknowledge." Hexel explained.

As soon as they acknowledge it. They found themselves being washed deeper within.

Nevi enjoyed his battle and duel with the foot and hand. It's skilled when the foot landed on his face. The hand slapped both of his cheeks that made Lehi and Ain gasped. No one has ever land a finger on Nevi's face before. Instead of glaring they were surprised to see that Nevi was chuckling. Lehi knew that Nevi loved thrilling event but not to this point that it droves him insane. Lehi was about to help him stood up but the hand suddenly grabbed her hair. Lehi felt like her neck will snap at any moment. The hand forcefully pull her downward. Urchin started yanking the hand and it made Lehi kneel down on the ground. Lehi hated it when someone hauled her hair. Urchin picked up a stick to strike the hand and it released Lehi's hair. The hand started to go after Urchin's butt and spank it as they encircled the whole camp. Ain lifted up Urchin and hid his butt as he hugged the boy. The hand halted and Ain got spank on the butt as well. Ain got enraged, his mother never spank him. Ain put down Urchin as his spirit got sky rocketed.

"How dare you land a hand on my precious butt?! My parents never did that to me! So how can a hand without any body can hurt me!"