Chapter 140: Since You Are.

Nevi suddenly felt like a quiver made all the hair in his body stood when Ain snapped. Ain mercilessly punished the foot and hand as he interrogated it. Nevi had his cheeks left with a hand print from the slap. Lehi's hair were unkempt. And Urchin watched as he rubbed his butt. They watched Ain get in rampage.

"Start talking before I break this fingers!"

Ain scolded

The hand scribbled something on the soil.

"I don't have a mouth!"

Ain roared at the hand as the 15 year old boy stamp his feet.

"Then write it down!"

The hand dramatically withdrew and extended it's hand toward Urchin. Urchin accepted the hand but the foot landed on his little palm.

"Quit joking!" Ain yelled.

They suddenly entered a trance. Lehi and Nevi walked with their messy posture as Ain join them. They found Urchin seated on a fountain looking straight forward. When they glanced at what his watching they found a woman in her beautiful gown. A man stood in front of her. The scene suddenly changed when titans annihilated their place. The titan eat the people who first lived in the village. The woman got fancied by the titan to be his bride but the cord of marraige walled the woman alone for her husband. The titan got angry and killed all the men as he tortured the woman's husband till he died but the cord of marraige were unbroken. The titan hated and cursed the God loved by this people. The sky roared and consumed the giant.

The thunder recited a judgement unto the titan.

"No one will ever see you even if they chase you. This is the payment for all the people you have eaten."

Before the Titan disappeared, He crushed the woman's body till her foot and hand was the only member left.

After seeing the woman's past Ain bowed and asked for forgiveness. The woman smiled at them and invited them to enter an ear like door. Lehi, Nevi, Ain and Urchin hesitated but the woman's smile was encouraging for them to move ahead.

Ophir covered his ear from the loud crumbling echoing all over them. Ophir got tired of the noise and extend his hand in prayer.

" Our Father who resides in our heart. Our only God that behold faithfulness, compassion and righteousness. May Your truth led the graving soul eaten by this being. The flesh and bones are carefully knitted by You. Bring justice and honor not for the dead bodies but for the glorious legacy that You started with this people. Perish the nightmare that haunts them until their death. May Your love bring peace upon this trampled souls. Amen."

Ophir unleashed all the blood within the body and Kiel purified it with his cane.

"Sovereign God that is our Savior and Refuge. Your the proof that Heaven and Hell existed. We don't have the right to judge anyone. We entrust this lone and gloomy being unto Your merciful hand. With Your glorious name and authority we purify and cleanse this space that engulfed even those who are burried and are rested. Amen."

The giant roared in gratitude when it's pain ended. Ophir, Kiel and Hexel landed on their camp. The team celebrated forgetting the people trapped within Kiel and Ain's gift. When they recalled about the trapped people Ain and Kiel instantly released them.

Lehi and Ophir performed the Auto-harmony. Lehi bestowed REVERB and all the scenes got sucked in. Ophir put upon the title " Stringed Cord." and sealed it with the Tale Bearer. Nevi put upon the date and cover book. The cover was of a cord in vertical and a string knot as a ribbon. It's the first book they will remit unto Kenan.

Kenan was glad and congratulated them. Kenan can't describe the emotion his heart is forming right now since it's the first time he recieved a sacred book for the underground. He used to be the one surrendering and collecting this kind of testimonies but now he is in position to submit it as a Care Taker. It felt wierd that Novena is no longer around to do this kind of stuff. After submitting he rewareded his harpsichord with a meal he especially cooked. Kenan understood how hard it was to get this stories complete. It's a life and death situation most of the time.

The Tale Bearers are happy to hear that the grave reconstructed by Nevi became a historical land. The story got told and passed down all over the Kingdom. The quote made the marraige line sparkling.

"Even giants cannot break the marraige stringed and corded by God."

Cyrus felt a glint of longing with those lines. Every evening he would lay down at the garden where Gardenia's grave was laid. Cyrus sometimes wonder if Gardenia even tried to choose a way to thrive and live watching their grandchild grow up. Cyrus wished that he can dig her grave like a blanket and put it over them. He lifted his finger and made a pinky swear up on the starry night.

"I vowed to be with you till the end. You shouldn't leave me halfway, cunning wife."

Kiel watched from the sideline as he symphatise with his father every single night. His father stand by at her mother's grave. He wonders if those snacks she used to hid for him were personally made by her hands. Kiel started to miss those stolen sweets. Kiel retired for the day as he join Urchin for a warm bath.

Hexel got home to find their house in ashes. He inquired about what happened and searched for his parents.

"The duke is unconscious he got hit by a bullet in his office. The duchess is currently treating him." Seena reported.

The Tale Bearers heared about what happened and visited Hexel's household. The beautiful pearl castle got tinted with dull scorched appearance. Most of their maids and butlers were injured and wounded. Hexel walked around their burnt building and tried to locate the cause of the fire but he cannot identify anything since all their things were now in ashes.